I don’t own any of these images, their rights belong to their owners
Important – My MC is Viktoria Petit, and my King Liam is called King Istvan
Rating – Nothing of note!
Disclaimer – Characters are Pixelberry’s, not mine, this is just for fun & I don’t make any money from it
Much love – VP 💖
This is for @tmarie82 who told me she missed Drake and Cassie 💖💖💖 but as I wrote it, and it ended up being several parts long where the whole gang are involved, it kinda took a couple of little turns, two that I’m really not sure how anyone will feel about? You can let me know… 😘 I will accept delight or outrage…
As Cassie walked through the halls of the Nevrakis mansion she felt like she was in a historic movie, everything was beautiful and ornate, but old. So old. Suits of armour stood in the corners, battle-axes and swords adorned the walls. Sconces with candles lit the hallways, Cassie whispered to Drake, holding his arm tightly as they followed Olivia inside,
“It’s kinda creepy in here Drake…”
He wrapped his arm around her a little tighter and whispered back in a serious manner,
“You’re not scared are you Cass? It’s only Olivia’s ghostly ancestors… They roam the halls at night, unrested warriors looking for revenge on those who wronged them, unable to pass over to the afterlife…”
Cassie’s bright green eyes almost popped out of her head as her mouth dropped open, she huddled closer to Drake saying nothing as she cast her eyes suspiciously around the area. Drake chuckled lowly to himself,
“Don’t you worry baby, Drake won’t let any evil spooks get to you…”
Olivia turned round, stopping dead in her tracks in front of them, hand on a popped-out hip, a wicked smile on her face,
“Drake Walker, you’d better not be sullying the memory of the great Zenobia Nevrakis to try and have your wicked way with sweet little Cassie here…”
Drake’s face coloured as he cleared his throat awkwardly while Olivia smirked at him knowingly, wagging a scolding manicured finger. Cassie looked up at him coyly, pouting a little as she teased him,
“Mr Walker, I thought you would know by now, I need no excuses to snuggle up close to you…”
One hand settled on his taught stomach as wide grin spread across Drake’s face. Olivia rolled her eyes dramatically as she groaned,
“Enough, you lovesick puppies. Urghhh, and I thought that King and Queen McFrisky were nauseating… Come through and get some drinks, Maxwell, Penelope and Kiara are already through there.”
Viktoria and Istvan had been taken out by one of the staff from Olivia’s estate across to the lodges. They were only supposed to be dumping their bags and freshening up, but still wholeheartedly caught in the honeymoon phase of their marriage, they’d found it virtually impossible to keep their hands off one another. Viktoria had dimmed the tinted glass in the master bedroom to allow her to quickly change from the tailored dress she had worn to the meeting in Fydelia; she’d brought a pretty dark blue skater dress with pink and white flowers printed all over the skirt, a tan belt and little tan ballerina pumps to change into. She had to ask King Istvan to unzip the black suit dress for her as she couldn’t reach the whole way, and as soon as she felt the zip begin to move down and his warm lips pressing searing passionate kisses into the smooth skin at the nape of her neck, his breath hot against her, moving gradually lower, following the trail of the zip, she knew they were going to be late.
“Oh God,”
she cringed slightly between soft groans as he pushed her forward onto the huge sumptuous bed,
“We are going to be ‘that couple’ again…”.
Lady Hana stepped out of the car taking in the brisk Lythikos air. The driver was emptying the bags from the trunk as Hana thought about the previous times she was here. She and Vik had so much fun playing like little kids in the snow, making snow-angels and drinking hot chocolate during the Winter Festival here… Hana had missed her friends whilst she’d been gone. She was so excited when she’d accepted the offer to work with several major fashion houses after Istvan and Viktoria’s wedding. She had so much to thank them for, for asking her to design the bridal gown. The world’s media had its eyes on her friends that beautiful day, on the dress she designed… That dress had propelled her career like nothing else could have:
“Who Is Lady Hana Lee?”
asked every magazine and show covering the event. It was startling the speed at which things had taken off since, Milan, Paris, London, New York, a whirlwind of fashion shows, networking with both industry veterans and who’s hot right now in all the creative circles. She had put in time and so much effort in creating her portfolio and in the past couple of weeks, just before New York Fashion Week, starting work on her own collection for Spring.
Hana’s mind cast back to the Royal Wedding again: everything about the service had been so beautiful, the cathedral, Istvan’s crisp white military dress, Vik’s sparky blue shoes, their vows, and oh, the way they looked at one another… As Hana had stood watching them commit to spending their lives loving one another, she had to dab away tears of happiness. But at the same time, there was just a little part of her that felt a pang of sadness that she didn’t have someone special in her life: someone to worship and adore the way Vik did Istvan, someone to cherish and protect the way that Ist did Viktoria… It was in no way a jealous feeling, just an acknowledgement that Hana wanted someone special to share her life with too. As Hana felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around her waist, a chin resting on her shoulder, she leaned into the embrace, smiling as she murmured,
“I am so lucky, I am living my dream job, and if It wasn’t for my friends here that would never have happened, I wouldn’t have been away from Cordonia, and I would never have met you either. Isn’t it funny how things have a way of working out Giselle?”
Hana’s face illuminated with a heartfelt smile as Giselle smoothed her hair back behind her ear, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek,
“Yes. I think it was all meant to be. I love you Hana.”
TBC – VP 💖