
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Note- Just a little Diavolos piece that talks about his loyalty to his father and his decision to eventually stand against him.

Pairing- Slight Diavolos/Kenna

Rating- Maturish, but only because of one line.

Summary- Diavolos Nevrakis has always defined himself by his loyalty.

Words- 480



Diavolos whole life can be summed up that single word.

For as long as he can remember, his every action has been dictated by his loyalty to his father and their cause. He knows his father isn’t a good man, but he is a strong man and sometimes that is more important.

Diavolos doesn’t always agree with his father’s actions, but he never speaks against them either. He tells himself that his father was thinking of the big picture. That any sacrifice is worth it to defeat the Iron Empire.

He is secretly relieved that it is Marco who accompanies their father to Stormholt to enact his plan. Marco who delights in death and destruction in a way Diavolos never will. Diavolos knows he could never take pleasure in a massacre, but he still doesn’t question his father’s actions.

Instead, he keeps fighting the Iron Empire until they are forced to retreated right into a rebellion and he ends up in the dungeon of his own home. Maybe that should make him question his life choices, but he simply considers it the price of war.

Besides he knows his father will find a way out of this situation and he’s right. Somehow, Queen Kenna released them and agrees to an alliance against the Empire.

Diavolos knows his father will break that alliance, as soon as it benefits him, and he tries to convince himself that it shouldn’t bother him. It’s the way of the world, with the strongest killing their way to the top, but for the first time in his entire life, he is questioning the Nevrakis way of viewing the world.

It’s her fault. Kenna. She peers at him with those big brown eyes and has him questioning a lifetime of loyalty. She asks him about love and following his heart and has him wanting things he’s never even thought about before. She comes apart in his arms, digging her nails into his back while he pumps himself into her and nothing has ever felt more perfect.

Still, despite the way she makes him feel, despite the doubts, he follows his father into the throne room of Stormholt and tells himself that it’s not personal. It’s just how the world works. Yet no matter how hard he tells himself, he knows he no longer believes it.

But how do you break a lifetime of unquestionable loyalty?

“Diavolos are you going to just let him do this?” She demands, “after everything we’ve been through?”

He forces himself to meet her eyes, expecting to see pain and betrayal, and he does, but he sees something he never expected to see: faith.

Kenna believes in him.

In that moment it all seems so clear. Loyalty shouldn’t be a prison. It needs to be earned. And what has his father ever done to earn his loyalty?

“Get away from her, Father.”

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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