Lythikos Lodges- Part 3 (A TRR Fic)

Aesthetic Credits: Popcorn- my fussy eater Pinterest / Toast-uspaah Pinterest/ Jewellery-ruby lane vintage Pinterest / Redhead- hair & makeup & Steph instagram / Hand Pinterest / Beard kiss- rahne rosier Pinterest / Hug-Brit moren Pinterest / Orchid-nigosh Instagram / Lodge-veesko Pinterest
I don’t own any of these images, their rights belong to their owners

Important – My MC is Viktoria Petit, and my King Liam is called King Istvan

Rating – Nothing of note! Poor editing as done on phone, soz!

Disclaimer – Characters are Pixelberry’s, not mine, this is just for fun & I don’t make any money from it

Much love – VP 💖


This was written originally on Tumblr for @tmarie82 who told me she missed Drake and Cassie 💖💖💖 but as I wrote it, and it ended up being a couple of parts long, it kinda took a little turn which I’m not sure how anyone will feel about? You can let me know… 😘




Istvan placed a gentle kiss on Vik’s forehead as he murmured,

“Wake up sleepy head, we’ll be there soon… thirty minute warning”.

The Queen yawned as she rubbed her eyes,

“Nnnghhhff? Why did you let me sleep like that? What have you been doing all this time?”

Istvan laughed,

“Well I was working on Chuckles-I mean Godfrey’s proposal… And I never woke you because: 1-You obviously needed it, 2-being asleep stopped you from getting car sick halfway here, 3-sweetheart… You’re just so cute when you snore…”

Vik’s mouth fell open as Istvan giggled and pulled her close to him. She thumped his arm lightly as she muttered,

“How ruuuude! King Istvan you’re awfully lucky I love you so much…”.

The King grinned at her, a longing in his bright blue eyes,

“Hmmmmm, just how much do you love me?”

Viktoria pulled him into a slow and tender kiss, capturing his handsome face in her hands, gently stroking his cheeks with her thumbs as he melted into her touch. As she finally broke away she sighed,

“So much. And I’m so looking forward to spending some real quality time together this weekend. Everything has just been so busy lately…”

Istvan took her little hand in his, twirling her sparkling engagement ring as he spoke to her softly,

“Me too. It’s been so very very busy. I feel like I’ve been letting you down lately, cancelling things, running late, I’m so tied up all the time…”

Viktoria looked at him,

“Don’t do that Istvan, you’re not letting anyone down. I knew the monarchy was a huge commitment before we were married. You’re amazing the way you’re handling everything, I’m proud of you, and I love you so much.”

Istvan pulled his pretty wife closer, her smiling contentedly against him as he whispered,

“As long as you’re happy, my love, I’m happy too.”




Olivia had finished with the preparations for her party at last. She’d been happy to greet Kiara and Penelope who’d arrived together a short time ago! They’d arrived signing happy birthday, Kiara excitedly shoving a personalised bottle of pink fizz into Olivia’s hands as Penelope pulled her into a hug handing her a beautiful pink sparkly gift bag. Olivia grinned as she accepted the gifts and good wishes, thanking the girls for coming all the way to Lythikos. She personally took them out to their lodge, Penelope had asked if they could share, she was a little nervous about essentially sleeping in the woods alone with the poodles. Kiara was happy to oblige, she had been excited at the prospect of some time with her best friend, suggesting they could go to Liv’s new onsite spa for some treatments the day after the party too. It would be great just to spend some time with all of their friends having fun and forgetting about the pressures of work and life in general.




Cassie hopped out the jeep first, sucking in a deep breath as she took in the majesty of Olivia’s home,

“Wow. This is something else… I have to say, it’s very ‘Olivia’…”.

Drake pulled a face,

“Don’t let her hear you say that…”

Cassie took his arm in hers as she scolded,

“Don’t be mean, it was really sweet of Olivia to invite us all this weekend, she didn’t have to Drake…”

Drake nodded,

“It’s just difficult sometimes remembering that Liv isn’t a nightmare anymore…”

Maxwell nodded sagely,

“Yeah Cassie wasn’t around during Olivia’s real scary times… She was like a cat toying with a mouse half the time Cassie.”

Cassie smiled as she hooked one arm around each of them,

“Well boys, while I believe you, I take people as I find them, and she’s always been very pleasant to me. People can change and grow you know…”

Maxwell laughed,

“Like Drake since he met you. He’s not half as grouchy or whisky-soaked anymore…”

Drake drew Maxwell a withering look, promoting Maxwell to retract the previous statement… Cassie laughed and shook her head,

“Ok, while you two are still friends, let’s get inside and say happy birthday to Olivia!!”




“Olivia? I just wanted to let you know that it’ll be roughly another hour til Lythikos, please don’t hold up any of the festivities on my account…”

Hana had called to let Olivia know her current ETA. Olivia smiled down the phone,

“Hana it’s not a problem, it’s only Penelope and Kiara who are here already anyway. I think Maxwell has just pulled up, he’s got Drake and Cassie with him, but Istvan and Viktoria are still about 20 minutes away. So there’s no rush. Just drive carefully and I’ll see you when you get here.”

Hana thanked her, then quietly asked,

“Umm Olivia, I should have said sooner, I’ve sort of brought a “plus one” is that ok…?”

Olivia’s eyebrow raised like someone put a fishhook through it, teasingly questioning,

“A plus one, you say…??”

Hana squirmed a little at Olivia’s teasing,

“Umm yes, I know I should have asked…”

Olivia smiled down the phone, shaking her head,

“Hana it’s fine, I assume this is the kind of plus one that is staying in your lodge?”

Hana’s face coloured on the other end of the phone,


Olivia shrugged her shoulders,

“Well it’s only an extra bit of dinner and some drinks then, isn’t it? Hana, I look forward to seeing you and to meeting this mysterious guest of yours…”

TBC – VP 💖

Published by

Viktoria Petit

Love Choices: my fics are inspired by The Royal Romance, Big Sky Country and A Courtesan of Rome. These can also be found on my Tumblr profile 'SawyerOakleysCowboyHat'

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