Lunch Break

Author’s Note: It’s been one whole week since ILB wrapped up and I’m missing a certain khaki-clad Police Chief badly.  This is a little smutty homage to our favorite Eagle Scout for Thirsty Thursday.

I am happy to know I was not the only one whose mind went to the gutter when I read that Parker got his own big boy office.  This one is your fault @mfackenthal! 😂


Ivy pushed open the door of the Compass Cafe into the bustling mid-day sidewalk traffic of Pine Springs, paper sack in hand, and turned to the right to walk towards the police station.  She had just finished a delightful lunch at the cafe, a savory chicken salad sandwich and cup of broccoli cheese soup … by herself. Parker had cancelled last minute for the second time this week, leaving her high and dry to eat her lunch in solitude yet again.  

Things had been beyond hectic this summer as Parker acclimated to his new role as Chief of Police.  The late nights, early mornings and skipped lunches were really starting to wear on Ivy’s patience … and she knew that they were taking an even harsher toll on Parker himself.  Even though she had practically moved into his apartment, spending every possible night with him at his apartment, it was hard to spend any quality time together with Parker being so tired.  She couldn’t remember the last time he’d made it all the way to his bed before falling asleep, instead usually dozing off on the couch by 9pm.

Today as Ivy had been nibbling her sandwich and scrolling through her phone during lunch, she decided her overworked man was in dire need of a break.  Or at the very least, a lunch break. She ordered him his favorite turkey club sandwich and those thick kettle chips he loved, packing it all up in a brown paper sack and setting off down the street to surprise him.

Walking into the police station, Ivy greeted the front desk receptionist and a few of the officers at their desks on her way back to Parker’s office.  The smell of this morning’s coffee and Officer McClintock’s leftover lasagna for lunch filled the air, and the large open room buzzed with energy as the officers chatted and joked between their desks.  She passed by the empty desk in the corner, Parker’s old desk, wondering if he ever took the time to come out and hang out with the team anymore.

“Knock, knock.” She said playfully as she pushed open the door.  When Parker looked up from his computer screen his eyes appeared glazed over, the tell-tale bags residing below them confirming his exhaustion.  It took him a moment to process her arrival, but once he did his face lit up in a wide grin.

“Hey you, what are you doing here?”  He slipped from his chair, walking around the desk to greet her properly.  He leaned down to press a sweet kiss to her lips, cupping his hands behind her shoulders.  He realized he couldn’t pull her closer, the crunch of the paper bag between them catching his attention.

“You couldn’t come to lunch, so I brought lunch to you.”  Ivy smiled broadly, pushing him back towards his desk as she started unpacking his lunch for him.  She tossed him a playful look over her shoulder while he settled back into his chair. “Besides, I may have selfishly wanted to see you.  I hope that’s okay.”

A wistful smile on his lips, Parker grasped her hand.  “That is always okay.” He tugged her gently in his direction, wrapping his other arm around her waist and pulling her down into his lap.  He peered into her eyes, his own filled with remorse as he spoke. “I’m sorry I bailed today. I know I’ve been a little preoccupied with work lately …” His gaze fell to the stack of files littering his desk.

“Hey, you said it first!” Ivy poked him in the chest accusingly, a smug grin on her face.  Parker chuckled nervously in response, shaking his head gently as she looped her arms around his neck and nestled into his lap.  “But seriously, you need to take a break. At least eat some lunch and talk to me for a minute?” She gave him her best pleading puppy-dog eyes, causing him to laugh out loud.  It was music to her ears, a reminder of how much she had missed moments like these lately.

“Well how can I say no to that?” He squeezed her tight, his face already appearing more relaxed.  Ivy dipped her head, capturing his mouth in hers in what was intended to be a short affectionate smooch … but damn if she didn’t miss his kisses.  She felt her body arching against his when his tongue teased its way past her lips, a soft moan resonating from his throat as she kissed him deeper.  When they finally separated to come up for air, she could feel the large indication of just how badly he’d missed her pressing into her backside.

“Mmm … somebody is happy I came to visit.”  She rasped teasingly, nipping his lip quickly with a grin.  

Parker cleared his throat, blinking rapidly as he tried to fight off his arousal.  “Yeah, sorry about that. It’s just been a while. And when you kiss me like that …” He gave her a sheepish grin, wiggling his eyebrows playfully at her.

“I will definitely not argue that it’s been too long, Officer Shaw.”  She gave him a wicked grin, an idea suddenly popping into her head. “Perhaps that’s why you’ve been so stressed lately.  Maybe I can help you take the edge off.” She lifted herself from his lap, her eyes never leaving his as he watched her curiously.  When she sank to the floor before him, moving ever so slowly, his eyes widened at the realization of what she was suggesting.

“Ivy …” his voice was a low warning, but he couldn’t hide the tinge of begging underneath.  “We can’t here … what if somebody walks in?”

“Nobody would dare walk into the boss’s office without knocking first, Mr. Chief of Police.”  She responded matter-of-factly as she swiftly unfastened his belt and fly. With a final tug of his pants she freed his erection, gripping it in her palm as his hips lifted eagerly to meet her.  She paused, peering up at him innocently. “But if you really want me to stop …” she drew her hand away with a slight shrug.

“My God, Woman …” Parker groaned, his breath coming out in needy pants.  “Do you enjoy torturing me?”

“Yes.”  She smiled proudly before settling her face near his lap, her breath warm against his thigh.  “But I like pleasing you more.”

Ivy relished the sound of Parker’s low growl above her as she took him in her mouth, slowly easing him deeper and deeper as she adjusted to his size.  It didn’t take too long before he forgot any inhibitions he may have had, lacing his fingers in her hair as she slid her mouth up and down his cock, swirling her tongue along the way.  She could tell how badly he needed this, looking up at him from under her lashes to find his head rolled back as his hips met her mouth with every thrust.

She tried to take her time, to let the excitement build gradually so that he could truly savor this little experience, but as soon she felt his thighs start quivering she knew he was quickly approaching the point of no return.  Picking up the pace slightly she massaged his sack in one hand, using the other to grip whatever length she couldn’t fit into her mouth. “Aw fuck, Ivy …” Parker’s expletive signaled his final ascent as his cock twitched against her tongue.  He came with a loud grunt, his body seizing and then pulsing as he spilled all of that pent up tension down her throat.

Swallowing her prize, Ivy sat back on her heels and wiped her mouth with a smug grin, observing her now-extremely-relaxed boyfriend sprawled out in his office chair.  “Feeling a little better there, Chief?”

“Uh yeah, you could say that.”  Parker rubbed his palm across his face as he straightened up in his chair and redressed himself.  He caught her gaze, his face plastered with a dopey smile. “I feel like I should thank you or something.”

Ivy leaned back against the desk, bracing her hands atop his broad shoulders as she faced him.  “The only thank you I need is you leaving here at a decent hour tonight. I want dinner, a drink and-“

“Your boyfriend to worship every square inch of your body?” Parker interrupted, gripping her by the hips and pulling her against him.

“Definitely lots of that.”  She leaned down to give him a long kiss, this time more heartfelt than before.  When she finally leaned back, her voice came out a pleading whisper. “Promise me?”

“I promise.”  Parker pulled her in for one last kiss before reluctantly letting her part from him.

“So I’ll leave you to it then … you’ll have a lot of work to do if you’re gonna make it home by no later than six.”  She gave him a quick wink as she picked up her bag and made her way to the door.

“Hey Ivy.” He called softly right as she was about to step out.  “Thanks for the break. I’ll see you tonight.”

Tossing her hair over her shoulder, Ivy gave him a sly smirk as she peeked back to him at his desk.  “Don’t be late.”



2 thoughts on “Lunch Break”

  1. Officer Parker had a well deserved break 😊 His lunch sounds so delicious, seriously I love turkey club sandwich and kettle cooked chips. I wonder how exactly he worshiped her body that night.. 😏 Lol thanks for sharing!

    1. I just hope he worshipped her as well as she took care of him! Thanks so much for reading and the comment June! 😘

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