like what you see?

summary: basically drake and mc at the gym?
words: 1,4k+

With everything that’s been going on in her life right now, Dhalia really needed something to help take her mind off of the whole Tariq and Liam/Drake situations. So she figured that the best distraction would be the gym. She’s never been there before because all of the craziness but now seemed like a perfect time.

Waking down the hallway she caught herself thinking about the future yet again and because of that, she bumped right into King Liam himself – right now, literally the last person she wanted to see.

Liam wanted to talk to her for almost a week now but she always came up with some kinda excuse because she wasn’t ready to face him. She knew that she has to finally talk to him. He really deserved to know she’s not in love with him but rather his friend, his best friend for that matter – not that it made anything better. It’s just she couldn’t make herself to do that. She simply didn’t want to break his heart or be the reason for Drake and him to fight.

“Lady Dhalia. As always it’s a pleasure to run into you” Liam said with a soft smile on his lips. “I was hoping we could finally talk?”

“I’d love to but I was kinda going to the gym? I know it’s not really important…” She trailed off hoping that Liam somehow would take a hint.

“Oh of course. I don’t mean to interrupt. Hopefully, I will catch you when you’re not busy. Enjoy your time in the gym.”

“Thank you. See you around?” She asked and Liam simply nodded.

When they went their separate ways Dhalia let out a heavy sigh and head back to her destination in even worse mood than before. She put earbuds in hoping that if anyone sees her they would notice that she’s listening to music and just leave her alone.

The road to the gym was surprisingly long but after the brief conversation with Liam, Dhalia was even more determined to work out and at least forget about the world for a moment.

With some random work out playlist, she finally came where she wanted to come just to find out that she won’t be there alone. There, almost exactly in the middle of the room, was Drake (shirtless Drake just to be exact) doing push-ups. Dhalia groans mentally but still, she just couldn’t make herself to take her eyes off of him. Drake’s body was covered in sweat what meant that he was there for a while now. He was so concentrated he didn’t even notice that she came in. At least that’s what she thought because as soon as she thought about it Drake spoke up.

“You like what you see, Cole?” He asked without even looking at her.

“I- um… Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. In fact, I was hoping I’d be here alone.” She explained and then, to change the subject, quickly added “I didn’t know you work out”

“You wanna say that I’m in a bad shape?” Drake asked, teasingly but Dhalia wasn’t really in the mood for their usual bickering.

“What? No, of course not. I’d say you’re in a really really great shape. I just assumed you were ‘born that way’ i guess?” She tried to explain as her face turned red.

“Why thank you very much for the compliment, Cole.” He smirked and finally stopped doing the push-ups. He stood up and for a moment they both just stared at each other. Drake looked concerned almost worried. He sighed and walked closer to her. “What’s up, Cole?” He asked. “I can see that something’s clearly bothering you. Wanna talk about it?

“I came here exactly not to do that.” She laughed dryly then quickly collected herself. “And since apparently, you’re such a gym freak you can help me?” She proposed.

She could saw that Drake wasn’t really buying it but she also knew that they know each other long enough that he knew she will talk to him if she’d need to.

“Who am I to say no to you?” He laughed and closed the doors behind her. “So what exactly do you have in mind?”

“I don’t know. Just show me all you’ve got. And don’t get easy on me”

“I’d never. You can be sure about that”

And even tho he said he wouldn’t for first few minutes Drake kinda went easy on her but he was sure to explain it and said he just wanted to see how far she could go. So after maybe twenty minutes Drake really went all in. Other than Drake instructing Dhalia where to put her leg or stuff like that hey didn’t really talk between exercises but it didn’t really matter.

“No no no, I said keep your hands in a straight line. Here, let me show you.” Drake repeated as Dhalia for the third time did it wrong. She was pretty sure Drake knew she did that on purpose but as long as he just rolled with it everything was okay. At this point, they were covered in sweat and both of them were breathing heavily. Drake came unnecessarily close, not that Dhalia really minded, and she could feel his breath on her neck which caused shiver coming down her spine. First, his hands landed on her hips as he instructed her to stand still. Then he moved them to her arms and place them in the right position.

“You know, you couldn’t be more obvious, Cole.” He whispered but, as always, didn’t do anything to take this further.

“I have no idea what are you talking about.” She said, taking one step back that now her back was pressed against his chest.

“You’ll be the death of me one day.”

“Is it a good or bad thing?”

“Haven’t figured that out yet” Drake confessed and finally let go of her arms.

“I guess we’ll have to wait and see”

“I guess so” He agreed. “So now that you know how to do that I’ll come back to my push-ups.” He added and go back to his previous spot. And well that’s not what she wanted to accomplish so she stopped doing what she’s supposed to do and decided to join Drake.

“What are you doing, Cole?”

“Oh don’t mind me. I’m just gonna lay here for a bit.” She said as she slipped under him with an innocent smile on her face.

“You just so happen to want to rest under me? Really, Cole?” He asked but couldn’t hide a smile.

“Indeed. I don’t know why you sound so surprised. And you most certainly don’t have to stop your work out. So go ahead you won’t even notice I’m here” She stated as her innocent smile melted into a smirk.

“Oh yeah, I’m sure about that” Drake rolled his eyes but a few seconds later came back to what he was doing.

For a moment nothing was really happening, except the fact that Drake’s face was closer to her’s with every push-up he’s done. And then, suddenly, as Drake went down their lips met just for a brief second. Drake was completely taken aback at first but then he smirked as well and the next time their faces were inches apart he initiated the kiss.

“Now that was a pleasant surprise” Dhalia teased.

Drake didn’t say nothing more, he just shook his head and again lean in for a kiss. This time it wasn’t just quick peck on the lips. With every second it was getting more heated. Drake lowered himself to be more comfortable and Dhalia run her fingers through his hair.

“We really shouldn’t be doing this, not here. Someone can come here and see us”

“So let them see. Aren’t you tired of this constant hiding?” She asked as she placed a hand on his cheek.

“You know I am, Cole. But we’re so close to finally clearing your name and we both know how this… us… would complicate things. And then there’s Liam…” Drake sighed. “As much as I’d want to and believe me when I tell you I really would want to, we can’t risk everything, not now.”

“I know, I know. I just wish all of this was already over” She admitted as Drake laid down beside her.

“Was that what was bothering you? When you came here?” He asked, bringing Dhalia closer.

“Yeah, mostly. But thanks to you I really do feel better right now.” She smiled softly. “Thanks, Drake” She added and kiss him on the cheek.

“You know I’m there for you, Cole. Anytime you need me”

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