Long Overdue – Crack!Fic

Summary: Chelsea and Elle get what’s been a long time coming.

Recommended Pre-Reading: We Need to Talk

Jaela: Normani Kordei
Elizabeth: Sonam Kapoor
STB Liam: Kendrick Sampson
Revelation Liam: Liam Hemsworth
Drake (STB and Revelation): Daniel di Tomasso
Chelsea: Herself (sunburn edition)
Elle: Herself (Hobo edition)


It’s a peaceful evening in Minnesota and an even more peaceful afternoon in Sydney despite the latest chapters of Supposed to Be and The Revelation series being posted merely hours ago. As they wait for the screams to come cracking through the air – and some have definitely already arrived – our two fanfiction writers Chelsea and Elle are having a conversation which is going a little like this:


Elle’s scream is cut short when she lands on something strange and bony, drawing a reflexive ‘Ooofh’ sound from her before-

“What the hell! What the hell– what the– ELLE?!”

Elle scrambles up to her feet as the thing she landed on begins to move.

Elle: CHELSEA?!?

Sure enough her small Minnesotan friend hauls herself to her feet, rubbing her joints and Elle feels slightly bad about landing on her. She takes in the sight of Chelsea – they’ve never met in person before – but her eyes keep returning to one prominent feature.

Elle: Um is that..uh..
Chelsea: Don’t mention it. I swear.

Elle has to bite her tongue to keep from laughing at the angry red sunburn on Chelsea’s face in a perfect outline of a pair of sunglasses. Chelsea, meanwhile, crosses her arms and looks around the room… sunglasses-outlined eyes widening at the sight, realization dawning over her.

Chelsea: Elle… is… is this…
Elle: …Cordonia, Chelsea. We’re in Cordonia…

Elle looks around to find that her friend is indeed correct and takes in the ornate decorations of the royal bedchamber.

Elle: Holy shit you’re right Chelsea!
Chelsea: Holy hell. Oh my god. He still has that painting. That’s where him and Jaela– oh my god.

It’s like heaven and hell all at once, Elle watches in surprise as Chelsea starts circling, hands on her face, eyes darting everywhere, breath short.

Elle: Chelsea…
Chelsea: I’m a fucking Drake stan and I’m about to die right now, Elle. It’s LIAM’S ROOM. KINKY KING– I JUST SAID THAT OUT LOUD– LIAM FUCKING–

Elle feels her own face heat up at this but puts her hands on her frantic friend’s shoulders.

Elle: CHELSEA! Get a fucking grip woman! Yes this is Cordonia and yes we’re in king kinky’s bedroom – oh fuck now you’ve got me saying it out loud too – but do you know what this means?
Chelsea: Kinky sex ON THE FLY GIRL.
Elle: OHMYGOD *wild images flash to her mind* You don’t think he has a sex room somewhere here does he…?

Chelsea’s eyes widen.

Chelsea: Elle, don’t play. I can’t – we’re in Liam’s room in Cordonia…. Wait. How?

Elle physically shakes herself.

Elle: I have no idea. I came here once before but it seemed like some stupid dream but if you’re here with me now… *eyes widen* Chelsea we have to get out of here now.
Chelsea: Okay… but do we really though… I mean….
Elle: Do you remember what happened to me last time? I made all these promises that I never kept about giving them happy endings, no angst and if they find me here do you know what they will do to me.. After the last Revelation chapter??? To us….

Chelsea gestures around the room she only– literally– imagined. Until now. Flashes of Supposed To Be race through her head– and the guilt– but… none of it really matters when she’s in Cordonia.

Elle: We have to get tf out of there before they FIND US.

Chelsea wants to say that she really won’t mind– but the wayward thought of, Oh, remember the months of hell you put us through?, pops in her head, their three voices as if they’re right there. And they are, maybe, depending. Surely they couldn’t be in two universes…. Chelsea gulps, bouncing on her toes, looking up at her tall friend.

Chelsea: Okay… fine. You’re right. And after Supposed To Be… and what I’m going to do to them in Autumn Blues….
Elle: Fuck Chelsea we better run.

The two of them yank the door open and dash waywardly down the corridors, narrowly avoiding being spotted by various palace staff until they pause for a moment, chests heaving from exertion.

Elle: We are no closer to getting out than we started! This place is a damn maze…
Chelsea: We’ll never get out of here if you keep making me think of all the places Liam’s banged. It’s distracting and I don’t think I can get any redder.

Just then they hear voices approaching closer now and grabbing her friends hand, Elle wrenches the nearest door open and they scurry inside. The pair barely have time to appreciate the wide spacious parlour they have just stepped into as the voices draw nearer still, almost at the entrance when Chelsea spots a big wardrobe in the room and both of them share a glance and stumble into it shutting the door after them. Just in time too as they hear door of the parlour open and people start to enter.

Voice 1: I don’t know how you did it Jaela… It’s like she wants to kill me from the angst…

Inside the cupboard, Elle and Chelsea shared a look of horror.

Jaela’s here? Shit.

Jaela: Girl, trust me, I know. I don’t know how I did it myself. You’ve just… got to stay strong, I suppose. And… Elizabeth..*sigh* Don’t do what she made me do. I swear to god if I ever see her….

Jaela trails off, and Chelsea knows the all too familiar bitterness in her voice– one she wrote too many times before. Chelsea peeks through the crack, the women they torture slipping into view for a brief moment. Meanwhile Elle’s breathing has picked up as she realises how much danger her and Chelsea are in with both Elizabeth and Jaela in the room, the only thing separating them from their wrath being the wooden door of the wardrobe.

Elizabeth: At least Chelsea didn’t push you off a fucking cliff. I think I’m the only MC in the fandom who can lay claim to that one…
Jaela: And I’m one who can look Liam dead in the eye and tell him I don’t want his kid…
Elizabeth: Ouch… yea thats pretty terrible. I mean at least I have the brain damage excuse to fall back on for being a bitch right?
Jaela: ….
Jaela: Anyways… who the hell writes this kind of shit and claims they’re completely fine….
Elizabeth: Yeah what the fuck did we ever do to deserve this?
Chelsea: *whispers* Elle, is it bad I want to laugh?
Elle: *whispers back* omg is it bad that I want to as well
Chelsea: Nope.

The pair suddenly flinch as the parlour door opens and more people seem to enter the room.

Elle: *whispers* how tf are we supposed to get out now…
Man’s voice: Two different stories and we’re still the second choice…. Well, maybe not for you yet. For me….
Jaela and Elizabeth and Chelsea and Elle: Liam?!
Elizabeth: Hang on what is going on here? Who are you..?
Man’s voice: I’m… Liam.
Revelation Liam: Uh.. So am I…
Elizabeth: How can you both be Liam?
Jaela: What… the… fuck….

There is a pregnant pause where everyone attempts to make sense of the situation and our two writers continue their silent freakout in the wardrobe.

STB Liam: *clears throat* If I may, we might be from two different stories.
Jaela: Well… I guess it makes some sense?
STB Liam: Thats why theres two of us…
Rev Liam: ….two of you,
STB Liam: ….and two of–

Two voices of the same calibre and tone suddenly interrupt him.

Man’s Voice: Richmond?
Man’s Voice: Abdi?
Jaela and Elizabeth and Chelsea and Elle: Drake?!
Drake 1: Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on here?
Drake 2: Why are there two of us? Richmond I swear if this is some stupid prank from you and Maxwell.
Chelsea: Oh… my… god… It’s Dra– * makes a high pitched fangirl sound*

Elle’s hand moves rapidly to cover Chelsea’s mouth, making contact with an overwhelming THWACK! Chelsea’s eyes fill with reflexive tears from the impact but before either of them can move, the voices outside the wardrobe door suddenly stop. Hearts pounding, they glance in horror at each other as footsteps approach their hiding place and stop just outside the door. In spite of themselves, Chelsea and Elle cling to each other in terror of being discovered, eyes trained on the door knob as it begins to turn.

Their visual fields are flooded with light streaming through the windows of the parlour as the door is suddenly opened, only to be blocked out by the tall imposing silhouette of a man staring down at them. They know it can’t be an angel, for he’s scowling too much and as their eyes adjust to the influx of light they realise that they’re staring right at…

Chelsea: DRAKE!?!

If Elle hadn’t been clutching onto her friend, the American would surely have fainted from the mere sight of seeing her pixelated husband who surely cannot be real, not right now – in the flesh standing right before them. Elle’s own eyes widen as her gaze sweeps up his body, noting the extra muscle tone he’s gained since they last met. He looks even better her mind squeals and she struggles to keep herself from salivating at his flexed arms still holding the wardrobe doors open.

Drake: *raises eyebrow* Finished drooling you two?

Jaela, Liz, and the Liams crowd around the two Drakes blocking out the light. Their faces fall at their collective expressions of anger and annoyance.

Chelsea: Shit…
Elle: This is how we die Chelsea… *adjusts her glasses nervously before continuing in a louder voice* Hey guys…

Chelsea looks between the faces, then focuses on the two Drake’s the only two nearly identical features in the room. She adjusts her own glasses, gulping. There’s just one thing she has to know before she dies.

Chelsea: So… how can we tell which one of you is… our Drake?

Jaela and Liz blink rapidly, stepping forward, an arm possessively coming to rest over the chest of a Drake.

Jaela: Excuse me? Is this bitch serious right now, Liz?
Elle: Well, I’m pretty sure my Drake would never wear a man bun.
Liz: Your Drake? *glares venomously at her before turning to Jaela* She does have a point. I don’t do man buns, he’s yours. *jerks chin at the Drake with longer hair swept up into a haphazard knot*
Revelation Drake: *tilts head* I thought you liked me having long hair.
Elizabeth: *looks at him pointedly* If you ever have a man bun, I will not hesitate divorce you in a heartbeat.
Jaela: *chuckles and tugs on STB Drake’s manbun, smirking* You’re missing out. The longer the hair, the better to pull on.

STB Drake blushes at Jaela’s joke, while STB Liam glances away, head down, running and hand over his bald head. Chelsea winces– it’s worse seeing his expression up close.

Chelsea: Poor Lima…
Elle: OMg Chelsea *swats her arm* that’s a Team Thirsty thing, you can’t say that to a literal KING…
The Liams: *appalled* You call us… Lima…?
Jaela: Okay, okay– aside from that weird ass shit– who the hell are you two, hiding in a closet, thinking our men are yours… for whatever reason… and…
Liz: *sighs in frustration* This is Elle… also known as the girl who decided to make our lives a living hell for her own personal entertainment…
Elle: *adjusts her glasses meekly* Uhh…hi guys.. I’m back…. *takes in all of them before her eyes land on Revelation Drake and the way his muscles seem to be perfectly accentuated by the fitted white t-shirt he’s wearing, she blushes as he looks at her* You’re um… more ripped than I remember…
Rev Drake: Yeah thanks to all the stress working out you’ve made me do while Liz was in NYC.

Elle is about say something about how angst might not be a bad thing after all when she’s interrupted.

Jaela: Wait… so that means… you *points at Chelsea, quivering*… goddamn YOU… must be–

Jaela’s eyes widen and STB Drake and Liam move fast, pulling her back before she takes another step, face screwed up in anger. It’s worse than Chelsea ever imagined, writing her emotions over and over– but to see it? Chelsea bumps into Elle as her legs begin to shake.

Chelsea: Um… yeah. That’s me. But really, it’s not me writing this, you see–
Jaela: Like hell– let me at her–
Chelsea: It’s my muse! And uh… Elle? Help me out?
Elle: Uhh I don’t think I can Chels. I hate your muse too, so I’m gonna side with Jaela here. Besides if there’s gonna be a fight I’d put money on her over you…
Chelsea: *glares at Elle*
Jaela: Don’t you dare try to blame all of this shit on some imaginary bullshit when you’re the trick ass, sunburned white bread hoe that typed this–
Chelsea: I just wanted to get some color–
Jaela: Color? You’re so white they named a whole new crayola color after you!

She laughs with STB Liam and Liz while the two Drakes and Rev Liam give Chelsea a sympathetic look while she turns even redder. Elle laughs along too but is cut off when Liz fixes her with a glare and a raise eyebrow.

Liz: It’s not like you’re much better… Don’t you own any other clothes? *nods towards Elle who happens to be wearing pretty much the same outfit as on her last appearance in Cordonia – Ed Sheeran hoodie, leggings and glasses with her hair in a high ponytail. The only new addition is a pair of fuzzy purple socks on her feet.*
Elle: *squirms under Liz’s gaze, taking in her characters flawless green dress* Umm yes.. but these ones are really comfy..?

If she’d been looking, Elle would have seen the two Drakes share look. They can relate.

Elle: Anyways, um, is there any way you can help us get out of here? We’re kinda stuck lol.
Rev Liam: Did you just say lol out loud?
Elle’s eyes widen, suddenly remembering she’s in the presence of literal royalty.
Chelsea: *mutters* And I can’t say Lima…

All six share a look, Jaela released from Drake and Liam’s grasp. Chelsea knows her all too calm and cool look too well, and throws a glance at Elle. This can’t end well.

Liz: So… You’re two seem to be friends huh? I guess that’s one explanation for the sudden influx of angst we’ve been put through.
Chelsea: I mean… friends yeah… but the angst… totally Elle. Mostly. She hasn’t even read all of STB and tries to blame me for influencing her…
Elle: Umm way to throw me under the bus Chelsea… thanks a lot friend. *Chelsea scoffs* You’re the one that asked for the scientific facts about Drake getting shot so you can’t blame me for what the medical side of things say…
Liz: But it’s fanfiction?! You don’t have to be scientifically accurate! People won’t care if you mix up the diencephalon and the mesencephalon…
Elle: *looks a little rebellious* But I will… *sighs* It’s just not realistic to have you guys go through all that trauma and come out perfectly fine… There have to be consequences.
Jaela: *glares the fuck outta Elle* Oh, is that what she told you? That there have to be consequences? That there HAS to be? You know, not like there’s any in the fucking canon universe but go off I guess you two–
STB Liam: Jaela, do you really think yelling at them like this will earn you… or Drake… any favors from her?
Jaela: No. *glances at Liz* But it feels damn good to go off on this bitch.

Chelsea knows she deserves this, all of this, but she wrings her hands. Maybe if she just looks at Drake… fuck, Liam too–

Jaela: Stop looking at them like that!… Don’t you already have a man?
Chelsea: *blushes, somehow, redder* I–uh, well, you see– yes, he’s great–

Jaela, Drake, and Liam all raised their eyebrows. Jaela smirks and crosses her arms.

Chelsea: Okay, SO– how the hell do we get out of here–
Liz: *scoffs* You’ll only get to leave when we tell you to leave.
Elle: *meekly* And when will that be?
Chelsea: Elle… I don’t like the sounds of this….
STB Drake: You shouldn’t.
Chelsea: *eyes widen; look visibly shooketh*
Elle: Alright just tell us what you want.
Liz: *exchanges a look with Jaela* Well for starters we don’t think you two should hang out anymore…

Elle and Chelsea exchange a look of their own.

Elle: But why though…
Jaela: Have you… have you two read your own creations or are you just emotionless creatures numb to–
Chelsea: It’s our muses!
Elle: And my followers! I literally gave them the choice for angst or happy and they chose angst!

Just as Jaela and Liz look like they are about to murder their writers, the door swings open and someone else pops his head in.

Damien: Sorry I’m late guys, I just had to – Hang on a second…
Rev Drake: Who the fuck are you?
Damien: *looks apologetic* Oh sorry, wrong AU. *quickly shuts the door behind him*

Elle and Chelsea are gobsmacked, mouths dropped open, eyes wide.

Elle: Chelsea… *shakes her friends arm* Chelsea was that… who I thought it was…
Chelsea: *still stunned* Omg Damien. D–
Elle: B-but how.. *eyes get wider, starts shaking Chelsea harder* The foursome fic… Oh my god… Chelsea..the poly au!
Chelsea: Oh my god, I’ve been exposed….
Liams: *at the same time* There’s a poly AU?

Rev Liam turns to look at Rev Drake and Liz hopefully.

Rev Drake: Nuh uh… no… absolutely not.
Liz: *turns to glare murderously at Rev Liam* Don’t you dare get ideas… It’s NOT happening.

As if to prove her point, Rev Drake moves to wrap an arm around Elizabeth’s waist protectively.

Jaela: *arches eyebrow* You wrote a poly AU for us?

Jaela tilts her head and glances between the two STB men. The hopeful look refuses to dissipate from Liam’s face, blue eyes expectant, while STB Drake frowns, copying the same movement as his Revelation counterpart, pulling Jaela close.

STB Drake: Abdi… don’t get any ideas now of all times…. Literally she wrote the last chapter and we’re happy and–
Jaela: I’m not saying I’m for it in this universe, you know. *Looks curiously at Chelsea, then back to Drake* Don’t worry, I’m all yours. But in a different world… who knows what could have happened….
Elle: Well you two – or three – are in for a treat then *glances at Chelsea, who is fidgeting*
Rev Liam: Elle are you sure we can’t –
Elle and Liz: Nope!
Rev Drake: God, you two are so similar *nods to the two of them*
Liz and Elle: Are not!
Rev Liam: Yep totally the same person.
Chelsea: Well, I mean… you two do look pretty similar now that you’re here…

Elle and Liz look each other up and down.

Liz: I have no idea what you’re talking about *turns on Elle and Chelsea* I just know you two have some terrible plans for us up your sleeves. So go on. Spill.
Chelsea: Fuck no.
Jaela: That’s a fast answer. *narrows eyes* Spill. Now.
Elle: *starts to get nervous under their murderous gazes* Well… I have a fluff series for you and Drake that I’ve started. Lots of cute little moments for the two of you… *hesitant smile*
Rev Drake: That’s more like it. About time, writer.
Jaela: *nudges Rev Drake* Don’t trust her… you know how many times mine said that the chapter would end and it would be happy?
Elle: I have a super cool mermaid AU coming up with all of you guys in it too. I’m getting the whole TRR cast involved plus some special guests from other books – It’s gonna be epic *smiles nervously– but Liz doesn’t seem to buy it*
Liz: *scrutinises Elle* Jaela’s right and I can tell you’re hiding something Elle.. *she begins to close in on her, looking furious*
Elle: *backs away slowly* um… well… you see…*bumps into the wardrobe door* I might have another AU… *squeezes eyes shut, she doesnt wanna do this* whereDrakediesandyoumarryLiam…?
Rev Drake: WHAT
Rev Liam: WHAT
Jaela: Aaaand there it is. *barks a laugh* Nice knowing you Elle…

Liz, Rev Drake and Rev Liam begin to close on her and Elle starts to panic, breathing speeding up, thoughts racing. She doesn’t want to die, not yet, not like this. There’s only one thing that will take the attention away from her.

Elle: *holds her hands out* Wait! At least it’s not as bad as what Chelsea’s doing to them! *everyone whips their heads to look at Chelsea* She’s got multiple alternate endings for STB! With various outcomes about the pregnancy–
Chelsea: ELLE, why’d you gotta drag me like that!
Jaela, STB Liam and Drake: *literally look like they’ve been cryogenically frozen for a moment* Different… outcomes… about–

Chelsea: *clearly looks panicked, hands gesturing wildly as she tries to save her ass* I mean, jesus christ you literally said things would be different in a different world Jaela! And like, I mean, Drake only dies in one and at least Jaela still actually loves Liam in that one unlike Liz and Liam in– *Chelsea stops when she sees their expressions; she understands that phrase if looks could kill now.*

STB Drake: You mean… only if I die… do they end up together–
Chelsea: Ummm…. not in the Poly AU?
Elle: *nudges her friend, speaking out of the corner of her mouth* Chelsea I’d stop talking if i were you…
Jaela: *tone dripping in sarcasm* No, keep talking, please. I’d love to hear about what torture you’re going to put me through so I can plan a fitting revenge.

Chelsea: *whispers to Elle* Thanks. I probably would have blabbed about Autumn Blues and the shit they’re going to go through because I can’t keep my mouth shut when I look at them. *nods to the Drakes and Liams*

Elle: Do you KNOW how much it’s killing me not to spill what Lima *immediately checks herself* I mean Liam goes through in my AU.
Chelsea: Oh I know, considering I’ve woken up to snippets of pure angst in the morning. Thanks for that. Jfc. Where’s the smut?

Elle shrugs apologetically

Jaela: *cracks her knuckles* What the hell are you two scheming over there? You put us six through unnecessary hell, as if canon isn’t pain enough. Like she made me have a fling with Liam? Like if it wasn’t bad enough in– *Jaela shuts her mouth, Liam and her exchanging a loaded glance*
STB Drake: *looks between them* Um… guys… what’s going on…?
Chelsea: *knows she doesn’t need to save Jaela’s ass, but will, anyways, because she has a soft spot for her, even if Jaela will likely kill her* Don’t worry about it. At least until October.
STB Drake: Wait… what?!
Jaela: Anyways–
STB Liam: *clears throat* Anyways, the point is…. *But he doesn’t make a point; STB Drake only sighs and runs a hand over his hair; Jaela kisses Drake’s cheek, squeezing his side, batting her lashes*
Elle: *watches the exchange and looks quite proud of herself* Liz you’re a loyal hoe so I gave you and Drake a good alternative to the fling scene. Even you have to agree it was some of my finest work really…
Liz: *glares at her* Did you just call me… a hoe?

Elle panics, and all smugness disappears from her face but Rev Drake comes to put an arm around Liz, giving her a playful squeeze.

Rev Drake: I’m going to have to agree with our writer, I for one enjoyed that scene very much.
Liz: *rolls her eyes good-naturedly at him but kisses him softly on the cheek* Of course you did.

Elle almost bursts from the exchange of fluff right before her eyes* Thinks to herself I wish I didn’t have to break you guys up…

Jaela: *huffs and crosses her arms, tapping her foot, looking frustrated* Hot smut or not, that’s still no excuse for either of you to put us through this complete and utter bullshit–
Liz: *puts a hand on Jaela’s arm, giving her a meaningful look that puts the fear of hell into Elle and Chelsea, voice deathly calm when she speaks * Jae, let’s go for a walk.

Chelsea and Elle are thoroughly confused by this drastic turn of events. One minute they are yelling at us and the next they want to go for a walk?

Jaela: *seems to catch her friend’s meaning and immediately regains her cool before looking at the two writers* Yeah let’s go. Just us four… girl time.

Her words are calm but her voice hold a note of danger makes the stomachs of our two writers clench in fear.

Rev Liam: Yes, I think this is something better sorted out between you four.
STB Liam: I agree. Jaela, please, convince her to ease up on us. I shudder to think of what’s to come.
The two Drakes glance at each other and shrug.
STB Drake: Y’all seem to have a lot of issues to work through so…
Rev Drake: *swats his counterpart* Dude we’re endgame so we should be fine…
Elle: *knows she shouldn’t but can’t resist anyways and calls out to them* That’s what you think! *hisses in pain as Liz digs her fingers into her arm and pulls her out the door*
Jaela: *jerks Chelsea with a forceful grip, following Liz and Elle* Shut your mouths you two! You’ve caused enough shit and you’ve both managed to break a king– like who the hell does that?!

They continue to drag their writers through the ornate palace. Chelsea and Elle know that they should be feeling the fear of god in their bones, because there’s no way that any ending to this can be good, but they take in their surroundings. The high ceilings, bright, Cordonian sunlight streaming, gold trimmings, multiple versions of different palace staff, artwork, sculptures– it’s beautiful and they just wish they could have more time to explore and soak in the culture. They’re in Cordonia– in the palace– and…. Chelsea just realizes how short she is compared to Jaela. And Liz. And Elle.

Before too long, they’re out on the palace grounds, through the lush gardens, the maze– Chelsea making sounds that aren’t quite human at that sight– and beyond, until….

Chelsea: Um… where are we? *Jaela lets go of her arm, stands next to Liz, and Chelsea rubs at the red marks left there* Elle… does this look familiar to you at all or…?

She glances at her friend who is frozen in shock, unable to speak or move. That scares Chelsea even more. Usually Elle is the more talkative of the two but to see her speechless means something is really bad.

Then, Chelsea sees it. The gun. In Jaela’s hand.

Chelsea: *hits Elle’s arm* Elle. Elle. She has a–
Jaela: A gun. Yes. *she smirks, sharing a knowing look with Liz* You know, Chelsea, this isn’t life I wanted. Like, at all.

Chelsea shudders at Jaela’s gaze, fixed only on her now, taking one step closer, bullets in her other hand. Chelsea’s frozen, shock still, at her approach. She’s not even sure she’s breathing right now, but. Jaela continues, that gaze she only imagined in fanfic her current, terrifying, reality.

Jaela: Like, sure yeah, I wanted a kid, maybe. But to pull what you did to me? To Liam? To Drake? All for what? And why? Just because PB decided to not mention any form of contraception, even though obviously they want you to fill in the–
Chelsea: *snaps to her senses, if for a moment* Jaela, where the fuck did you get the gun?
Jaela: Oh, from the same place where you fucking decided to not give me a simple life like I’ve always wanted and made Drake magically wake up.
Liz: *shakes her head, disapprovingly* Elle, I really don’t know why you let her do that. You study this stuff.
Elle: *glances around nervously, very skittish at the sight of Jaela and the gun* B-b-but science brain? But the angst was worth it though, no?

Jaela and Liz both glare at her murderously and Elle snaps her mouth shut, not wanting to make the situation any worse, not that it can get any worse…

Jaela moves closer, opening the barrel to insert the first bullet. Oh, she knew she should run. Run hard and fast and drag Elle with her. But, it’s as if the world falls to one– only her and Jaela on green grass, ever sound magnified, Jaela’s gaze like fire. Burning, burning fire that sends tingling and warmth up and down her body– but not like in her various NSFW fics. No, nothing like that. It’s white, hot dread–pure and simple.

Jaela: *stops moving, feet away* You know… I know how you originally wrote me, and what you wanted me to do. *puts in the first bullet* You think you discovered that my character was kinda morally grey shady hoe who doesn’t think about her actions at all and doesn’t worry about the consequences to her actions whatsoever… *another bullet in the revolver’s barrel*… Who was still actually torn about her choice between Liam and Drake and not somebody who knew she wanted Drake all along, ready to commit to him at a moments notice…. *another bullet* You were right the first time, not having me kiss Liam. *another bullet*  Because, honey, that’s just not my character. *another bullet* But… you wrote me like that anyway and people literally hate me, thinking this is my fault I’m not a perfect MC whose hurting their boys *raises the gun and pulls down the hammer; Chelsea only stares, jaw dropped*

Jaela sighs, but the smile on her face tells otherwise. Chelsea knows what’s coming.

Chelsea: But… but my readers… the angst… I don’t deserve this– you’re my favorite MC, I swear to god. I have a fluff s-s-series and Lia how could you forget about Lia and Jackson and–
Jaela: *laughs, then relines her shot up* Did Elle bleat this much last, Liz? Oh Chelsea, it’s too late. You know that. That’s why you haven’t moved.  If only you wrote me right, then I wouldn’t have to do this. Even if this feels so fucking good right now.
Chelsea: Jaela– no–!

But her cry is silenced by a bullet through her forehead. The shot clear, precise, not an error made. Jaela brings the barrell to her lips and blows on the faint smoke, Chelsea’s body nothing but a crumble on ground, a satisfied smirk on her lips.

Jaela: Damn, that felt good. Fluff series my ass with whatever the hell she has planned for me in September, right, Liz?
Liz: Pathetic excuse if you ask me…
Jaela: *offers to gun to Liz, eyebrow raised* Need this? Because if you don’t mind me, I’m off to pull on Drake’s hair a bit. My adrenaline’s off the wall and I need to do something less murderous about it in celebration.

Liz regards it for a second and to Elle’s horror a malicious smile replaced her look of thoughtfulness.

Liz: Thanks girl but I have something much more appropriate in mind…
Jaela: *grins in understanding* Niceeeeeeeeeee. Till next time we need to yell at their asses, my friend.

And like that, Jaela leaves, a spring to her step with a swing to her hips.

Liz: *whirls around slowly to look at Elle* So.. writer… what do you make of that?

During the entire Jaela and Chelsea exchange, Elle had been frozen solid, unable to move even if she wanted to, as if she had been held in place by an unknown force but now Elizabeth’s words snap her back to reality.

Elle: *shook af after seeing her friend get offed so abruptly* Ummm… well…. Look Elizabeth, I know you’re upset but maybe we can come to an agreement about this… We can work things out calmly can’t we?
Liz: *glancing at her nails nonchalantly* For some reason that sounds really familiar. It sounds like empty promises and bald-face lies… Wonder where I have heard that before?

She whips her head up to look Elle right in the eye and the writer shudders to find nothing but cold hearted malice in them. Elizabeth snaps her fingers and Elle gasps as the scenery suddenly changes and they are standing atop a high cliff overlooking the ocean. It’s a beautiful sight really but Elle cannot find it within herself to appreciate it as dread pools in her stomach. There’s only one way this is ending, she realises.

Elle: *spreads her hands out in a final gesture to placate her character* Liz… I know you’re mad but you have to understand…. I-I can’t give you the endings you want because they’re not realistic. It’s much more appealing and interesting to discuss the more real aspects to life…

Liz waits patiently, tapping her foot expectantly until Elle eventually runs out of steam, her ramblings trailing off as she begins to accept her fate.

Liz: You know I wasn’t going to do this until you brought up the AU where I marry Liam… *starts closing in on Elle* In fact I was just talking Jaela out of snapping Chelsea but now I’m really starting to sympathise with her. And goddamn if it’s not gonna feel good when I do this.

Chills run down Elle’s spine as they realise they have reached the cliff’s edge and there is no more room to run. She glances at her main character in fear as Elizabeth puts her hands on her shoulders.

Liz: Goodbye Elle, enjoy the taste of your own medicine… *pushes Elle backwards*


Elle is still screaming, expecting the rush of wind around her and the sensation of weightlessness as she falls towards the jagged rocks below but it never comes. She eventually cracks an eye open to find herself miraculously back in her own bedroom. Breathing heavily, she takes a long moment to compose herself. Sure that was all a dream right? It had to be. She takes her glasses off and rubs her eyes before glancing at her laptop to find the infamous Liam x Elizabeth series file on the screen. Her phone starts to buzz.

Chelsea jolts away on her couch, in her living room, air conditioner loud as ever, sounds from her boyfriend playing video games in the office clear too. She touches her forehead, right in the centre, a dull ache there. She groans and shakes her head. That had to a dream. She just missed writing angst, that’s all, right? A draft of a Autumn Blues is open on her computer, screen still bright. It couldn’t have been long, at all, right?

Hesitantly, she picks up her phone from the floor and opens What’sApp… and her jaw drops at the previous message. Trembling, she begins to type to Elle.

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