Love and Cake

Love and Cake
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I was in the mood for some sweet, fluffy Liam and Eleanor and ended up with sweet, fluffy Liam and Eleanor smut. This is set sometime after the end of Book 3 and is the answer to two prompts: birthday party from @h3llostrang3 and sex over a desk from an anon.

Pairing- Liam/MC

Rating- NSFW

Summary- It’s Eleanor’s first birthday as queen and she and Liam share an intimate moment away from the madness of the party.

Words- 1080

“Happy birthday Eleanor,” Liam whispered in my ear, his arms wrapped around my waist.

I smiled and leaned back in his embrace, surveying the crowd around me. Apparently the Queen’s birthday was a big deal and a grand ball had been added to the social season schedule. Part of me couldn’t believe that it was already time for another social season, the last year had passed quickly. Of course, it had been a very eventful year, but in the end it was worth it because I had Liam.

“It’d be rude to sneak out of my own party, right?” I commented to Liam.

“What did you have in mind?” He asked with a smile, not turning down my suggestion. Of course, he never did and now, he didn’t even hesitate, unlike those first few encounters where he had wrestled with his head and his heart.

“Somewhere I can be alone with you,” I told him. The party was nice and I’d already socialized with our friends, but what I really wanted was to be with my husband.

“That can be arranged,” Liam promised, “It’ll give me a chance to give you your present.”

“You’re the only present I need,” I told him sincerely as he let go of my waist to take my hand again.

Liam smiled, “I feel the same way, but regardless I got you an appropriate gift.” He led me out of the ballroom. “If we slip away now, we can be back in time for the cake,” he commented.

“Smart,” I commented with a  grin, “after all, we can’t miss cake.”

Liam grinned, “people might notice if the birthday girl wasn’t there for cake.”

“Plus it’s cake,” I added, “no one passes up cake.”

“Not even if it mean we’d get extra time alone?” Liam teased.

“Liam, baby, I love you, but don’t make me choose between you and cake.”

Liam laughed, “now I know where I stand.” He pulled me into his study, locking the door behind us. “But maybe I can change your mind.” He pulled me into his arms, kissing me deeply.

I kissed him back enthusiastically. “That’s a good start,” I admitted, resting my forehead against his.

“That’s just the beginning,” Liam told me, trailing kisses down my neck, his hands caressing my back, which was mostly bare thanks to the cut of the gown I was wearing. I sighed at his touch and then frowned when Liam pulled away.

“I have something for you,” he reminded me, stepping back and walking over to the desk, before pulling something out of the drawer.

“Now I know why you chose this location,” I remarked, “you had this planned in advance.”

“Maybe,” Liam acknowledged with a smile, “I at least hoped I’d be able to convince you to slip away for a few moments.” He handed me the package. “Happy birthday, Eleanor.”

I opened the slim velvet box. I took it and then gasped when I opened it. “Is that my pearl?” The pearl from the Blue Grotto had slipped my mind in the chaos of the last several months. It was now sitting as the centerpiece of a gorgeous necklace made up of diamonds and other pearls.

“It is,” Liam told me, lifting the necklace out of the box and gently laying it around my neck. “I had it custom set for you, with Hana’s help.”

I now knew why Hana had told me I didn’t need a necklace tonight, but had suggested I wear the pearl bracelet from Liam and a pair of simple pearl earrings.

“It’s stunning,” I told him, turning in his arms.

“It pales in comparison to you,” Liam told me, giving me a look of total adoration.

A rush of love filled me. How had I gotten so lucky to have ended up with him? Not only was he a handsome king, he was also the sweetest, most loving man I had ever met and he was mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

Liam returned my kiss enthusiastically, maneuvering us so that I was pressed up against the desk.

“I want you,” I gasped against his lips.

“Far be it from me to deny the birthday girl,” Liam commented, reaching behind me to undo the clasp of my gown. He helped me out of it, carefully laying it on the couch, his jacket and shirt following suit, then the rest of our clothing. Soon I was wearing nothing but my birthday gift. Liam kissed the area around the necklace and then dropped his head lower to my breasts as his hands pushed my thighs apart, teasing me, testing me.

“Liam,” I sighed, arching towards him.

“What do you want?” Liam asked me, before taking my nipple in his mouth. “You’re the birthday girl, after all.”

“I want you,” I told him, “I want you inside me. Right now.”

Liam stood up, making me whimper at the loss of his hands and mouth against my skin. “I’ve always imagined taking you on my desk,” Liam told me, pulling me close. “Care to indulge me?”

The image sent a thrill me and all I could do was nod. I leaned over the desk, my hands resting on the flat surface. I could feel Liam behind me, his body blanketing mine. He entered me quickly, stilling to let me adjust to the feel of him and then he started to move against me, his hands on my hips. I moved in time with his thrusts, loving the feel of him, his body against mine, his mouth against my neck. It felt so good. It wasn’t long before I found myself reaching that peak.

“Liam, oh, Liam.” I cried out, my hands gripping the edge of the desk.

“Ellie,” he groaned into my neck as he followed me over the edge. He pressed himself into me for a long moment and then pulled away. We dressed quickly, Liam brushing a kiss over my shoulder as he did up the clasp on my gown.

“We should be getting back,” he commented lightly, “or you’re going to miss out on cake and we can’t have that.”

“No,” I agreed, though part of me thought that what we had just shared might be worth missing care for. However, since I didn’t have to choose, I was happy to be able to enjoy some time with my husband and then go get cake. In fact, that sounds pretty damned perfect.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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