Loving Her

Loving Her
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine, I’m just borrowing them for a little while.

Author’s Notes- Just a random piece that popped into my head, featuring Dom, Raydan and Diavolos and their relationships with Kenna (or at least how I see/chose to play their relationships).

Pairing- Kenna/Dom, Kenna/Raydan, Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- PG

Summary- Loving Kenna Rys was easy, keeping her was a different story.

Words- 603


Part of Dominic always believed that he and Kenna would end up together.

Maybe they came from different worlds, but they had loved each other so long and overcome so much to find their way back together, of course, they would end up together.

And, for a brief moment, things worked out the way he had always hoped they would. They were reunited and finally able to be together. At last, Kenna was his. Except it wasn’t the way he had pictured it because they were different.

Too much time had passed. While they would always be the best of friends, their romantic feelings had dimmed during their separation. Maybe because they had both changed so much or because they had both formed attachments to other people, but whatever the reason, their relationship was forever altered.

The first time Dom made love to Kenna, he knew it would be the last time. Kenna Rys was not his to keep, at least not in a romantic sense. She would forever be one of the most important people in his life, but they were not meant to live happily ever after.

Raydan always knew he wouldn’t get to keep Kenna.

He was a man of shadows, she was a queen. They were destined for clandestine moments and stolen kisses, not happily ever after.

He hadn’t intended to love her.

At first, he was intrigued by her, the beautiful, fierce warrior queen who had come to Aurelia determined to win back her kingdom. He grew more intrigued with every passing day, until the day that he realized he was in love with her.

It was a revelation that terrified him. Because he knew that the relationship had an expiration date. Once the war was over, she would need to marry. It was her duty to the kingdom. He also knew that he could never be the man by her side. He was not meant to be king.

However, he wasn’t willing to give her up, not yet. Instead, he just worked on protecting his heart, even though he knew it was a lost cause. His heart belonged to Kenna Rys and he would savor every moment with her and when the time to get her go, he would do it with a smile even though his heart would be breaking.

Diavolos could never have predicted falling in love with Kenna.

He had never expected to fall in love with anyone, especially not with his family’s sworn enemy. But fall in love he does, before he even has a chance to realize what is happening.

The moment he sets eyes on Kenna, he wants her more than he’s ever wanted anyone in his entire life. He just can’t imagine a scenario where he gets to have her.

Then she kissed him and he began to hope, that whatever there was, just maybe it was mutual. But he still didn’t imagine that he would get to keep her, because there was so much standing in their way. He kept telling himself not to fall in love because she could never be his. Not really.

However, she came to him again and again; choosing him, loving him despite his family name and everything that stood in their way, wanting him. She looked at him and told him she was his, forever, if he wanted her to be. Which, of course, he did.

So he married her. As he stared down at her in the beautiful gown, her brown eyes glowing with love, he still couldn’t believe that he was lucky enough to get to love this woman forever.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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