Mistakes And Chain Reactions – Part I

Summary: As Samantha and her friends celebrate the alliance between the Council members and The Clanless vampires, it’s time for her to deal with the consequences of her actions.


“Cheers!” the group of four vampires and Samantha beam as they clink glasses together to celebrate the big change they achieved that night. But only Lily’s smile seems genuine. As they take a sip of the sparkling wine, each one of them walks towards different directions of Raines Corporation CEO’s office. Adrian sits by his desk fidgeting, Kamilah is contemplating the city through the glass wall and Jax takes a look at Adrian’s bookshelves. Alone on a brown leather couch, Samantha barely touches her drink as her eyes follow Adrian and Jax around the room.

“Hey, what’s with the frowning face?” Lily rests an elbow on the backrest as she makes herself comfortable on the couch.

“I didn’t realize I was…”

“I’m not surprised though. This is the tensest celebration I’ve ever been to. It feels like a bomb is about to explode any moment now. But you didn’t answer my question,” Lily affirmed.

“I’m going to talk to Jax tonight,” Samantha looks down.

“You mean the talk?”

Samantha nods, taking a sip of the champagne.

“Holy shit! What are you going to say?”

“I don’t know… The truth?”

“I know you’re good with talking, seducing and persuading men to do whatever you want, but I hope you thought it through because these are not regular guys, Sam.”

Samantha looks between Adrian and Jax stealing glances at her. “So I’ve heard…”

“Are you going over there now?”

“I’m not sure,” Samantha chews a fingernail. “I have to pick my moment. He must have a lot going on in his mind right now.”

“Then go talk to somebody else first. Be the social butterfly you are and soon you’ll find the right moment.”

“What if I want to stick with you?” Samantha tilts her head to the side and bats her eyelashes.



“Because I know you’re chickening out and you’re using as a distraction so we’ll end up the entire night together being goofy and you’ll miss your chance to talk to him. Is that what you want?”

Samantha narrows her eyes annoyed. “Did Kamilah talk you into this?”

“Maybe. But you know she has a point. You’ve got to settle this. So, woman up and go!”

Samantha rolls her eyes but stands up and walks over to Adrian’s desk, glancing at Jax from time to time. “So serious…”

“Just reflecting… Taking it all in. Back in the Baron’s dungeon, I really thought I was dead. I came to terms with it. You saved my life, Samantha. More than once. I owe you the greatest debt imaginable.”

“It’s okay. Just save my life twice, then we’re square.”

Adrian chortles. “I should probably stop dragging you into dangerous situations then. Hopefully, all of that is behind us now.”

“You think so? Will things finally settle down?”

“I don’t know there are so many unanswered questions that bother me. There’s so much to figure out…”

“Well, we’ll figure it out.”

“Yes, we will. And speaking of ‘we’…” Adrian steps closer and lowers his voice. “I hope you  join me into a more private celebration later.”

“I don’t know…”

“What’s there to know? We care about each other and it should be a natural thing for us being together.”

“There’s him,” Samantha looks at Jax reading a few pages of The Art of War. “I have to talk to him first.”

“When are you planning to talk to him?”

“Tonight, if I find the courage to tell him at some point. He’ll probably want to return to his people to give the news and I kinda want to talk to him alone, in some place quieter.”

“You could go to my balcony. The glass walls are soundproof, it’ll give you both some privacy.”

She glances at the balcony, then at Jax. “Really?”

Adrian nods.

“It seems private enough, I guess.”

“I understand your concerns about his reaction, but if he truly cares about you, he’ll find a way to be okay with this and let you make up your mind.”

Samantha takes another glance at Jax still reading the book. The possibility of losing Jax is daunting, but postponing this conversation wouldn’t make it any easier. She has to talk to him and has to be right now. “I’m going over there. Thanks for offering the balcony, Adrian.”

“It’s no bother. I’ll take Kamilah and Lily to bar and give you both more privacy.” Adrian looks around the room, discreetly brushes Samantha’s hair from her shoulder and kisses her neck while no one is looking. In a matter of seconds, his eyes fade from blood red to clear blue as she locks eyes with Adrian. He gives her a reassuring smile and joins Kamilah.

Samantha takes a deep breath and walks to the bookshelves. Jax had closed the book and his fingers run down the shelf looking at other book titles. “Hey,” she leans against the desk.

“Hey,” Jax utters as a ghost of a smile plays on his lips.

“Did you find anything interesting in there?”

“I did. For a pacifist, he sure has a lot of books on war strategy,” Jax replies.

“He has been through a lot… I think he has his motives.”

“After what he went through, I wouldn’t be surprised…”

“How are you feeling, Mr. Council Member?”

“Weird as hell?” he smiles ruefully. “Honestly I always thought I’d kill them or they’d kill me. Never imagined I’d join them. A part of me feels like I’m selling, but… it’ll do my people so much good. I can’t turn it down. What do you think? Am I doing the right thing?”

“You’re one of the most passionate and dedicated fighters I’ve met. As long as you stay you… you’ll make it work.”

“Thank you, Sam. It means a lot coming from you,” Jax says softly.

“Hey, can we go to the balcony?”

“Sure,” he smiles and follows her.

Samantha picks up two glasses of wine on her way to the balcony and as she places the glasses on a table nearby, she realizes no one else is in the room anymore. Her heart beat faster, louder, her breath comes quicker. This is it. She pours the gold colored drink into the glasses and turns to Jax, he’s leaning against the railing stargazing. He looks more at ease, peaceful even. But something inside her keeps telling her it’s not going to last for much longer.

She steps closer and hands him a glass. Their hands brush for a moment and their eyes meet as they drink the Chardonnay together.

“You’re too quiet tonight,” Jax points out.

“I feel a little overwhelmed lately.”

“I can imagine. The things you know about us, what you saw, what you did these past few weeks, it can’t be easy to wrap your mind about it,” he agrees. “But you’re tougher than we all gave you credit for and that says something. It must be the reason why I’m so drawn to you,” he says, his eyes locked with hers.

“Are you?”

“Did you really believe I was looking out for you just because you were in danger?”


He chuckles, leaving his glass on the table. “You do have a tendency to get in more trouble than any other people I know, but I like that about you.”

“Funny, because I remember you saying it annoys you,” she smirks.

“It does, but seeing you safe and sound makes it worthwhile.”

He moves closer to her, taking the champagne flute from her hand and places it beside his own glass. He holds her waist, pressing her body on his and one of his hands caresses her cheek. She finds herself leaning into his touch, longing for his kiss as he glances from her eyes to her lips countless times. Yet, she can’t let this go any further. “Jax?”


“I really care about you.”

“Well, right back at you, Sam,” he jests.

“I mean it.”

“Me too.”

“But there’s someone else.”

Jax steps back, letting go of her. He stares blankly for a moment, brows knitting together.

“I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while, but there was always something urgent to solve. I thought it was just attraction and somehow I’d find out who I want to be with, but–” she trails off as she sees his jaw clenched and hands balled into fists.

“But what? You want me and this someone else?”

“I didn’t–”

“But you thought about it, didn’t you?”

She flinches.

“Is it Adrian?”

She nods.

“Have you been with him and with me this whole time?”

She bites her bottom lip nervously.

“Great. That’s just great,” Jax snaps and walks into the room, grabbing his jacket to leave.

“Jax,” she begs.

“No! I can’t deal with this right now! I didn’t come here to tell you what I feel for you to settle for sharing you with your rich boss. How can you possibly think I’d be okay with this?”

“It’s not like that.”

“Enlighten me then! Tell me how this is going to work out,” he ranted.

“I– I haven’t–” she feels her heart sinking slowly as he glowers at her. He’s angry in a way she has never seen before. “I haven’t thought about it,“ she looks down.

“Yeah, I can see that,” he sneers.

“Please, don’t go.”

“And what else am I supposed to do here? I can’t stay. This is not what I had in mind and I don’t know what to do with this. I–”  he trails off as he tries to control his anger. “I can’t think about this right now.”

“Jax…” his name barely comes out of her mouth as her eyes begin to well up.

He stops for a moment with his hand holding the doorknob. She can’t barely breathe. He wants to be with her and she feels it his hesitation to leave. But as she takes a step closer to him, Jax opens the door and leaves.

Tears stream down her face as deep sadness takes over her body. She slumps on the floor and stares at it, trying to figure out how she could undo this, at what point she could’ve stopped with her silly seduction games, wondering if she ever felt her heart aching this much. She doesn’t how much time has passed since he went away. She only feels one hand on her knee and looks at the person in front of her.

“Sam?” Lily calls, going down on one knee to gawk her friend’s reaction.

“He left…” Samantha croaked.

“Yeah, we saw him leave,” Lily says quietly.

“He just left…” Samantha wails and rests her head on her friend’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry, Sam,” Lily kneels on the floor and pulls her best friend into a hug, caressing her hair. “I’m here for you, okay?”

“No… You have a date with that vampire girl, you told me that” Samantha pulls away sniffing.

“Yeah, but I can reschedule.”

“No, go on your date. I’m okay.”

“No, you’re not. But I can drive you home if you want,” Kamilah says handing Samantha a glass of water.

“Thanks,” Samantha replies taking a sip of the water.

Kamilah nods.

“If you don’t want to be alone tonight, I can stay with you. We can have a sleepover,” Lily smiles.

“A sleepover with you sexting with your new girlfriend all night? Tempting, but no thanks. I’ll be okay, I promise.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, and you must be dying to go because you can’t stop checking your watch,” Samantha taunts.

“Hey!” Lily pushes Samantha playfully.

“She’s right, though. You did it all night and it’s annoying. Admit it and go on your date. I can take it from here.”

Lily stood up and pulled her friend up as well. “I’ll check up on you tomorrow, but call me if you need anything.”

Samantha nods and they hug tightly before Lily walks away.

“We should go now too. Grab your jacket,” Kamilah orders.


“I am going home right now. I suggest you do the same if you don’t want to mess this up even more.”

A sound of a throat clearing echoes in the room. “You can go, if that’s what you want, Samantha. But you can at least join me on one last drink for tonight,” Adrian says as he arranges a few documents on his desk and puts into a drawer.

Kamilah glares at Adrian, who simply ignores her stare, and lowers her voice to Samantha. “You’re vulnerable, you’re not thinking clearly. Don’t make any decisions in the heat of the moments. Go. Home.” She commands and walks towards the door. “I’ll talk to later, Adrian.”

Samantha follows Kamilah, but Adrian grabs one of her hands. “Samantha, stay. Kamilah has her own commitments to attend, you can stay. It’s just one drink. I’ll call you a cab later.”

She knows Kamilah is right. Yet, going home to be alone with the many self-depreciative thoughts that have been crossing her mind since Jax left didn’t seem like a good idea either. I don’t want to be alone… And Adrian is a good listener. “Okay, one drink.”

Adrian breaks in a slow grin.

Kamilah purses her lips then shrugs. “Suit yourself,” Kamilah says as she walks out the door.

Adrian pours the sparkling wine in two glasses and studies her sullenly staring at the city. Leaving the wine on the table, he saunters to her. “How are you doing?” he asks softly.

“I don’t know…”

“I’m sorry,” he says, placing an arm around her.

“It’s okay. I’m the only one at fault,” her lips begin to quiver.

“Hey,” he turns her so she’s looking at him. “How is it your fault? You didn’t choose any of this. It just happened.”

“I could’ve avoided it. I could’ve not toyed with his feelings, or with yours, for that matter,” she confessed.

“Samantha, Jax made his decision. All you can do is respect it and move on.”

“Why does it sound easier said than done?”

“Because it is.”

“How comforting,” she quips.

Adrian chuckles. “Yes, I’m aware of it. Then again, that’s not how I was hoping to comfort you.”

Samantha looks at her boss, his blue eyes once again changing to red, rises on her toes, wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him fervently. He quickly responds, tugging on her clothes, pulling her closer. She pulls away. “I hope this is the kind of comfort you meant,” she says.

“It is, but…” he cups her face. “Are you sure this is what you want right now?”

“Yes,” she replies, her hands roaming down his chest, playing with the buttons of his shirt.

Adrian captures her lips in a heated kiss, pulls her up, wrapping her legs around his waist and takes her to his apartment, stumbling on the way to the elevator. Once they arrive at his apartment, half of their clothes are already off and he makes quick work with his remaining pieces as he lays her on the bed. He climbs on top of her and pushes down her bra, unhooks it and peppers kisses over her breasts. Samantha tangles her fingers in his hair, ravishing his touch as he goes lower. Adrian pushes her panties down, tosses it aside and takes her sex in his mouth, his tongue flickering on her sensitive nub.

As desire builds up inside her, Samantha grinds on his tongue and her eyes flutter shut. However, she only pictures one person between her legs, teasing her, smirking every time she moans, making her writhe with pleasure. She opens her eyes and tries to focus on the moment, on who she’s with. Adrian inserts one finger into her, pumping in and out as his tongue puts a slight pressure on her clit.

“Oh, god!” She moans.

Adrian smiles and stares at her, rubbing her core with one hand and thrusting her with the other.

“I need you, Adrian,” she pants.

He goes back up, his mouth finding hers and burying himself into her. He rocks his hips against hers slowly, his hands roaming down the curves of her body. Samantha encircles her legs around him and cups his face. She gazes at him as he increases the pace. Their lips meet once again and she closes her eyes instinctively. As she melts into the kiss, her thoughts take her back to… I need to stop thinking about him.

“You feel so good,” Adrian whispers, his lips brushing on her shoulder, fangs grazing on her neck. “God, Samantha, you’re amazing!”

She focuses on his voice, on how soft his hands feel on her skin, how his body smells like. Anything that can make her remember who she’s with. “Go faster,” she pleads.

Adrian obliges, increasing speed. His eyes go darker as his need for blood grows with his urge to find release.

“You can feed on me.”


“I know you won’t hurt me. I trust you.”

“Samantha,” he whispers.


He nuzzles her neck and shoulders, savoring the warmth of her skin on his lips.

“It’s okay, Adrian. Do it,” she purrs.

His thumb brushes on her lips and takes it into his mouth, sucking it with her eyes closed as if it was his cock. “Fuck, Samantha,” he growls watching her bobbing her head as she keeps sucking his thumb. Unable to control his hunger any longer, his fangs sink into her shoulder and he drinks her blood. He thrusts faster, deeper, his lips connected to her body while he savors the warm liquid pumping from her veins into his mouth.

She arches her back as jolts of pleasure radiate all over her body, blurring her vision. She’s so close, she never wanted to reach climax so much, yet she’s scared of saying things she shouldn’t. Because when she closes her eyes, she can only see him.

Adrian’s fingers move down her body drawing tantalizing spirals on her core. She moans loud. He withdraws his fangs and whispers in her ear. “That’s it. Come for me.”

Still sucking his thumb, she stops fighting against the waves of pleasure and reaches bliss. Adrian eases himself out of her, spills his seed over her belly, pricks his forefinger, seals the perforations on her shoulder with his blood and gets out of the bed. A few minutes later, he comes back with a washcloth and cleans her stomach and between her legs.

He goes back to the bathroom while Samantha stays immobile on the bed. Of all the things she ever felt during afterglow, sadness never was one of them. Until now. “Adrian?”


“Come to bed,” she says, trying her best to seem fine.

Adrian obliges and walks back to the room, pulling the comforter up as he encircles his arms around her waist and rests his chin on her chest. “Are you okay?”

She takes a deep breath before speaking. “Yeah, I’m just tired.”

“Let’s have some rest then,” he says as he pulls her face towards his and gives her a quick kiss.

Samantha smiles weakly and buries one side of her face in the pillow, closing her eyes as tears roll down the bridge of her nose and temple, crying in silence.

Published by


Brazilian fanfiction writer who tells stories about a bunch of kind-hearted pixelated people.

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