Midnight Dancing

Author’s Note: A quick little ficlet in honor of Mother’s Day.  This basically my ultimate fantasy here. 😍😍😍 I hope this makes you smile today. 😘


Drake swayed back and forth, holding her tight to his chest.  The soft music lulled them both into a trance in the dark room, lit only by the moonlight shining through the window.  She snuggled in closer and tucked her face into his neck as he rested his head on top of hers.  He inhaled her sweet scent and smiled as she let out a soft sigh.  He never had enough of these moments alone with her.

He heard a noise behind him and turned to find Emma standing in the doorway in her nightshirt smiling.  “Hey, I didn’t even notice you get up.”  She walked over to her husband and infant daughter, placing a soft kiss on Harper’s head before leaning up to place another to Drake’s cheek.  “Did she wake up again?”

“Yes, she started fussing again around 11 but luckily I got her calmed down.  I think the fever finally broke.”  He peered down at his daughter sleeping on his shoulder then back to his sleepy wife yawning beside him.  “I figured you needed to sleep after the last two nights staying up with her.”

She chuckled and yawned again.  “I am not going to argue with that.”

“Why don’t you go back to bed.  I got it covered in here.”

Emma smiled gratefuly at him.  “Thank you.”  She pressed her lips to his in a gentle, appreciative kiss before leaning down to nuzzle her nose into her daughter’s hair.  “G’night Baby Girl.”  She gave him one last glance, mouthing Love You as she turned to exit the nursery and venture down the hall back to their bedroom.

Drake beamed as he watched his wife walk away, happy that she was finally able to get some rest after being home with a sick baby for the past few days.  He looked down at his sleeping daughter.  “You know, I know we both think Mommy is Super Woman and she does it all, but even Super Woman needs a break every once in a while.”  She cooed in response, snuggling in closer to him as he murmured low in ear.  “So tonight, it’s just you and me Baby Girl.”


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