
Includes the drabble prompt “Eat your lunch and you wouldn’t be hungry.”

Maya huffed in annoyance, only to grimace when she remembered what the motion did to her aching sinuses. This wasn’t fair. She’d been deathly sick over the past week, lost tons of weight, been unable to breathe properly through her stuffy nose, her mouth tasted stale and every time she ate swallowing had felt as though she were inhaling glass.

Now that things were getting better, just when it seemed like she was starting to get her appetite back, this was what she’d gotten when she’d practically begged Damien to give her something edible. Perhaps she should’ve been more specific when it came to taste and smell.

“Damien, can you please get me something else? I’m hungry.”

“Eat your lunch and you wouldn’t be hungry.”

She wrinkled her nose in disgust as she stared at the bowl in front of her. “Tomato soup isn’t lunch.”

“It is, when you’re recovering from the flu.” He said as he joined her at the table. “Besides, since when don’t you like it? Every time we go to Panera, that’s what you order.”

“That’s the key word, Panera.” She insisted. “That’s the only place I’m willing to try it. It’s so creamy and zingy and the croutons and the breadbowl it’s served in …” she sighed wistfully.

“Sorry babe, I was gonna go there first, but they’re closed today. I had to go with what was at the store.”

It wasn’t that the soup looked terrible, but it was terrible. And she was cranky enough right now that after being stuck at home for a week, the last thing she wanted was the crap they shelved in the grocery store.

“Stupid holidays.”

Damien squeezed her hand comfortingly. “Tomorrow, I promise.”

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