
This fic is was originally posted on Tumblr for mfackenthal and boneandfur; I put a shout out when I reached 200 followers with a cute husky pup tilting it’s head back and forward in confusion, they girls suggested doing a fic to commemorate the milestone, with a dog in it!  

Important – My TRR MC is Viktoria Petit, and my King Liam is Istvan 

Disclaimer – Characters are Pixelberry’s, not mine, this is just for fun & I don’t make any money from it.

Drake rumbled along the dirt track road in his 4×4, heading back from a couple of days up camping by the lake. Istvan and Petit were off on honeymoon to some slice of paradise in the Caribbean. Drake took the opportunity to get away for a few days. He’d never admit it to anyone except Savannah-and only because she dragged it out of him-but the wedding had been pretty hard on him. He’d stood there, side by side with Leo, as Istvan’s Best Man, his heart aching as he watched the girl of his dreams marry his best friend. He knew there was never really a chance for them to be together, but seeing her so perfect in that shimmering white gown as Maxwell walked her down the aisle, a smile of pure joy illuminating her beautiful face… There was a sort of finality to it for him. He felt so conflicted; sadness and jealousy that it wasn’t him standing up there making her his wife, mixed with happiness that his best friend had found true love-God knows he deserved it- and guilt for feeling the way that he did about Viktoria and for feeling anything but happy about his friends’ marriage.

He’d enjoyed a couple of days of solitude, drinking in the beauty of the vast green wilderness and fishing in the clear waters of the lake. He’d decided that the wedding had been a good thing; his friends were happy together, and finally he had some closure. He’d been well aware for a long time that her heart was with Istvan, but he’d never been able to switch his emotions off. He’d fallen hard and deep for her back in the social season, she’d really gotten under his skin, and those sort of feelings didn’t just disappear overnight, if they ever would completely. But after a few days contemplating everything about his life, he genuinely felt a lot better, he had a lot of good things going on: his shoulder was fully healed now, he cut down on the amount he was drinking and got back to regular exercise, he’d managed to build a great relationship with his little nephew, he had even discovered a few new things about himself during the Unity Tour. He’d particularly enjoyed the soccer game his friends had played with the kids at Applewood, ‘I wonder if there’s some sort of coaching skills I could look at doing? It would be really rewarding to teach kids sport and teamwork… I’m going to do a bit of research on that when I get back to-‘

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud thump and screeching noise,

“Oh Jesus!!! What the-??” He pulled on the handbrake and sprung from the drivers seat, “Oh shit!! Shit!!”

At the side of the vehicle was a beautiful grey and white husky, yelping and struggling to get to its feet. Drake’s heart sank; he was devastated at the idea of hurting a dog, he loved dogs.

“It’s ok boy, I’m so sorry. Come here…”

He whispered as he knelt down, reaching his hand out towards the husky. It looked wide eyed and whimpered as he got closer. He paused to let it sniff him,

“I’m not going to hurt you, boy. Good boy…”.

He was able to ruffle the dogs ear. There was a collar but no name tag or contact number… Drake glanced all around for an owner, the woods were still, there wasn’t another human in sight. The dog tried to scramble to its feet again, Drake shook his head, the weird angle of the husky’s leg indicated to him it was very likely broken, or at best, dislocated… He shushed the dog soothingly, running his fingers through its thick, soft fur,

“Come on boy, I’m going to take you back with me. Let’s see if we can’t get that leg fixed up for you…”.

The husky whimpered as Drake scooped him up and gently placed him on the back seat on top of a sleeping bag.

Drake tried to drive as carefully as he could on the way back, every bump unsettled the dog. He’d rang Maxwell to find out which vet Petit used for her little Corgi, Raul, who Max was dog sitting for the duration of their honeymoon. Drake had laughed when Istvan had said Raul was going to stay with Maxwell; surely the palace staff were more than capable of minding a Corgi? Istvan had rolled his eyes and sighed,

“Yes but Vik says he’ll be lonely and if his ‘mommy and daddy’ are away he should stay with his uncle…”.

Istvan would always protest about how OTT Viktoria was over her ‘hairy baby’, but Drake knew that behind closed doors he loved the little scruffy monster as much a she did… Maxwell was really helpful, he had given Drake the vet’s Postal Code for his GPS, and had even called the vet to let them know that Drake was on his way in.

Drake wondered about the owner. The dog was well-fed enough, it definitely wasn’t a stray. Was there some family searching a campsite looking for their lost pet, a worried father yelling the dogs name, a mother comforting a little kid crying for his pet? Drake swallowed hard. He felt awful about this whole situation. He didn’t even know the dog’s name. Maybe the vet could see if the dog was micro-chipped after they patched up his leg?

Arriving at the surgery, Drake gingerly lifted the husky from the back seat,‘the poor thing’,  he thought as his heart swelled, ‘he just wagged his tail at me…’ Drake carried the big dog through to the reception and was ushered through to a consultation room. The stern-looking receptionist, a woman of around fifty, followed him in with a clipboard and a pen,

“I assume you’re Mr Walker? You called in advance? Could I just get you to fill out some details? Eleni will be along to take a look at your dog just shortly.”

She turned on her heel before Drake had the opportunity to say,

“It’s not my dog…”.

He filled out the form as best he could figuring he’d explain to the vet when she arrived, the circumstance that brought him here.

When Eleni arrived she shook Drakes hand and took the paperwork from him,

“So Mr Walker, you don’t know the dog’s name?”

Drake rubbed the back of his neck,

“I’m sorry Doc, I don’t.”

His cheeked coloured as he wondered if you call a vet ‘Doc’?

“I feel just awful about this. I looked around and couldn’t even work out what direction he came from.”

Eleni nodded,

“We can always see if he has a chip or if there’s an alert out for him as lost. In the meantime, I need to get him into X-ray to see where that leg is broken exactly. We’ll just mark him down as number 408 for now.”

Drake shook his head and sighed as he ran his hand through his dark hair,

“Aw you can’t just give him a number, look at him!”.

Eleni stared at him, exasperated,

“Mr Walker, he’s been pretty lucky that it’s just a broken leg based on what you’ve written down, you must just have glanced him with the 4×4. But still, we don’t have time to find out his name before we do the necessary.”

Drakes mouth settled in a thin line, knowing she was right. He patted the dog on the head again it’s bushy tail still wagging,

“It’s ok boy. We’ll find out who your folks are. In the meantime, can you just call him ‘Lucky’?”

Eleni scrawled on the paper , ‘Lucky’ holding it up for Drake to see. He shot her a sheepish grin,


She smiled a small apologetic smile at him,

“I need to get ‘Lucky’ into X-ray and then theatre. You’ve left your number, I assume you want to know when he’s back down in recovery?”

Drake nodded as he bent over the husky; it licked his fingers and he ran his fingers through the dense grey and white fur on Lucky’s neck, placing a kiss against his ear. He could feel his voice choke as he whispered to the dog,

“Be a good boy, they’re going to fix you up. I’ll come back to see you later, you’re such a good boy…”

He rose and shook Eleni’s hand as he exited the room, glancing back over his shoulder at ‘Lucky’, his pale blue, trusting eyes staring back at Drake as he left.


Drake decided to head to Maxwell’s instead of going home, the whole Lucky thing had shaken him a bit and he wanted to thank Max personally for being so helpful earlier. Plus having a bit of company would distract him until the vet rang back…

When he arrived, Maxwell offered drinks and sandwiches which Drake happily accepted. They sat outside on the terrace as the chatted; this was the first time they’d seen each other since the wedding. Little Raul had curled up between their feet on the ground. Maxwell asked Drake,

“So this dog?”

Drake nodded,


Maxwell pulled a face,

“Lucky.  You seem to have got pretty attached to him pretty fast? You named him?”

Drake opened his mouth to protest that he’d only named the dog because they were going to give him a number, which seemed barbaric! But he knew himself that Maxwell was onto something… He just frowned at him instead. Maxwell continued,

“This can only play out one of three ways – close your ears Raul… One: The dog dies…”.

Drake almost spit his drink out,

“Heh. Not loving that option Maxwell…”.

Maxwell shrugged,

“Option Two: there owner collects him and you’re clearly going to be gutted about that….”.

He eyed Drake who was by now looking rather moody and regretful about his decision to come up to the Beaumont’s Estate,

“Or, Three: there is no owner and you just got yourself a husky.”

Drake shook his head,

“I can’t have a dog, I don’t have time to have a dog.”

Maxwell cocked his head at Drake,

“Make the time, your pretty smitten with this husky from what you’ve said…”.

Drake let a small laugh escape,

“I’m not keeping him Maxwell, although he is a really cool dog. His owner will be looking for him, it won’t come to that…”.


Drake received a call from the vets office later that day, letting him know that Lucky was out of surgery following a successful operation where they’d pinned his leg. He would have a cast and a surgical collar on for a few weeks, but would be able to go to the rehoming centre in a couple of days and have check ups there; they’d found a microchip but the phone number was disconnected. The stern receptionist mused that it seemed odd that no one would be looking for a beautiful dog like that, but Drake shouldn’t worry, he would find a new home in no time… Drake’s heart jumped into his throat,

“A rehoming centre? But he’s still poorly! Can’t you keep him there for a bit longer incase his owner is looking for him??”

The receptionist replied,

“Mr Walker. We can’t possibly keep him in the clinic. As far as we’re concerned he is a stray. This is the procedure. He will be moved to the rehoming centre in a couple of days, unless you want him released into your care?”

Before Drake knew what he was doing the words tumbled out his mouth,

“Yes! I’ll have him! If he’s got no owner, he can live with me.”

He made his way, clueless, to a local pet store, asking the teenager behind the counter what sort of food he should get for a husky? He chose a bright blue collar and leash, a food bowl and a water bowl, a few squeaky toys, a Kong on the recommendation of the counter assistant, a rope toy and a huge doggy beanbag bed… He drove down to the vets, nervous and excited. He was getting a dog. A dog that had literally thrown itself into his path, into his life… Was this some sort of destiny??


Drake looked down pitifully at Lucky, where they’d operated he was shaved bare, his leg in a ‘cast’ with a cone of shame around his neck. ‘Poor big fella’ Drake thought to himself. He signed Lucky out and squared the bill with the vet, balking at the figure, but really, it didn’t matter. This was his dog. His very own dog. Lucky.

They drove home in his 4×4, he cranked the window down a little, Lucky stuck his snout out, driven wild by the scents, not doubt of the dogs, cats, food and whatever else! When they arrived back at Drake’s place, he opened the door, Lucky hobbled in, managing remarkably well for a dog who’d just come out of major surgery. He sniffed every inch of the living room and kitchen. Drake filled his bowls and encouraged him to see what was in them, the dog trotted over, Lucky clearly trusted him already. After the dog had eaten and drank, Drake flopped down on the sofa, Lucky came over and settled with his head in his new master lap. Drake scratched his ears,

“I guess it’s just me and you now boy, this is like our bachelor pad…”

Lucky looked at him inquisitively, tilting his head, making that uniquely husky noise; Drake bent down and kissed the dog’s head. Maxwell wasn’t wrong, he was absolutely smitten.

As the week progressed, Drake started to wonder what his life had been like without Lucky. He was a good dog, when Drake had to leave him, he wasn’t destructive and he didn’t make any racket. He had taken to sleeping at the foot of Drake’s bed. Drake had laughed at his crazy antics over and over. The cone of shame had been removed and he was coping really well with his dodgy leg, bless him. He was a striking looking dog, everyone by met wanted to pat him. Drake felt so happy every time Lucky came over and nuzzled against him, he could understand why they called dogs mans best friend.

When Lucky had been living with Drake for around a month, the receptionist from the vet called. Drake assumed it was to schedule Lucky’s final appointments, but as the woman spoke, his heart fell.

“Mr Walker, I’m so sorry to do this, I know how attached you’ve gotten to Lucky, or Thor as he was called before… We’ve had a hit on the details we shared about him on one of the lost dogs websites… Now what you do with this information is entirely up to you after all this time, but I do have the lady’s number.”

Drake took the number and slid down the wall to sit beside his furry best friend. The silly big husky mouthed his hand playfully, tail thumping.

“Ah buddy I don’t know what to do. You’ve got a family who are looking for you, but I don’t want to let you go you goofy mutt, you’re my dog now…”.

For the next two days Drake ignored the number glaring at him from the piece of paper on the table. But being the good and honest man he was, his conscience picked at him until he couldn’t ignore it anymore. Looking sadly at Lucky, he dialled the number,

“Hello? My name’s Drake Walker. I think I’ve got your dog?”

The voice on the other end was enough to tell him he did the right thing; the young woman was so happy she almost cried. They arranged for her to come to Drake’s place to collect the dog the following afternoon. Drake spent the remainder of Friday spoiling Lucky rotten. He had titbits he wasn’t normally allowed and sprawled across the sofa. How Drake dreaded that knock on the door the next day.

Finally it came. Drake opened the door and was rather taken aback at the beautiful young woman standing on the doorstep. She was of very petite build, maybe only 5’2”? Slim, but curvy in all the right places. She wore a pair of pale grey jeans and a white shirt with shirt sleeves, showing her golden sun kissed arms. Her hair was a rich glossy mass of long chestnut-coloured waves, framing her heart-shaped face and making her bright green eyes stand out. She smiled at him,

“Hi! I’m Cassie. You must be Drake?”

Before Drake could answer, Lucky had barged out past him hearing the familiar voice. Cassie was down on her knees hugging and kissing the big husky as he whined and whipped her with his tail, covering her in doggy kisses. Drake had to look away before his heart broke in two; he really loved that big ball of fluff, he couldn’t believe he was going to have to let him go. Drake composed himself,

“Heh. I guess he remembers you. Please, come inside, you know, if he lets you stand up! Lucky stop it, let her go, Lucky.”

The dog stopped his antics, strolled over to Drake and sat down, head tilting to the side. Cassie laughed, it was a beautiful sound Drake thought, and her dazzling smile was enough to brighten a darkened room. She followed Drake inside as he motioned that she could sit and offered her a drink. When he came back she was looking at the dog’s uneven fur on his leg, shaved from his op. Drake rubbed the back of his neck,

“Yeah… I hit him with my 4×4, which is kinda how we ended up here…”

Cassie’s face was solemn, she placed her hand on Drakes arm,

“Thank you so much for getting him patched up, I can pay you back too. You know, so many people would just have left him.”

Drake grimaced,

“No one with a heart could leave a beautiful dog like that to die in the woods Cassie. And forget about the money, it’s been worth every penny.”

Her hand was still on his arm, he felt unusually comfortable with this strange woman. He looked in her clear green eyes as he asked her,

“How did he end up out in the woods himself?”

Cassie sighed and pushed her hair back from her face,

“Well, he’s really our family dog. Unfortunately my dad had a heart attack last September and he’s really not fit to look after Thor anymore. So he’s living in the city with me. It’s really not ideal, I’ve only got a little apartment, so I’d decided to take him out to the woods for the afternoon, you know, stretch his legs a bit, but someone was out shooting and the noise spooked him. He took off like the wind, Drake. I searched all afternoon. My dad’s been beside himself, just not knowing what happened, if he was dead or if someone was looking after him… I’m so grateful that you found him.”

Drake smiled sadly at her,

“I’m sorry to hear your dad’s been sick. It must have been a terrible worry to you both, Lucky… I mean Thor taking off like that…”

Cassie nodded, looking around Drake’s home,

“You have really got a great set up for him here, Drake. This place is ideal for a big dog, you have so much space. I can’t help but feel guilty taking him back to my apartment. I’m a nurse and when I’m working all hours he’s stuck in there alone.”

Drake paused, looking at his shoes momentarily, before screwing his face up and venturing,

“Cassie, I know this sounds kinda crazy, but I honestly love having him. I’ve gotten really attached to him and when you were coming to collect him…”

Drake let out a low whistle and covered his heart with his large hand.

“It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Is there any way that you want to do, like a ‘dog share’? The days you’re working he can crash here with me? He’s got lots of space to roam around, I’ve been taking him to work with me some days, there are other dogs he can hang out with there… And he does seem pretty happy? I mean, tell me if I’m overstepping the mark here, it’s probably a stupid idea; you barely know me…”

Cassie’s cheeks glowed a delicate shade of pink as she met his eyes, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This was the ideal solution for Thor. She’d been conflicted over whether to rehome him as it was genuinely too much for her: working twelve hour shifts in the Oncology ward, trying to help her dad out, as well as exercising and caring for a sixty-pound hunk of fur and slobbers; but she loved Thor too much to do it-even though it would probably be the right thing to do, for his sake. She’d just tried to find ways to make it work-she’d hired a dog walker, paid for doggy daycare etc, but it was far from ideal… Now this guy, who clearly loved Thor as much as she did, was offering to basically share the workload with her? She couldn’t deny that she was tempted. Nor could she deny the fluttering feeling in her stomach as she looked at Drake Walker thinking about how wonderful it would be to have an excuse to see him again… There were no photos of a partner or kids in the house that she could see, there was no ring on his finger… Cassie chased the idea from her mind, there was no way a guy as handsome and sweet as Drake wasn’t taken, plus why would he look twice at her…? Slowly she nodded her head,

“That sounds like it could be a perfect situation for Thor? Are you sure? You don’t mind?”

It was Drake’s turn to blush,

“Heh. No, I definitely do not mind.”


By the time that Drake and Cassie had been coordinating their time with Thor for around a month, Drake had noticed that he was beginning to look forward not only to seeing his big furry buddy, but also his beautiful mistress. The text messages between them had gone from the semi-formal, ‘Hey Drake! I’m working Thursday-Sunday 12 hour shifts, would you be able to keep Thor? I can drop him off, let me know when suits? Tks-C :)’ to selfies of her and Thor together. Drake had even started to send her a few messages during her days with Thor saying things like ‘How’s my boy? How’s things with you Cass? Look forward to seeing you both in a couple of days. X’. When Cassie dropped Thor off she was hanging around a little longer than necessary, and when he knew she was stopping by, Drake had started taking a little more time over his appearance than usual.

Istvan had raised his eyebrows at Drake during their morning run when he mentioned Cassie for the umpteenth time,

“Drake is there a little more to this Thor thing than just having a part time dog?”

Drake squirmed a little,

“No. Well… No. Not really.”

Istvan laughed out loud,

“Not really but you want there to be?”

Drake grinned sheepishly,


Istvan stopped jogging,

“Drake I can’t remember the last time I saw you this happy. Please do yourself a favour, if Cassie has this effect on you, do something about it. You deserve someone who makes you smile. It’s a long life to spend it alone my friend…”

Drake thought about what Istvan had said over the next few days, could there be a chance for him and Cassie? Did she even think about him like that? She was certainly friendly, but he wasn’t sure. What if he made a move and ruined everything?


Little known to Drake, Cassie was visiting her dad with Thor on her day off, getting the third degree. Mr Kapranos just couldn’t understand why his daughter hadn’t been on a date with this Walker character yet. Cassie rolled her eyes, insisting,

“Daddy, please. Drake really isn’t interested in me like that. We’re just friends, and he helps with Thor. I like him a lot, but nothing’s going on.”

Her father shook his head sadly,

“He must need his head checked, beautiful girl like you Cass, especially when you clearly like him…”

Cassie dropped her head, of course her dad thought she was beautiful. She was his only daughter. Didn’t mean that Drake did though. She so badly wished that he did. He was so tall and broad-shouldered, with his strong jaw and dark eyes that were like the entrance to his soul, that tousled dark hair she’d love to run her fingers through… Her stomach filled with butterflies when she though about him smiling at her, that bashful look on his face… The way he smelled; always fresh and clean, but so distinctly masculine… And how much of a gentleman he was, always so courteous and willing to help her out, and the way he was so loving with Thor… But he wasn’t interested in her, if he was he’d have made some sort of move by now… Right?


Drake paced around with his phone in his hand. He was due to get Thor tomorrow evening. He had deliberated for days about the conversation he’d had with Istvan and wanted to ask Cassie if she’d like to go to the lake that afternoon with him and Thor, they could take a picnic, Thor could splash around in the water. It would be nice… He felt like a teenager, ‘Pull yourself together Walker, it’s only an afternoon at the lake, you’re not asking her to marry you..’. He hit call and made his suggestion somewhat bashfully… Cassie was dying inside: was this a date? Surely not? He was just being nice, he knew she was busy at work and didn’t get a lot of time to relax. This was a lovely idea, but she was pretty sure it didn’t mean romance. Cassie lay awake in bed that night thinking about what it’d be like to lie there with Drake by her side, his arm wrapped lazily around her, his forehead against hers, his lips touching her skin… She shivered at the idea of that sensation. She needed to stop torturing herself like this…

The next day Cassie and Thor arrived at Drake’s place around 11am. They hopped into his 4×4, he’d already packed a hamper of food for them to enjoy, and icebox with drinks and everything that Thor would need for their day out. Cassie sat in the passenger seat feeling both happy and nervous. She’d picked out a pretty yellow dress to wear, it had little blue flowers on it; a wrap around style with a pretty bow at the back, she’d teamed it up with espadrilles and a dark denim jacket. Her hair fell down her back in loose shiny waves, she’d pinned the sides to stop it falling in her face. She’d put on a little bronzer and mascara today, with some pink lip gloss. She thought she looked quite nice. Not that she thought Drake would care though.

Drake laughed as Thor danced around in the back seat, whining as the smells of the countryside drove him crazy, but the thing that really caught his attention today was how stunningly beautiful Cassie looked. Her dress skimmed her thighs as she sat in the seat beside him, her shapely sun kissed legs stretched into the footwell in front of him. The locket she wore drew Drakes eyes to her neckline, the dress exhibiting just a subtle hint of her cleavage. He swallowed hard; God knows he wanted to kiss her… The was nothing about Cassie that made it look like she had to try to be beautiful, everything about her was so natural. Her skin was golden and flawless, her eyes sparkled like emeralds and that thick flowing hair moved like satin… Drake had noticed she wore a little make up today, it was pretty, it wasn’t much, but then, she didn’t need much… He smiled across at her as she synced her phone to his infotainment system, excitedly finding them the road trip playlist she’d created. She’d been really delighted when she realised they actually like a lot of the same bands. God, her smile was the prettiest thing he’d ever witnessed, he was completely captivated by her. He kept his eyes firmly on the road as he murmured,

“Cass, you look very pretty today.”

Her head whipped round to stare at him momentarily trying to close her mouth as she stammered,

“Oh!! Thanks!! You too!!”

She blushed furiously, cursing herself, ‘You too? Cassie what is wrong with you??’ Drake kept his eyes straight ahead, teasing her, he reckoned Cassandra had literally no idea just how gorgeous she was,

“You think I look pretty?”

She groaned, embarrassed, as she playfully whacked his arm,


Drake smirked,

“Heh. Handsome?”

The air was thick with tension between them, both waiting to see what the other would say, when Cassie’s Spotify started to blast through the speakers, making them both jump.


Arriving at the lake a short time later, Drake took Cassie’s hand as she jumped down from the 4×4, the electricity between them was palpable. She smiled and thanked him before shyly grabbing some of their supplies from the trunk. He’d brought some sandwiches, olives, lots of nice little nibbles; Thor wanted to get his nose straight into the food, Drake gripped his leash,

“No no no, that’s not for you big guy!”

Cassie laughed at the scolded look on Thor’s face. They took a quiet spot by the lake and laughed as Thor waded in, splashing as he went. They ate their food and laughed and chatted for what seemed like ages, but it passed by so quickly. They were like two old friends who’d known one another for years. They packed the hamper back in the 4×4 and headed off to let Thor properly stretch his legs. Their friendly, slightly flirtatious conversation continued as they strolled, until suddenly Drake realised he was holding her hand. It felt so natural, so right, he hadn’t even noticed when he’d taken it in his own… He stopped abruptly and turned to her,

“Cassie, I need to say something.”

Her head dropped, was this it, she’d pushed their friendship, she should have known that he wouldn’t be interested in her, she felt so stupid…. Drake lifted her chin til she met his eyes,

“Cassie. Look at me. I have never felt so happy as I have since I met you. I don’t know if you feel the same, but I need to say this, I’m crazy about you…”

Cassie’s eyes widened, she couldn’t get her head around it, she never thought for a second that he reciprocated her feelings! Her mouth broke into a wide smile, Drake took that glorious grin as all the invitation he needed to wrap his other arm around her slim waist and pull her into a gentle embrace, his lips brushing against hers. Cassie felt her knees go like jelly as he kissed her. She reached up running her fingers through his thick brown hair, deepening the kiss. Drake’s heart swelled inside his chest as he pulled her lithe body closer to his. They didn’t separate until Thor came up sticking his wet snout between them both… Drake caressed Cassie’s cheek as he looked down, grinning at the comical husky peering up at him,

“Thor, don’t take this the wrong way buddy, but I am so glad I ran you over…”

End – VP 💖

Published by

Viktoria Petit

Love Choices: my fics are inspired by The Royal Romance, Big Sky Country and A Courtesan of Rome. These can also be found on my Tumblr profile 'SawyerOakleysCowboyHat'

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