Meeting Mom

Summary: After spending the night at Alexandra’s apartment, Caleb meets Rochelle.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 65 of #ChoicesCreates: Non-Canon Couples

Alexandra opened her eyes. Caleb was still sleeping beside her. She was a little surprised to have woken up before her alarm went off. She and Caleb had been out late the night before, and then they had had more fun at her place. She reached for her phone to check the time, but it wasn’t on her nightstand. She sat up and glanced around the area, and spotted her phone on the floor. Maybe she or Caleb had accidentally knocked it off the nightstand; last night had been pretty wild. She bent down and picked it up, only to find that the charger had come unplugged. Looking at the screen, she saw that the phone was dead. Damn it! Maybe that was why the alarm hadn’t gone off. She hurried out of bed and rushed to the kitchen to check the time on the microwave.

11:19 AM. Oh shit. She ran back to her bed and started shaking Caleb. “Wake up!”

“Huh? Come on, let me sleep!” Caleb turned away, grabbing the pillow.

Alexandra pulled him back towards her. “Get your ass out of bed, Caleb! The alarm didn’t go off.”

“So what? It’s Saturday. If you’re going to wake me up, why don’t you get back into bed with me?”

“Because my mom will be here soon! You really want her to find us in bed?”

Caleb sat up and stared at her. “What?”

“I told you last night!” Alexandra quickly walked over to her dresser, opened a drawer, and pulled out a bra and panties.

“You did not! I’d remember something like that.”

“Yes, I did, right after I turned off the lights.” She suddenly realized that Caleb hadn’t responded to her when she told him. “Oh shit, did you fall asleep that quickly?”

“Hey, you wore me out,” Caleb smirked.

After putting on her undergarments, Alexandra rushed over to her closet, grabbed some clothes, and started to get dressed. Caleb got out of bed, picked his clothes up off the floor, and began putting them on. As Caleb was zipping up his pants, there was a knock on the door.

“Give me a minute!” Alexandra called out.

Caleb looked at her nervously. “Shit, I wanted to be out of here by now.”

Once they were both dressed, Alexandra walked to her door and opened it. “Hi, Mom.”

“Hi, honey.” Rochelle stepped inside and looked to Caleb, then back to Alexandra. “Oh, I didn’t realize you had company.”

“Mom, this is Caleb. He was just leaving.”

“Yeah, I gotta go.” Caleb began walking towards the door.

Rochelle turned to Caleb. “Can’t you stay for a few minutes? Tell me a little about yourself. What do you do for a living?”

“I’m, uh, in the heating business. I’m sorry, I really need to be somewhere. It was nice meeting you.” Caleb looked to Alexandra. “I’ll see you later.” He rushed out and shut the door behind him.

“So, is it serious between you?” Rochelle asked Alexandra.

“I don’t know.” Caleb had never actually told her how he felt about her. But at least now he was spending the night at her place, and letting her spend the night at his. That had to mean something. At least she hoped it did. Although she hadn’t told him, she had really fallen for Caleb.

“He seems like trouble. You should keep your options open. What about Grayson? I know he likes you.”

“Grayson and I are just friends. He’s a nice guy, but I don’t see him that way.” Time for a subject change. “Let’s go get some lunch. I’m hungry.”

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