
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I don’t own them, I’m just borrowing them for a while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- I got a request for a story where Diavolos and Kenna got called out for being loud and this was the result.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Kenna is mortified to learn the reason why none of her friends want rooms near hers. 

“What’s going on here?” Kenna asked, standing in the doorway of Val’s room. She had been on her way downstairs when she’d noticed the door wide open and she’d peaked in, only to discover the room was empty of all Val’s personal effects and one of the maids was cleaning it. “Where is Master Greaves?”

“She moved rooms, you Majesty.” The maid told her and then looked concerned. “She didn’t mention it to you?”

“No.” Kenna said with a frown. Val had only recently moved into the family wing of the castle, at Kenna’s insistence, saying that the new quarters went with her new title. Why would she move out again? Had someone said something to make her question her place?

With that question in mind, Kenna went in search of her Master-of-Arms. She was on the grounds with several of her soldiers, putting them through the paces.

Val grinned at her when she approached, “come to check out the new recruits, your majesty?”

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you.” Kenna told her.

“Of course,” Val said and turned to the soldiers, “keep working on that maneuver.” She and Kenna stepped aside. “Is something wrong?”

“You tell me,” Kenna told her.

Val frowned, “what…” she trailed off, “you know about me switching rooms?”

“Yes,” Kenna told her, “did someone say something to you, Val? Make you feel like you shouldn’t be in the family wing?”

“No,” Val assured her. She sighed, looking uncharacteristically embarrassed. “It’s just… Hells… Ugh, Kenna, you’re loud.”

Kenna looked at her curiously, not sure what she meant and then realization hit and she blushed. “You mean… Oh!” She suddenly wondered if that was why Dom, Raydan and Jackson had all made excuses to either be in a different wing or at least have rooms far from Kenna’s.

“Are we really that bad?” She asked after a moment.

Val made a face, “yeah, you really are.”

Kenna looked away unable to meet Val’s gaze and from the corner of her eye, she could see that Val was doing the same. Obviously, neither of them was comfortable with this topic of conversation.

“I should get back to the troops,” Val said after a moment.

“Yes, of course,” Kenna told her, wondering if she was still bright red. She hurried back to the castle and was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t realize where she was going until she ran into a wall of solid muscle.

Familiar hands reached out to steady her before settling on her waist. “My love, where are you going in such a hurry?” Diavolos asked her in concern.

“Away from the yard and Val,” Kenna confessed, she sighed, “Diavolos, apparently we’re too loud.”

He cocked an eyebrow inquiringly and then started to grin. “You mean…?”

“Yes!” Kenna exclaimed and glared at him. “It’s not funny! Our friends all want to get away from us.”

Diavolos continued to smirk. “I don’t know, I take it to mean I’m doing a good job,” he told her in a low voice that filled her belly with heat.

“Diavolos,” Kenna scolded, but it was hard to keep the smile out of her voice. “I was mortified,” she complained after a moment, trying to make him see the seriousness of the situation.

“Why?” He asked with an infuriating shrug. “We’re married, there’s nothing scandalous about us enjoying being together or the fact that we bring each other pleasure. Wouldn’t it be worse if we ignored each other except to try and produce an heir?”

“Diavolos!” Kenna said again, glancing around the hall and was relieved to see that there wasn’t anyone else around.

“We can always take this conversation somewhere else,” her husband teased and she was very aware of the fact that his hands were still on her waist. “Our bedchamber, for example?”

“We both duties to attend too,” she reminded him, though it was really hard to remember what those duties were when he was standing so close and grinning at her like that.

Diavolos sighed regretfully and let go of her waist, “you are right. No rest for the queen and king.” He brushed his hand over her cheek lightly and then leaned close to whisper, “besides we have all night and I’m going to take it as a personal challenge to see just how loud I can make you moan.”

Kenna gasped and smacked him, but he just grinned unrepentantly before walking away. She watched him go, wondering how she had ended up with such an infuriating man, and then she started pondering ways they might soundproof their chambers…

As soon as the door to the bedchamber closed, Kenna found herself being pulled into her husband’s embrace. His mouth was rough and demanding, his tongue seeking entrance while his hands made quick work of the straps of her armor.

“I believe I made you a promise,” Diavolos whispered as he nibbled on her ear.

Kenna flushed, remembering the nature of that promise. “Diavolos,” she said warningly as she undid the buttons of his shirt, “there’s a certain level of propriety required of royalty.”

“We’re in our bedchambers,” he reminded her as he eased the last of her clothes over her hips, “how much more proper does it get than that?” He walked her backward towards the bed, his hands and lips never leaving her skin.

“That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be considerate,” Kenna pointed out, though it was hard to be rational when he kept touching her like that. She was still embarrassed by Val’s revelation, had had a hard time meeting the Master-at-Arms eyes at dinner, but Diavolos seemed to take it as a personal challenge.

“If you’re thinking about other people while I’m touching you, then I’m not doing a good job,” he teased as he trailed his lips down her body, his hands resting on her thighs.

“That’s… not… what… I… meant.” She told him, finding it hard to form a coherent thought as he scraped his teeth over one of her nipples. His hand teased her before he inserted one finger, then another into her, pumping them with ease as he continued to caress her breasts with his mouth and tongue.

Kenna grabbed at his head, running her hands through his short hair. She bit down on her lip as he increased the pace of his fingers, pumping in and out of her the way that always drove her crazy. Damn him.

He removed his fingers, smirking at her whimper of protest, a whimper that soon became a low moan as his mouth replaced his hand. He licked and sucked and kissed, teasing her into frustration and then pushed his tongue deep into her, the way that always had her moaning his name. Except for this time, she was determined not to make a sound, so she ground her teeth, using all of her willpower to stay silent as the waves of pleasure hit her.

“So it’s like that, is it?” Diavolos commented before claiming her lips in a deep kiss, biting her lip, his hands massaging her breasts. She stayed silent, though it was a fight. “Hmmm, I like a challenge,” he whispered in her ear before gripping her by the hips and flipping her onto her knees.

Oh. He knew how much she liked it when he took her like that. Damn him.

He lined himself up behind her and then thrust into her. Kenna gripped the headboard for support, as he continued to pound into her, hard and fast. It took everything she had not to call out and she knew her lips were going to be bruised from how hard she was biting them.

“Hmm, it appears you don’t like this,” Diavolos teased, suddenly stilling his movements.

Kenna whimpered in protest, but he stayed frustratingly still, his hands teasing her breasts.

“All you have to do is tell me what you want and it’s yours,” he whispered into her ear, starting to move again, but agonizingly slow, deliberately tormenting her.

Kenna bucked her hips into him, trying to make him move faster, and he let alone a little groan but kept his pace steady. “Diavolos,” she whined, almost involuntarily.

Apparently, that was all he needed, because he sped back up, thrusting into her hard and fast.

“Ohh….” Kenna moaned, forgetting her vow of silence as he placed one of his hands between them, rubbing her clit.

“That’s it, baby,” he whispered encouragingly, “come for me.”

She didn’t need much encouragement, especially as he thrust into her, hitting just the right spot. She came with a scream. “DIAVOLOS!” She cried over and over.

“Kenna,” he groaned a moment later, spilling himself inside of her. After a moment, he flipped them over so that he was on my back and she was collapsed against his chest.

“I love you,” he told her, running his hands over her back.

“I love you,” she told him, resting her head against him.

“I know,” he said, giving her that familiar smug smile. “I think the whole wing of the castle might know.”

Kenna groaned, realizing that she hadn’t managed to stay silent after all. She wanted to wipe the smug smile off her husband’s face. “You weren’t exactly silent,” she reminded him.

“I never claimed to be,” he told her with obvious satisfaction, “I have no issues with people know exactly what you do to me.”

“Is that so?” Kenna teased, leaning forward and placing kisses all over his chest. “And what exactly do I do to you?”

“Give me a couple minutes and I’ll show you,” he groaned, his hands resting on her hips.

“I like the sound of that,” Kenna said, pressing her lips to his. Though this time, he was going to be the loud one, she vowed silently.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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