Love Is A Weakness That Makes You Stronger

Love Is A Weakness That Makes You Stronger
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- I got an anonymous request, asking me to prove the TRR writing team and write Olivia proposing to MC and I immediately started planning it in my head. This is set in Book 3 and if I ever write the Olivia AU I have been toying with, this will fit into it. All you really need to know is that Olivia and Amelia (yes I use my Drake MC for Olivia) have talked about their feelings and given into them before this. I am also submitting this for Day 20 of the Choices July Challenge “commitment” (even if it is a day late, because I was away)
Rating- PG-13
Summary- After the homecoming ball, Olivia and Amelia talk.

“How long do you think we’ll be here?” I asked Drake as I changed his bandage, despite his assurance it was “just a scratch”, I really wanted him to get proper medical care, and I was also getting a little stir-crazy in this cabin. I needed to know how everyone else was and what had happened after we’d fled the palace.

Before Drake could answer, the door burst open and the palace security team came storming in. Drake and I both tensed and then suddenly, there was a blur of red, pushing past.  “Your Grace, I can’t let you in until–” one of the guards announced.

“I don’t care!” A familiar voice declared, “you will let me pass or I will make you.”

“Liv!” I cried, jumping up.

Drake groaned, “just what we need.”

Olivia slipped past the guards, looking more disheveled than I had ever seen her. “Amelia! You’re alright!” She cried, wrapping her arms around me, “the last time I saw you, you were being shot at and then these idiots insisted I had to wait to see you.”

“They were just doing their job,” I reminded her, even as I breathed in the scent and feel of her. “I’m ok, Liv, thanks to Drake.”

Gratitude mixed with relief and something akin to jealousy covered her face. “Yes, I heard.” She shot a look Drake’s way. “I’m assuming, you’ll live?”

“Will you be disappointed if I say yes?” Drake asked her, resting on the couch.

Before she could answer, the door to the cabin entered once more and Liam, Hana. Maxwell and Bertrand poured in. There were hugs and then we all shared accounts of what had happened at the ball, Olivia standing behind me the whole time, her hand resting on my waist, almost as if she was afraid to let me go.

“Amelia, I grabbed you some clean clothes from the palace,” Hana spoked up after a moment, handing me a bag. 

I looked down at the ball gown I was still wearing, ruined now from Drake’s blood and the dash to the car. “Thanks, Hana, you always think of everything.”

I gave her a hug before taking the bag and disappearing into the bedroom, to my surprise Olivia followed me, closing the door behind us.

“Here to help me change?” I teased as I undid my gown and let it fall to the floor, “I like the idea, but I am not sure we have time for that.”

“You know as well as I do that we are very good at making time,” Olivia smirked, then the smirk faded, “but that’s not what I had in mind. I just…” She paused, obviously struggling with her words. “I just needed to be with you, see for myself that you are ok.”

“I am,” I assured her, “not even a scratch.” Since she seemed to want to talk, not anything else, I pulled on the jeans and t-shirt that Hana had brought me. 

“Thanks to Drake,” Olivia commented, the jealousy stronger this time, “He was the one to save you.”

“He was standing next to me,” I reminded her, “It doesn’t really matter who took the bullet, does it?”

“It matters to me!” Olivia shouted. “I want to be the one to protect you, Amelia. Instead, I was helpless, not even sure where you went and then those guards…” 

“Liv…” I began reaching for her, but she shrugged off my touch, and instead, to my surprise she lifted up the skirt of her dress.

“I thought this wasn’t the…” I began and then trailed off when I saw her take a knife out of her thigh holster and place it on my bed. After another moment she removed one from the small of her back and then a third from I don’t even know where.

“I am not sure whether to be terrified or jump you,” I told her, looking at the pile of knives.

She ignored me. “When I was seven years old, I made myself a wooden sword. King Constantine broke it and told me he never wanted to see me with another one.“

“Oh Liv,” I murmured, just when I didn’t think Liam’s father could get worse. 

“I understand why now,” she continued, “but then I was a child and I wanted to be like the Nevrkais’ of old. So I decided if I couldn’t have a sword, I’d have a knife. I’ve carried one ever since. I”m a Nevrakis, we believe that if you can breathe, you can stand and if you can stand, you can fight. I’ve been fighting my entire life, but for myself, and last night… Last night was the first time I realized I had someone else to fight for.”

She motioned to the knives on the bed. “Taking those off scares me, knowing I don’t have anything to defend myself, it makes me feel vulnerable. And I hate feeling vulnerable. And since I met you… I’ve been constantly feeling like that. built all these walls for myself and you just came in and tore them all down. I wanted to hate you because you threatened the one thing I thought I wanted, but I couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried, and then you made me see what I really wanted.” 

She took my hand in hers. “I… I love you, Amelia, and as scary as it is, I feel like it makes me stronger, because now I have something else to fight for and someone to fight by my side. Hopefully forever.” She looked deep into my eyes. “Will you fight by my side? Will you be my wife?” 

“Yes!!!” I told her, letting go of her hands to throw my arms around her, “on your own, you are a force to be reckoned with Olivia Nevrakis and that is what made me fall in love with you, but together, we will be unstoppable.”

“Of course we will,” Olivia told me, “after all we’ll both be Nevrakis women.”

She pulled away long enough to slip a ring off her finger and onto mine.
“You can have any ring you like,” she told me, “but this one has been in the Nevrakis family for centuries and I thought it would be appropriate.”

“It’s perfect,” I assured her, tugging her back towards me and kissing her deeply. Olivia’s arm circling my waist and pulling me closer to her and the rest of the world ceased to exist. Soon we would have to go back out there, share our news with our friends and also deal with the mess of the Homecoming ball and what it meant for Cordonia, but for now, we’d take this moment, just the two of us, as it would be from now on. The two of us against the world and as I told Olivia, we would be unstoppable.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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