Medal of Honor

Summary: Officer Rebecca McKenzie learns that she will receive a medal from the mayor.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 27 of #ChoicesCreates: Anything Most Wanted

Rebecca slowly sat up and reached for the bottle of pills on the nightstand. Her head was beginning to ache again. She took out a pill, then grabbed the bottle of water by her bed. After washing down the medication, she lay down and waited for it to kick in. Soon she was feeling much better. The pills worked wonders.

She rose and picked up her crutch, then limped to the living room, where she sat down on the couch. After turning on the television, she settled down to watch the news. Hayley Rose and John Tull were the biggest story, of course. A photo of Cassandra Leigh flashed on the screen as the reporter spoke: “Actress Cassandra Leigh landed Hayley Rose’s private jet after the pilot was shot. Although she has been training for her pilot’s license, she had only flown small prop planes. She did a smashing job!” Hayley’s jet appeared on the television screen, rapidly skidding down the tarmac. As the plane crashed, ambulances, fire engines, and police cars raced towards the scene.

Rebecca had tried so hard to stop Tull and Hayley, but it hadn’t been enough. And she hadn’t been able to stop them from taking Cassandra. But what if Cassandra hadn’t been on the plane? Maybe they would all be dead. Maybe she shouldn’t blame herself. Things could have turned out much differently if Tull and Hayley had escaped without Cassandra. Still, not everyone had survived. The image of two dead bodies popped into her head. Those poor people. If only she could have saved them too.

She pushed the thoughts from her mind as she heard the ringing of the phone. When she answered the call, she heard the voice of Captain Dana Beckham.

“I hope you’re feeling better. I wanted to commend you for your outstanding performance. I spoke with the mayor, and you will be honored with a medal for your service.”

After the call ended, Rebecca stared at the phone in shock. She was going to receive a medal. Massey and Detective Reyes were so much more experienced, and yet she was being honored right along with them. Her mother would be so proud that one of her children had done such a good job. She felt a pang of sadness as she thought of her brother. Her mother’s heart had broken when she heard the news about him.

She called her mother’s number. “Hey, Mom. Guess what! Captain Beckham told me that the mayor is giving me a medal!” She filled her mother in on the details. “Yes, I’m feeling much better. I know you worry. I’m OK, really. I’ll probably even be back at work soon.” Of course her mother was concerned about her being in such a dangerous situation, but that was part of the job. She felt much more confident now. She had proven to herself that she could handle the most difficult circumstances.

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