Moments Like This

Moments Like This
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This is just a short fluffy little piece set sometime after the end of ROE. This is a response to the request “a kiss that you’ve waited al night for.”

Pairing- Blake/Party!twin

Rating- PG

Summary- Blake and Mikayla share a romantic moment at a family wedding.

Words- 561

“Have I told you how great you look in that dress?” Blake murmured as he and Mikayla moved to the music.

“Once or twice,” she said with a laugh, wrapping her arms tighter around him. “I have to give Marcia credit, she picked very stylish bridesmaids dresses, but then I’m sure she wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Probably not,” Blake agreed with a laugh.

“I still can’t believe she picked me to her maid of honor,” Mikayla commented, glancing over at where her cousin was dancing with her new husband. “I remember when the cruise started that I pretty much hated her.” Her eyes twinkled. “Of course, a lot’s changed since then.”

“Has it?” Blake asked tenderly, holding her even closer. “What was your first impression of me?”

“That you were super-hot,” Mikayla said honestly, “and then I found out you were my boss and I thought you were stuffy.”

“I think I like super-hot better than stuffy,” Blake said with a laugh.

“Me too,” Mikayla answered with a grin, “besides, it didn’t take me to see beyond the stuffiness. Now I barely even notice it.”

“Thanks,” he said dryly.

“But I definitely still notice how hot you are,” she added, “you look really good in a tux and you really rock that tie.”

Blake laughed. “Now there’s a compliment, the ability to rock a robin tie.”

Mikayla laughed. “At least it’s only the ties that are bird-themed.”

Blake grinned. “That’s true.” The song ended and he led her off the dance floor.

“You know, I think the night is finally starting to wind down,” Mikayla commented, looking around the ballroom. “I noticed that Maya and Leo have already left, probably go to check on the twins.”

“Are you suggesting that we make our own exit?” Blake asked her, looking down at her warmly.

“I am,” Mikayla answered. “Do you have any objections?”

“None,” Blake assured her. He led her off the dance floor and towards Marcia and Chaz. After they’d said their goodnights to the happy couple, Blake took Mikayla by the hand and led her out of the ballroom.

“Do you want to go for a walk?” He asked her.

“I’d like that,” Mikayla agreed and holding hands they headed towards the hotel’s gardens. Once they were alone,

Blake drew Mikayla into his arms and pressed his lips against hers. “I’ve been waiting all night to do that,” he told her.

“Me too,” Mikayla agreed, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him again, pressing her body against his.

He held her close and for a moment they just stayed like that, kissing under the moonlight. “Today was nice and I’m very happy for Marcia and Chaz, but this is my favorite part,” he told her.

“Mine too,” she agreed, smiling up at him. “And we’re next.” She admired the engagement ring on her finger for the thousandth time. “Only a few more months.”

“I can’t wait,” Blake told her sincerely, gazing down at her with a look of love and tenderness that took her breath away. “I love you, Mikayla.”

“And I love you,” she assured him, “so much and I can’t wait to spend my life with you.” She raised her lips to his again, just savoring this moment with him and the knowledge that they had a lifetime of moments just like it ahead of them.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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