
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- I got a request for some family fluff featuring Kenna and Diavolos, possibly Leon’s first words and decided to go with it. This is super fluffy. Leon is about 8 or 9 months here.

Pairing- Kenna x Diavolos

Rating- G

Summary- Leon says his first words.

Words- 537

“Say, Mama,” Kenna encouraged, sitting on the floor of the nursery with Leon. He looked at her with a sunny smile but stayed silent. “Ma-Ma,” Kenna said again, pointing at herself.

“Gah?” Leon asked, holding out a block.

“That’s a very nice block,” Kenna agreed, “who is it for? Is it for Mama?”

Leon just continued to smile and babble. Kenna tried not to feel frustrated, she knew that there was plenty of time for him to talk and that she shouldn’t push him, but… She wanted to hear his little voice say “mama”. She was so excited to experience every one of Leon’s milestones. After years of fighting mercenaries and warlords and immortal goddesses, she was thrilled to focus on the important things like what her son’s first word would be.

“Mama loves Leon,” Kenna said in a sing-song voice and was rewarded by Leon clapping his little hands together. “Yeah, she does and who does Leon love?”

Leon just smiled at her.

“He’ll talk when he’s ready,” a voice said from the doorway.

Kenna turned to see her husband leaning against the frame, just watching them. “How long have you been there?” She asked, ignoring his comment.

“A few minutes,” Diavolos told her as he crossed the room to her side, “I like watching the two of you. Besides, it’s cute watching you try and cajole him to say Mama.”

Kenna blushed. “I’m not cajoling him.” “

You really are,” Diavolos said, dropping to the floor beside her. He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss before pulling Leon onto his lap, “but as I said, it’s cute.”

Diavolos laid down on his back, letting Leon crawl all over him. The baby gurgled excitedly, pulling at Diavolos’s shirt.

Kenna watched them with a fond smile, thinking for the millionth time how lucky she was. Diavolos was not only a wonderful husband, but he was an incredible father and Leon adored him.


Kenna’s smile faded at the sound. Leon was hovering above Diavolos’s face, waving his fists excitedly, “Dah!”

“What did you just say?” Kenna demanded. She must have been louder than she intended because Leon’s little face crumbled. “Oh baby, Mama didn’t mean to scare you,” Kenna said immediately, lifting the baby into her arms. He snuggled against her happily.

Diavolos sat up and grinned at her. “I think he just said his first word,” he said smugly.

“I’m sure it was a fluke,” Kenna told him, not willing to admit defeat. Leon couldn’t have actually have said Daddy, right?

Leon chose that moment to say “Dah” again and lean towards Diavolos.

Diavolos took the baby with a triumphant grin. “You were saying?”

Kenna sighed. “Well, at least he said his first word.”

“He did,” Diavolos agreed, “you know who Daddy is, don’t you Leon?”

Kenna watched them with a loving smile and decided that she was ok with Leon saying Daddy first because of how happy it made Diavolos. She remembered how worried he’d been before Leon was born about his ability to be a good dad and it made her so happy to see the bond between him and Leon.

Besides, she’d just have to teach him to say Mama next.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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