
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This uses one of the Diavolos Appreciation Day prompts “I want you” “then take me” and also the older prompt “I’ve spent the whole night imagining you like this”, but I am posting it early as a birthday present to one of my favorite people in this fandom: violetflipflops . Thank you for being such an amazing friend and writing partner, someone I can always bounce ideas off of and who is there to listen when I feel the need to rant! This is an AU set shortly before the invasion of the Five Kingdoms.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Kenna meets a handsome stranger at a masquerade ball and is instantly drawn to him.

Words- 1840

Kenna adjusted her mask and surveyed the ballroom.

Her mother had sent her to Fydoria to represent Stormholt at Prince Tevan and Princess Aurynn’s birthday celebrations. At least, that was the official reason, but Kenna knew her mother had really been hoping to further the alliance talks, preferably by showing off her beautiful daughter.

On one hand, Kenna resented being used as bait, but on the other, she was actually enjoying the visit. She’d been accompanied by guards, of course, but Gabriel had fallen ill and had been unable to accompany her and her mother had thought it best if she’d stayed behind to let Kenna take center stage, so Kenna was savoring her brief taste of freedom.

The ball itself was very grand, the Fydorians certainly knew how to celebrate, and luckily King Ammanth was occupied entertaining and hadn’t been able to bore her with his stories.

In fact, thanks to the masked nature of the evening, Kenna had been able to blend into the crowd unbothered. For one night at least, she could just be a normal woman, not the eligible princess of Stormholt.

“May I have this dance?”

Kenna turned to see where the question came from and came face to face with a masculine form clad all in black. His face was masked, of course, but what was uncovered was certainly attractive, high cheekbones and a strong jaw. He was also tall and broad-shouldered with a deep, pleasant voice and even without seeing his face, Kenna was drawn to him.

“Of course,” she answered, offering him her hand.

He took it and swung her onto the dance floor. The musicians were playing a traditional dance and whoever her mystery partner was, he’d had courtly training because he didn’t miss a step. The song ended and another one began and Kenna expected her mystery partner to release her, but he didn’t, instead, he pulled her into another dance.

Kenna blushed slightly as she identified this particular dance, after all it was known for being a little scandalous, a courting dance. Under normal circumstances, she knew that her participation in this dance would invite questions and speculation, but the mask gave her a little more freedom.

As they went through all the steps, Kenna found herself very aware of her partner, of his strong muscled body against hers and during her brief time dancing with another partner, all she could think about was being back in his arms. How it was possible that she was so affected by a total stranger? The song ended, Kenna’s back pressed up against the stranger. “

Let’s get out of here,” he whispered in her ear, his breath hot against her neck.

Kenna nodded dumbly, letting him lead her out of the ballroom, not caring where they were going.

To her surprise, he led her to the famed library of Ennan.

“As much as Fydorians enjoy knowledge, they enjoy revelry more,” the stranger joked, “so the library should be plenty private.” Hmm, so whoever this man was, he wasn’t Fydorian, or at least it didn’t sound like it.

He lead Kenna through the library to a small, private room off to the side, one that was hidden out of sight.

“Oh, this is convenient,” Kenna commented, wondering how he’d know the room was there because she hadn’t noticed it when Prince Tevan had given her a tour earlier that day, “I wouldn’t even have known it was here.”

“I was given a tour upon my arrival,” he explained, another clue to his identity, because only someone of importance would have been given a private tour, “and I am used to taking in all the details of my surroundings. Here, we can have privacy without awakening any speculation, like we would If I were to invite you to my quarters.”

Kenna blushed at his words, at what he was suggesting. Her mystery man put his hand under her chin. “Not that I am suggesting that this go that far. Whatever happens here is up to you,” he assured her, “however I didn’t want to kiss you in the middle of a crowded ballroom.” He paused, looking at her carefully. “Unless you have an objection, I’m going to kiss you now.”

“I’d like that,” Kenna admitted, instinctively raising herself up on her tiptoes.

The mystery man wrapped an arm around her crushing her tight against him and then kissing her deeply, his mouth firm against hers. Kenna had only been kissed a few times before and never like this. She moaned into his mouth, pushing herself closer to him.

“I want you,” he groaned against her lips, his arm still pressing her against him and as inexperienced as she was, Kenna could still recognize his very obvious arousal. She knew that she should put a stop to this. That proper princesses did not lay with strangers and certainly not in the middle of a library during a ball, but… She didn’t want to be a proper princess, not tonight.

“Then take me,” she said instead, gazing up at him.

To her surprise, he hesitated. “Have you ever done this before?”

Kenna considered lying, but she had a feeling he’d see through the lie. “No,” she admitted, “but that doesn’t change anything.”

“It should,” he told her, his hand moving from her back to play with her hair, “I should be noble and step back, but… Hells, I want you too much.”

He pulled her toward him again, his hand tangling in her hair as he kissed her deeply. He broke the kiss, both of them panting for breath, and carefully undid her dress.

“I’ve spent the whole night imagining you like this,” he told her as he eased the fabric down over her slender form, “from the moment I set eyes on you, I wanted you.”

Oh. Kenna had a feeling that his words should scare her, but they didn’t, instead, they sent a thrill down her spine. He continued to kiss her exposed skin as he helped out of her undergarments until she was naked before him, the only item of clothing remaining was the mask covering her face.

To her surprise, her companion made no move to take off either of their masks and Kenna had to admit there was something very appealing about that, it added an air of mystery and danger to the encounter.

She wondered if she should feel nervous or self-conscious, maybe because she was too aware of her companion and how badly she wanted him. He gently guided her across the room, pinning her to the wall and kissing her hard before dropping to his knees.

Kenna let out a little cry of surprise as he lifted her leg over his shoulder and then lowered his mouth to her. Ooohhh. She had definitely never experienced anything like this before.

Her mystery man placed small kisses over her sensitive flesh before running his tongue over her sensitive nub and making her gasp. “Do you like that?” He asked against her skin.

“Yessss…” Kenna moaned, arching her hips into him as he plunged his tongue into her, causing her to bite back a sob of pleasure. It felt so good.

He continued to work at her with his talented mouth, his strong hands holding her in place as she shuddered around him, doing her best not to cry out as the pleasure overwhelmed her.

Afterward, he pulled back and then stood, kissing her deeply. Kenna could taste herself on him and there was something very erotic and almost sinful about that, she pressed herself as close to him as she could get, desperate for more him.

He kissed her desperate and then pulled away with a groan, fumbling with the ties of his pants and impatiently shoving them to the ground. He left his tunic on, but Kenna was too impatient to care. Her eyes widened at the size of him. He was so big.

“Will you fit?” She asked before she could stop herself.

He laughed, but there was no mockery in it, just amusement and there was something very pleasant about it. Kenna couldn’t help but think how much she liked the sound of his laughter. “I will,” he assured her, running a gentle hand over her face, “it might be a little unpleasant at first, but I will do my best to make this good for you.”

Kenna nodded, instinctively trusting him. He lifted her up easily, pinning her to the wall and then he adjusted their bodies, sliding inside of her. Kenna couldn’t stop the little cry that left her lips, he was just so big, and he gave her a moment to adjust to him and then he began to move and pain began to turn into something else. His hands caressed her body as he began to thrust in and out of her at a controlled pace, one that Kenna was soon matching, wrapping her legs around him and eagerly thrusting her hips into his.

His lips were on hers, his tongue plundering her mouth. Kenna hadn’t realized it was possible to feel like this. It wasn’t long before she was reaching the peak of pleasure against and she clung to him, wanting him to experience it too. He came with a groan, spilling himself inside of her, their mouths muffling each other’s cries.

Afterward, he collapsed against her, his strong body pinning her to the wall.

“That was amazing,” Kenna told him softly, still unable to believe what had just happened. This was so wild and wanton, so unlike her, and yet… Nothing else she had ever done in her life had felt so right.

“You are amazing,” her lover told her in a warm voice, his hands gentle as he helped her to her feet. He placed a gentle kiss on her lips before releasing her.

Kenna reached for her dress and put it back on, turning so that he could tie the laces for her. She knew they should get back to the ball, but she hesitated. “Can I see your face?” She asked instead.

She knew it didn’t matter. This night was a brief moment of madness, nothing else, and yet… She needed to know who it was who she’d shared such an incredible connection with.

Her mystery lover hesitated for a moment and then reached up and removed his mask as Kenna did the same. He was as handsome as she’d assumed he would be, with beautiful eyes and a scar over one eyebrow giving him an added element of danger.

“So I was right,” he said softly, watching her with an expression Kenna couldn’t quite understand, “Princess Kenna, correct?”

“Yes,” Kenna confirmed, “though you have me at a disadvantage because I don’t know your name.”

“It’s Diavolos,” he told her quietly.

Kenna took in a deep breath as she recognized the name. Prince Diavolos of Abanthus, King Luther’s oldest son and her mother’s favored candidate for Kenna’s future spouse. Fate was a funny thing indeed.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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