Making Memories

Making Memories
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Note-  Ages ago I got a request for “Do you trust me”/”This is just the beginning” and I just couldn’t get the right inspiration and it kind of languished at the bottom of my request pile. Then this weekend an idea popped into my head (maybe because I just survived a vacation with 3 small kids lol). I’m really, really sorry it took so long for me to get to this request!

Pairing- Chris/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Chris and Savannah unwind after a family vacation.

Words- 660

“I am so glad to be home,” Chris announced as he dropped down onto our bed, “I thought vacations were supposed to be relaxing.”

I laughed, “vacations with small children are never relaxing,” I pointed out as I climbed into the bed and lay down next to him.

He immediately wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. “It was fun though, wasn’t it? I don’t think they stopped smiling all week.”

“I’m not sure I did either,” I commented, thinking of how happy the children had been. It was our first trip to Disney World with all three kids and while it had been exhausting, it had been so much fun.

“And this is just the beginning,” Chris said enthusiastically, “We have years and years of family vacations ahead of us. Lots of memories to make.”

“Until they get too old and too cool to want to go places with their parents,” I teased.

“True but then one day, they’ll realize how cool we are and beg us to go on vacation with them,” Chris pointed out with a  laugh. “Or at least they’ll realize how much they need us.”

“Speaking of… We need to send your mom flowers or a gift,” I told him, “It was so great of her to come with us and watch Luke so we could take the girls on rides.”

I know a lot of women complained about their mother-in-law, but mine was a treasure.

“She seemed pretty happy to be there,” Chris commented, “I think she had as much fun as the kids.” Chris began to rub my shoulders as he talked.

I sighed into his touch. “Mmmmm…”

“You like that, huh?” Chris asked, his voice gaining a husky note.

“I always like it when you touch me,” I told him, turning so that we were facing each other.

Our lips met in a sweet, but enthusiastic kiss. It quickly grew into something more, as our hands started roaming. Suddenly though, I groaned and not in a good way as we shifted and I remembered how sore I was after a week of rides and walking. Not to mention the plane ride and several hours in the car.

Chris immediately pulled away and then placed a kiss on my forehead. “Hold that thought?” He said with a grin.

I made a face, “apparently.” I looked at him and laughed. “I remember back in college, how you’d practically drag me to my room after a big game, you couldn’t keep your hands off me. How was that possible? I can barely move now.”

We shifted so that Chris was laying on his back and I was curled up against him, trying not to wince in pain.

“I was nineteen,” Chris reminded me with a laugh, “and winning a football game was an amazing adrenaline rush. Add that to the fact that I could barely keep my hands off of you,” he pressed a kiss to my shoulder, “I still can’t.”

I laughed. “We’ve come a long way from those days.”

“And I wouldn’t change any of it,” Chris assured me, “almost from the beginning, I wanted this. It was so easy to picture, the idea of having a family and a future with you.”

“For me too,” I told him, “and it’s even better than I dreamed.”

“And it’s only going to get better,” Chris promised.

“Oh yeah?” I asked teasingly.

“Definitely,” Chris answered, “do you trust me?”

“With my life,” I assured him.

“Well, then believe me when I say, it just gets better from here.” He said with a grin, “after all, we’ve made it through the baby years, now we get to watch our kids grow up and make family memories and then when they’re grown, it’ll be you and me again.”

“Sounds perfect,” I said, snuggling against him, “and there is no one I’d rather do it with.”

Chris kissed the top of my head. “Me neither, babe.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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