Making Amends

Summary: Bastien tries to repair his relationships with Liam, Drake, and Leo.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 46 of #ChoicesCreates: Reconciliation and takes place after Personal Security.

Bastien looked to Liam as he approached. “Good morning, Your Majesty.”

“Good morning, Bastien. I need to speak to you about security for Lady Riley. Since she is now a duchess, I am concerned that Cordonia’s enemies may target her. She will need her own security detail, but in the meantime, the King’s Guard will protect her. Please escort her to the ball. I need to be sure that she arrives safely.” Liam gazed at Bastien intently. “And don’t do anything to upset her.”

Bastien lowered his head. He wondered if he would ever live down his actions. When King Constantine had asked him to arrange for Tariq to go to Lady Riley’s room and for a photographer to take incriminating pictures, he had not been comfortable with the order, but he did not feel that he had a choice. Constantine believed that Cordonia would be more vulnerable to its enemies if Liam did not choose Madeleine as his bride. Liam could lose his kingdom or even his life. He couldn’t take that chance. He still wondered if he could have done something to prevent Liam’s mother from being poisoned. He didn’t know what, but maybe there was something he should have noticed that would have made a difference.

He slowly looked up at Liam. “I won’t, Your Majesty. You have my word.” He wondered if he should say more. When his involvement in the plot had come out, he had worried that Liam might fire him, and he knew that he had lost Liam’s respect. If there was any hope of regaining it, he had to try. “I deeply regret my actions. I know I hurt Lady Riley very badly. Even though I don’t deserve it, she has been gracious enough to forgive me. I know I hurt you too, and I am truly sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me. If not, I understand.”

Liam paused, then finally spoke. “I believe you, Bastien. I know you were just doing what my father asked. What you did hurt me, but I’d like to think that I can get past that eventually. I have no doubt that you are loyal to the crown, and will continue to serve me well.”

Bastien smiled. “Thank you very much, Your Majesty.”

As he headed off to find Riley, Bastien felt somewhat relieved. Liam may not have forgiven him completely yet, but he felt that they were off to a good start. He made his way up the stairs, turned a corner, and found himself face to face with Drake. Drake glared at him, turned around, and began walking in the opposite direction.

“Drake, please, can we talk?” Bastien called out to him.

“About what?” Drake shouted. “How you betrayed Riley? I thought you were a good guy. But you hurt her. You hurt Liam. You hurt ME!”

Bastien rushed past Drake, then turned around to face him. “Drake, I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt anyone.”

“But you did!” yelled Drake.

“I know. And I have to live with that. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive myself. I didn’t feel that I had a choice. It is my duty to obey the king, and to ensure the safety of the royal family. King Constantine believed that we were doing what was necessary to protect the crown. I’m not trying to excuse my actions. I’m just trying to explain them.” Bastien’s eyes welled up with tears. “Drake, we’ve known each other a long time, and have been through a lot together. I made a mistake. I wish I could go back and change what I did, but I can’t. All I can do is try to make up for it. If there’s anything I can do to make things right between us, let me know, and I’ll do it.”

“You can start by staying away from Riley,” Drake told him.

Bastien’s face fell. “I’m sorry. I can’t do that. King Liam asked me to protect her. He wants me to escort her to the ball today. I can’t refuse him, especially since she could be in danger.”

“And how do you think she will feel about that?” Drake retorted.

“I don’t think she’ll mind,” Bastien replied. “I’ve talked to her and apologized, and she has forgiven me.”

Drake’s mouth dropped open. “What?”

“I was surprised too. She’s an amazing woman.” Bastien looked Drake in the eye. “I promise, I’ll never do anything to hurt her again.”

“You better not,” Drake ordered.

“You have my word. I don’t know if that means anything to you now, but I hope one day you’ll be able to trust me again.”

“We’ll see. I need to go find Savannah.” Drake moved past Bastien and began walking away.

Bastien wondered if things would ever be the same between them. Drake wasn’t as forgiving as Liam. Still, maybe there was hope. Drake had at least left open the possibility of being able to trust him someday. It was a step in the right direction.

Later that day, Bastien headed back to his room. He still needed to find Riley, but there was time. He took out his phone and made a call.


“Hello, Leo. It’s Bastien.” He hadn’t spoken to Leo since before his part in the plot against Riley had been revealed, but surely he must have heard what happened.

“Is everything all right? Is it my father?” Leo sounded worried.

“Your father is about the same. I just wanted to talk to you.” He took a deep breath. “I suppose your brother told you what I did.”

“He did,” Leo admitted. “He was very hurt. I know how much he loves Riley. I was stunned that you could do such a thing. It didn’t seem like you.”

“It wasn’t my idea. I hated having to do it, but your father ordered me to. I understand if you’re angry with me. I just wanted to know if you…” He hesitated, trying to find the right words.

“Bastien, I know what my father is like. Yes, I’ve resisted him and done what I wanted, but he didn’t make it easy. I never intended to marry Madeleine, but he forced me into the engagement anyway. And if it was hard for me at times, I can imagine what it must have been like for you.”

“So you understand?” Bastien asked. “Is everything all right between us? I really am sorry about what I did.”

“I know. Everything is fine. We’ve been through a lot together. Hell, you were my best man. As long as you’re sorry, that’s good enough for me.”

“Thank you, Leo. That means a lot,” Bastien said gratefully.

After they said their goodbyes, Bastien resumed looking for Riley. He felt somewhat better. Leo had forgiven him, Liam seemed to be getting there, and there was still a chance that Drake would come around. Even though he and Riley were in a good place, he decided that he would offer her yet another apology. And he would see that she got to the ball safely. No more harm would come to her if he could help it.

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