Marc Antony’s Woman: Wounded Pride

Marc Antony’s Woman

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- Both relevant scenes in this chapter were short, so this is shorter than chapter 1 (and shorter than the remaining chapters will be). Also, Portia’s perspective is formed by the time she lives in and her training as a courtesan, in general, this is a romance that does not translate well to modern times just because attitudes and expectations are so different.

Rating- PG-13

Pairing- Marc Antony/MC

Summary- Portia sacrifices he chance of revenge for her love, but didn’t count on Antony’s hurt pride. How will she win him back?

Chapter Two: Wounded Pride

I held the knife in my hand and looked at Aquila, delirious from the love potion ,it would be so easy to kill him in this state and I had spent 8 years dreaming of doing just that, but… Was it the right choice?

I thought of the information I now had, that proved that he’d been working with Pompey. If I handed that information over to Antony, it would go a long way to disproving Xanthe’s accusations about me and I knew Antony well enough to know that Aquila would still suffer.

In a split second I made my decision, I put the knife away and hurried out of the room, leaving Aquila calling deliriously after me. I ignored him, ignored the pounding of my heart and the little voice that told me I was betraying the Siochain.

Maybe I was, but… Killing Aquila wouldn’t bring my brother back, it wouldn’t save my tribe, and sparing him was the best chance I had at securing my future and the favor of the man I loved. That was all it came down to really, the fact that I wanted Antony more than I wanted revenge.

With that thought in mind, I headed back to the stands, weaving my way through the crowd until I had reached Antony’s private box. Thankfully, he was alone, Xanthe nowhere to be seen.

His eyes narrowed at the sight of me entering his box. “Portia? What is the meaning of this?”

For a moment, I wondered what he would say if I was there for him, that I had missed him and needed to see him. Would he respond positively? Or would his bruised ego get in the way? As tempted as I was to find out, I was there for another reason.

“There’s something I thought you’d like to see,” I told him, handing him one of the letters I had taken from Aquila’s office.

He scanned it quickly, his face hardening as he read it. “Aquila! And you got these…?”

“Straight from his offices,” I answered, handing over the rest.

Antony cursed under his breath and then snarled, his face set in a mask of fury, “that little rodent will pay for this treachery.” There was a promise in his words, one that bordered almost on reassurance.

“Guards!” Antony called in a commanding voice and two armed guards came running,

“Yes, domine?”

“Bring me Aquila.” Antony ordered, “Search his offices. If he’s fled, find him wherever the worm has gone to ground.”

“Yes, domine.” One of the guards answered before they left. I knew that Aquila would still be in his office, because he would be in no state to go anywhere, but I kept silent, even with his role of a traitor regaled, it probably wasn’t wise to reveal my tricks or the things I was capable of. It would only put both Loucasta and I in danger.

Once the guards were good, Antony turned to me. “Death is too good for him, I will strip him of his rank and exile him to Germania. He will be scoured from the annals and forgotten.”

I smirked, thinking of what I knew of Aquila, of how badly he had wanted to make a name for himself and secure his legacy, this really was the worst possible fate for him, which made it the best revenge.

I saw Antony watching me, studying me carefully. “This is hardly what I imagined it would look like if you ever got Aquila alone,” he commented and I knew he was remembering the night of the Vulcania.

“I figured there was vengeance enough to satisfy us both,” I told him lightly, my gaze focused on him.

Antony smiled. “A woman who cares enough to share her vengeance? Be still my heart.”

It was my turn to smile, “vengeance is sweeter when shared with a lover,” I teased, sending him a provocative look.

My flirting had fallen flat the other day, but, for the moment at least, it seemed to be working, and Antony brought his hand to my cheek, stoking it gently as I bared my teeth at him playfully. “Then I am honoured you would share it with me.”

Our eyes met and , for a moment, it was as nothing had changed between us. I could see affection in his gaze, along with desire, and knew without a doubt that he still cared. I opened my mouth to say something, perhaps plead my case further, but before I could, Antony’s expression hardened and he dropped his hand.

I followed his gaze, confused over the sudden change, and then sighed as I saw Xanthe approaching the box. From his sudden coldness I knew that delivering Aquila to him hadn’t been enough to clear all his suspicions.

“Now you’ll excuse me, I have games to run.” Antony told me, dismissing me and turning his back to me.

Frustration and disappointment filled me as I ducked out of the box, careful not to let Xanthe see me, but I pushed them back. It would have been nice if Antony had accepted my gift as proof of my innocence, but I knew it wasn’t that simple.

It wasn’t the idea of my conspiring with Cassius against Caesar that had bothered him, but the idea that I had been using him. I thought of the way he had accused me of playing him. His pride had been hurt and he was reacting because of it. The only question was what did I do next? How did I prove to him that this was no game, that he was the one I wanted?


I returned to the scholae after speaking to Sabina and delivering the news that she was now free. Her relief had been palpable and it brought me joy to see it, to know she was no longer at that monster’s mercy.

As I entered, I noticed that Xanthe was preparing to leave.

“Where are you going at this hour?” I asked her, though really there would be only one reason, but I was curious as to who had summoned her. It couldn’t be Antony, could it?

Xanthe grinned smugly, confirming my fear. “Antony summoned me.” She told me triumphantly. ”Seems he’s gotten a taste of a true Courtesan and can’t get enough.”

He words were like a physical blow. There was only one reason Antony would summon her at this time of night and the idea of them together made my stomach churn and yet… Perversely, it gave me hope.

I had hurt Antony’s pride and he was reacting to that. Not just by punishing me, but by proving to himself, and me, that he was still desirable. That if I didn’t want him, there were plenty of women who did. His ego would demand soothing and Xanthe was good at that, at least.

But the fact that he had chose her, of all the women in Rome, said that it was more about me than her. Antony could have his choice of women without having to pay Lena’s exorbitant rates, and I refused to believe that Xanthe herself held that much appeal, no he had sent for her because he wanted me to know. He wanted a reaction from me.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I almost missed the words Xanthe three at me as she stepped on the street. “Oh, and you should know, Syphax is going to die tomorrow.”

I froze, my mind distracted away from Antony for the first time in days. Had something happened? Had he been sentenced with something? But how?

“What do you mean?” I demanded, grabbing her arm and stopping her from leaving.

She smiled maliciously. “He’s been matched against one of huge best gladiators in the games. He can’t hope to win.”

I ached to slap that smile off of her face. How could she be so cruel? I knew she was selfish, but didn’t she have any compassion at all? “Xanthe, don’t you care about Syphax at all?” I demanded. “How can you be so callous about him? He was your bodyguard too! Didn’t you ever care about him?”

She shrugged. “Oh, I did. When Lena gave him to you, I warned him. I said ‘Be careful with her, Syphax. That one is trouble.’ And I was right. But he chose to take the fall for you anyway. He has to live with that now.” There was no regret or sympathy in her voice, only malice and I marveled that she could hate me that much. “And so do you.” She added gleefully. “The Conquered King will slaughter Syphax, and I can’t wait to watch your face when it happens.”

With that she walked away and this time, I didn’t try to stop her. I couldn’t, I was frozen in place, trying to process what I had just heard. Syphax would be fighting my father!


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

One thought on “Marc Antony’s Woman: Wounded Pride”

  1. Oh my God I hate her so much. I literally have never hated a choices character – except maybe Marco and Duke Richards – as much as I hate Xanthe in this scene – her callousness, her delight in the fact that Syphax is going to die. She’s awful.

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