Lost In You

Lost in You
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return then when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is my entry for Day 5 of my January writing challenge: hot and heavy make-out session that can’t go any further [no smut]. Credit for this one goes to @bluesappi who suggested that it was a fitting prompt for Drake and Amelia given the constant frustration over their lack of sexy times. This is set sometime in the future after everything is resolved and Drake and Amelia are married and Liam and Olivia are engaged.

Pairing- Drake/MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Drake and Amelia steal a few heated moments before Liam and Olivia’s wedding.

Words- 898


Olivia was pacing the bride’s room. “I can’t do this.” She declared, her eyes wild.

“What do you mean?” I asked her, “you’ve been dreaming of this day since you were what, 5?”

“Exactly!!!” She cried out. “I have waited my whole life for this… But… What if I screw it up?”

“Liam chose you,” I reminded her, placing my hand on her shoulder. “This isn’t an arranged marriage, he’s not marrying you because he has to, he’s marrying you because when you are in a room together he can’t take his eyes off of you.”

Olivia nodded. We were alone in the bridal room, though there were other bridesmaids, Olivia had temporarily banished them, saying that it would irritate her to have too many people underfoot.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I raised an eyebrow, wondering who it could be. Surely the other bridesmaids wouldn’t risk the wrath of Olivia and come back early. Exchanging a glance with Olivia, I got up and opened the door. To my surprise, my husband was the one standing on the other side. “What are you doing here?”

“Special delivery from Liam,” Drake told me. He looked at Olivia. “Do you mind if I borrow Amelia for a moment?”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine, but don’t take too long and don’t ruin her hair or make-up!”

I let Drake pull me out of the room into a side room. “What’s this delivery?” I asked him. “

In a minute,” he said pulling me into his arms and kissing me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“I’ve been waiting to do that all day,” he murmured against my lips, holding me tight against his body, “I missed you last night.”

“I missed you too,” I admitted.

“I thought the tradition was that the bride and groom had to spend the night apart, not the best man and matron of honor.” He grumbled, his hands caressing my curves as his lips trailed down the column of my throat.

“Olivia wanted company,” I reminded him, “and I’m sure Liam appreciated having you there.”

Drake shrugged impatiently and continued to kiss me.

“Careful of my hair,” I gasped, “because Olivia will murder you.”

“I believe it,” Drake said with a chuckle, “and don’t worry I’m not stupid enough to risk pissing her off on her wedding day.”

I pulled back and looked at him teasingly, “Drake Walker, did you finally just admit that you’re scared of Olivia.”

“No!” He exclaimed and then sighed. “I’m just saying that she can be a little difficult.”

I laughed, “that’s putting it mildly. She’s terrifying, in a good way though, mostly.” Despite our rocky start, Olivia and I had become close and I’d come to appreciate her outspokenness and the way she would fight to the death for the people she cared about.

Drake snorted. “If you say so.”

He and Olivia would never be best friends, but they had made peace, mostly because of Liam and I and we all managed to co-exist.

“I really don’t want to talk about Olivia,” Drake said, pulling me back into his arms and kissing me again.

I surrendered to his kiss, pressing my body up against his, marveling at the way he could set me on fire with a simple touch. I would never, ever get enough of this man.

Drake slipped his hand up under my dress, resting on my thigh. I sighed at his touch, even as I shook my head.

“We can’t,” I reminded him, even though I really, really wanted to. First of all, we didn’t have that kind of time and even if it was a quickie, there was no way we’d be able to do it in a way that made my hair and makeup survive.

Drake caressed my thigh, “are you sure?”

“Well, we can, but you get to deal with the wrath of Olivia,” I teased, straightening my dress.

Drake groaned, “as soon as this wedding is over I’m whisking you away somewhere private and not letting you out for a week.”

“Promises, promises,” I teased, leaning over to give him a quick kiss, though of course, he deepened it. “Drake…”

“Ok, ok,” he agreed but I could tell it took effort, “it’s just you look really, really good, Grant.”

“You look pretty damn good yourself,” I told him with a grin, “and I keep telling you, it’s Walker now.”

“That’s not helping,” he said in a low voice, the frustration obvious on his face.

I laughed, “sorry. Now you lured me here with talks of a delivery?”

Drake took a package out of his pocket and tossed it to me. “It’s Liam’s wedding gift for Olivia, he wants her to wear it.”

“That’s very sweet,” I said, “though I’m not sure she’ll appreciate a change of jewelry half an hour before she walks down the aisle.”

“And that’s why you get to give it to her,” Drake said with a grin.

“Yep, you are totally afraid of Olivia,” I teased, before I headed for the door, box in hand, sure that he was scowling after me but noticing that he wasn’t actually denying it.

I headed back to the bride room, hoping that my hair and make-up weren’t too messed up and that Liam’s gift would provide a sufficient attraction to save me from Olivia’s ire.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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