
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I got a request for a story where Diavolos finds Kenna sleeping in his tunic and wow was it ever hard to write. Normally, my Diavolos and Kenna muse works quickly, but this one took forever and had me pretty frustrated. I think it was because it ended up being from Diavolos PoV and I find that harder to write. Thanks to @violetflipflops for listening to me whine about this story and letting me work through my frustrations.

Rating- NSFW

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Summary- Diavolos returns from a trip to Fydoria to find his wife in an article of his clothing and then proceeds to ask for it back.

Words- 856

Stormholt was quiet at night, Diavolos mused as he made his way up to his chambers, there was none of the hustle and bustle that went on during the day. He nodded politely at the few guards he came across as he made his way to his quarters.

He made a quick deter to the nursery and checked in on Leon, who was sleeping soundly, before heading to his own chambers. It was late and he was exhausted, having pushed himself to get home from Fydoria as quickly as possible. He wanted to be in his own bed, with his wife in his arms.

Diavolos entered the chamber quietly, trying not to wake Kenna, and then crossed the room, using the light from the window to guide him, and quickly stripped off his clothes.


“I didn’t mean to wake you,” he apologized as he climbed into bed next to her.

“It’s ok, I never sleep well without you,” she told him. “I’m just glad you’re home.”

“Me too, my love,” he told her, reaching for her and settling her against him. As he did, he realized that she wasn’t wearing her normal white nightgown. The fabric was rougher and heavier. He shifted them so that she was facing him, so he could get a better look and realized that she had one of his tunics on. The sight of her in his clothes took his breath away and suddenly forgot how tired he was.

He bunched the material in his hands. “I believe this is mine.”

“So it is,” Kenna said teasingly, “do you want it back?”

“I think I do,” Diavolos told her in a low voice, easing it up over her head and tossing it to the floor. “Or maybe I’ll just take you instead.” He kissed her hungrily, his hands running down her soft curves as he did so.

“I missed you,” Kenna sighed against his lips.

“I missed you too,” he told her placing his hands on her waist and gently pushing her onto her back. He had only been away for a few days, shorter than his trips to Abanthus, but it was still too long. Being away from Kenna was a special kind of torture. He pressed kisses down her body, wanting to touch every bit of her, remind himself of what he had been missing.

“Diavolos…” Kenna whispered as he kissed her stomach and then moved lower. He kissed her thighs and her hipbone, loving the way she sighed at his touch. He gripped her hips in his hands and pulled her legs over his shoulder to give himself a better angle and then began to kiss and suck at her core. “Oh, Diavolos….”

He loved the sound of her name on his voice, loved the way she arched her hips into his mouth, loved the way she tasted. He loved everything about her. He knew if he lived another 50 years, he’d never get enough of loving Kenna Rys.

“I need you,” Kenna instructed impatiently, tugging at him. He gently dropped her legs and then moved up to claim her lips with his.

“Then you’ll have me,” he promised, “get on your knees.”

She obeyed instantly. He gripped her hips in his hands and then slammed himself into her, marveling at the feel of her. He thrust into her hard and fast, needing to be one with her and she moved against him eagerly, obviously sharing his need.

“Diavolos,” she gasped as his hands moved from her hips to her breasts, caressing them gently. “Kenna,” he groaned, knowing he was close.

“Oh, Kenna.” He moved one of his hands down her body and ran his thumb over her clit, rubbing it as he continued to pump himself into her until she came with a cry.


The sound of his name on her lips and her muscles clenching around him were all he needed to follow her over the edge. He took a moment to catch his breath and then rolled himself onto his back, pulling Kenna against him. She snuggled in, sighing in obvious contentment.

“How was Fydoria?” She asked after a moment. “What was the urgent business that Tevan just had to see you about?”

They had both been baffled by the summons, especially since Tevan had insisted that it was Diavolos he needed to see while normally he dealt with Kenna, both because of Fydoria’s close trade relationship with Stormholt and the close friendship between Tevan and Kenna.

Diavolos grinned, even though he knew Kenna couldn’t see, “he wants to marry my sister.”

There was a moment of silence as Kenna processed the news.

“That’s wonderful,” Kenna said finally, “I’m happy for them.”

“I am too,” Diavolos agreed, “he’s been good for her. Plus it’ll get her out of my hair.”

He swore that half his job as King of Abanthus involved acting as a referee between Adder and Zenobia and he would be quite happy to have Zenobia taken out of the equation.

He kissed Kenna’s hair. “Get some sleep, my love, it’s late.”

“Ok,” Kenna muttered sleepily, snuggling deeper into his embrace.

Diavolos kissed her head one more time and then closed his eyes, settling into sleep. He was in his own bed, his wife was in his arms, and everything was right in his world.

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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