Love in Bloom

Summary: After arriving in Aurelia, Kenna meets Raydan in the royal gardens.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 17 of #ChoicesCreates: “Some souls just understand each other upon meeting.”

As Kenna entered the royal gardens, she gazed at the surroundings. The sweet scent of flowers hung in the air. A brook wound its way through the lush landscape. There was no sign of Raydan yet. She thought back to what he had told her when they met just a short while ago: she had seen him only because he had allowed himself to be seen. It was unsettling for her to realize that he had been watching her ever since she had arrived in Aurelia. But something had compelled her to accept his invitation to meet him in the gardens.

She detected a flash of movement by a tree, and then spotted Raydan walking toward her. Their eyes met as he spoke. “I wasn’t sure that you would come.”

She looked him over. “I decided that I would give you a chance.”

“I’ll make sure that it will be a chance worth taking.” He smiled slightly, then continued. “A woman as beautiful as you must already be taken.”

Kenna thought back to two years ago, when she and Dom had declared their love for each other as they parted. “Well, actually, there is someone. But it has been so long since I have seen him.”

He nodded. “Of course there is someone. But surely he wouldn’t mind if you entertained a new friend for one night.”

Kenna imagined Dom watching her as she spoke to Raydan. Yes, he probably would mind. But she pushed those thoughts aside. “Oh, are we friends?”

He shrugged. “Friends? Lovers? What’s the difference?”

She blushed at his words. The nerve of him! And yet she felt a shiver run down her spine. She nearly gasped as she heard his next words.

“Which do you prefer?”

She stared at him, then breathed a sigh of relief as he pointed to a blue orchid and a red tulip. Oh, he means the flowers. “The orchid.”

He gazed into her eyes. “That tells me that you are wild and untameable.”

She sensed that his words applied to him as well. He seemed so…passionate. As bold as he was, he must be capable of far wilder behavior. Time to change the subject. “Is that what you do? Tell people’s fortunes with flowers?”

“That’s one of many services that I provide.” As she looked at him expectantly, he continued. “Annelyse can only be in one place at a time, but that isn’t enough. She needs to know what is going on everywhere. I serve as her eyes and ears.”

“So you’re a spy?”

He paused for a moment. “And sometimes there are messes that need to be cleaned up. I make them go away.”

“You’re also an assassin?”

“I am many things.” He pointed to a purple rose and a white lily. “Which of these do you prefer?”

Kenna eyed the flowers. “The rose.”

He smiled. “You are strong-willed and passionate.”

Passionate. Just what she had sensed about him. “Are you trying to impress me?”

“What if I am? Is it working?”

She tilted her head. “Perhaps.” Did he really need to ask? He could probably already tell that it was. “How did you end up working for Annelyse?”

He moved closer to her. “It’s a long story.”

“Well, I have all night.” Did I just say that? How will he take it? She stepped back a bit.

Raydan lowered his eyes, then looked up again. “My sister and I had nothing when we were young. We had to steal scraps from dogs just so we wouldn’t starve. But we learned that you are pretty much invisible when you are small and poor. Because we were not noticed, we could see and hear things that others couldn’t. So we collected secrets, and got paid for what we knew. Secrets can unlock many doors, and are my trade.” He once again pointed to some flowers. “Which do you choose, the yellow daffodil or the orange lotus?”

She considered the flowers for a moment. “The lotus.”

“That means that you are brave.”

Kenna considered Raydan’s words. His early life had been so difficult. Clearly he too was brave. But how did he know so much about her? Did her choice of flowers really reveal so much, or was he making all that up? Could he tell that just from watching her? “Why do you keep asking me about flowers?”

Her eyes widened as he handed her a bouquet of orchids, roses, and lotuses. “How did you pick those? I’ve been standing by you the whole time.”

He smiled slyly. “I have my ways.” He reached for her and took her into his arms. Then his lips were on hers, and she pressed closer to him. It felt so good, so right. It was as if time had stopped, and all that mattered was this moment. But all too soon, he pulled away. “I must go. There are other matters that demand my attention. Thank you for a lovely evening.”

Kenna watched him walk away. She should be relieved. If he had stayed, what would have happened? Would she have lost control? They had only just met. But somehow she felt as if she already knew him, and he knew her. She didn’t want him to go. She knew in her heart that he was someone very special.

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