Midnight Encounter

Midnight Encounter
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- Two Eleanor fics in one day! This chapter was much better for Eleanor inspiration. This one is a NSFW Liam/Eleanor piece BUT it’s pretty angsty. The whole mistress scenario is pretty gross and I can’t see Eleanor truly being ok with it, but she really loves Liam.

Pairing- Liam/MC

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Liam and Eleanor have an encounter in the garden maze.

Words- 1103

Shortly, after Bertrand and Maxwell left my room, there was a knock on the door. It was the redheaded maid. She handed me a note and then quickly hurried away. I opened it, though I thought I knew what it said. At the spa, I’d told Liam about the maid and her story, so I’m sure it wasn’t a coincidence that she was the one who had been trusted to pass on the note.

I opened it.

Meet me in the maze at midnight.

I had been expecting that particular note since arriving at Applewood, to be honest. If Liam and I were going to steal time together, where else would he choose? I debated whether or not to go, not because I didn’t want to see Liam, but because I had a sick feeling in my stomach over the whole arrangement.

This should have been my engagement tour and instead, I was the other woman, no matter how much Liam insisted otherwise. Yet, my need to see Liam was stronger than my loathing of the situation we had been thrust into and I made my way to the garden maze, thought slightly wary of the guards that Bertrand had mentioned, but they seemed to be nowhere to be seen. Of course, a King had a little more ability to arrange such things than a mere prince.

Liam was waiting for me in the center of the maze. I could see from the relieved expression on his face that he hadn’t been sure if I would come.

“Eleanor!” He cried, sweeping me up into his arms and kissing me passionately.

As I kissed him back, I tried not to remember the last time we were at Applewood and how optimistic Liam had been that day. He’d believed that we’d have a life together.

Liam must have felt my sadness because he broke the kiss and cupped my hands in his face. “I know this isn’t ideal,” he told me, “but it’s only temporary. We’re going to clear your name, Eleanor, and more than that, we’re going to make sure you’re safe.”

“I know,” I told him. I trusted Liam and I knew that he would move mountains to fix this. “I didn’t think I’d see you again,” I told him, “not after the spa.”

“That was nice,” he agreed, “but not nearly enough. I can never get enough of you, Eleanor.” He lowered his mouth to mine again, this time his kiss was slow and gentle. His hands moved from my face to my waist as he held me close to him. “I love you,” he told me, trailing kisses down my neck.

“I love you too,” I assured him. And I did. More than anything. Enough to ignore the little voice in my head that was telling me that this was wrong, that this whole situation was wrong.

I pushed against Liam to make him release me, which he did instantly. But instead of calling an end to this encounter, like that voice told me I should, I reached for the hem of my tank top and pulled it over my head and then dropped it to the ground.

“Eleanor…” Liam said with a groan.

I reached for the button on my jeans, my eyes still locked on him, but before I could undo it, his hand was over mine, doing it for me. He shoved my jeans down and I kicked them off as he made quick work of his own clothes.

“I want more for you than this,” he muttered even as he pulled me into his arms.

“I just want to be with you,” I assured him, pulling his head down in another kiss. Lim pulled away from me long enough to settle us both on the ground. He sat up and positioned me so that I was straddling him.

“You are so beautiful,” He told me, one hand reaching to caress my breasts while the other moved between my legs.

“Oh Liam,” I cried as his hands caressed and explored me, quickly bringing me over the edge.

Before I had a chance to come down, Liam had gripped my hips and pulled me closer, sliding up into me. He held me tight, rocking us back and forth. I hissed at the sensation, clinging to him and moving my body in time with his.  When we were like this, it was easy to forget the rest of the world existed. It was just Liam and I and the way we made each other feel.

Too soon, we both came crashing over the edge together, clinging to one another. We stayed like that for a long moment, Liam pressing kisses into my neck, before we finally pulled apart. We dressed in silence, both of us knowing that we couldn’t stay out here much longer.

As I pulled my clothes on, the enormity of what I’d just done hit me. I’d just had sex with another woman’s fiancé. It didn’t matter that he loved me, that the ring had basically been stolen off my finger, or that she didn’t care.

What mattered was the principal of it. I was better than this. Or at least I’d always believed I was.

Liam must have sensed what I was feeling because he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. “Eleanor, I love you,” he assured me, almost desperately.

“I know,” I told him quietly. “But it doesn’t change the fact that you’re engaged to Madeleine.”

“But I’m not going to marry her, I’m going to marry you,” He said fiercely, “this is just temporary.”

It wasn’t that I didn’t believe him, I did. I had too. But… I wasn’t sure it made the situation any better or if it was just a convenient excuse to help us ignore the reality of what we’d just done.

Still, I nodded. “I know.” I leaned forward and pressed a brief kiss to his lips. “I love you, Liam.”

He smiled, but his eyes were still troubled. I didn’t blame him, I’m sure he was experiencing the same whirlwind of emotions I was. Trying to balance the desperate the need to be together with the knowledge that what we were doing was wrong. Unfortunately, there was no neat and tidy solution.

We loved each other, but we couldn’t be together publicly, at least not yet. For now, all we could have were these brief stolen moments and it would never be enough. We were supposed to have it all and instead, he was engaged to someone else and I was the other woman.

It wasn’t fair.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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