Morning Melody

Summary: MC Samantha finds out that Matt has a secret talent.


Originally posted by wrath-and-ruin

Feeling the morning light caress her cheeks, Samantha Evans smiled, her eyes still closed as she reflected on the memories of last night. Matt had invited her back to his place after the wrap party for his new movie and after a candlelit dinner, the two of them shared a passionate night of lovemaking. Her hand trailed over to his side of the bed, seeking his body and possibly another round but she only found empty space with a trace of warmth lingering there. She sat up abruptly, blinking as her eyes took a moment to adjust before she realised she was alone in the master bedroom. The sound of music playing reached her ears and she quickly pulled on one of Matt’s dress shirts before venturing out to find the source.

The deep notes of the cello became clearer as she approached the living room though she couldn’t quite place the tune. Samantha peeped out from behind the corner to see Matt, garbed only in a pair of sweats, seated on a stool adjacent to one of the giant floor to ceiling windows a magnificent cello in front of him. His face was a mask of total concentration as he sawed away at the instrument, producing every note with extreme clarity and precision. She noted the tiny furrow that formed between his brows as he coaxed such beautiful sounds from the instrument. With his eyes closed, he had not noticed her presence yet for he was so caught up in the piece and she crept closer, feeling inexplicably drawn to him.

At the climax of the piece, light from the rising sun caught perfectly on the lightest strands on Matt’s head seeming to coalesce around him like a halo. She was rendered speechless at the sight of him for he looked like a shirtless angel, gifted with the talent for music. Every sound from the instrument seemed to flow out seamlessly from his hands and the spell was only broken after the final note ended.

‘Samantha! I didn’t wake you did I?’ he asked, detecting her presence at last while running a hand through his tousled hair.

She smiled widely, coming to stand in front of him. ‘Not at all my love. I was so entranced by your playing. You’re amazing Matt. I had no idea.’

‘Ohh I wouldn’t go that far,’ he answered self-deprecatingly. ‘I took lessons until I was 18 at my mother’s insistence. She was the real musician in our family. It helps me to remember her when I play. She used to have this really old worn cello from my granddad that she’d play for us occasionally. My dad offered to buy her a new one hundred of times but she was said she wouldn’t be able to bear parting with it.’

Samantha watched as Matt’s eyes took on a nostalgic look as he continued.

’Whenever she was upset she wouldn’t yell or cry. She’d just bring out the cello and pour all her feelings into the music. One day after she’d had a big fight with my dad, I asked her why she didn’t scream at him like I could see she wanted to and she looked at me and said “Mateo I could do all of those things but why would I want to create something so ugly when I could create something beautiful instead?” After she passed, I guess I started doing that too. After a tough day on set or basically just another day in Hollywood. It makes me feel closer to her.’

Samantha had been smiling at him until something occurred to her and doubt flickered inside her. ’S-so does that mean you’re upset..? H-have I don’t something or…’

‘Oh Sam,’ Matt breathed, looking at her lovingly.

He set the cello aside and took her hand, pulling her onto his lap with her back to his chest before placing a passionate kiss on her lips. ‘I don’t only play when something upsets me you know. I also tend to play when I am very, very happy.’ he murmured in her ear, his stubble tickling her cheeks as warmth bloomed inside her.

’So would I be right to guess its the second option then?’ she asked lowly.

‘Absolutely,’ he whispered before claiming her lips in a deep passionate kiss. Samantha relished in the feeling  and was once again reminded how much she loved this man, though she was yet to tell him. She broke the kiss at the thought. Although she had admitted the fact to herself, she wasn’t quite ready to admit it out loud just yet.

‘What song were you just playing?’ She questioned in an attempt to distract herself.

‘That one was called the Swan by a French composer called Saint-Saens. Did you like it?’

‘I loved it,’ she answered placing a kiss on his cheek. ‘Will you play more for me?’

‘What would you like me to play?’ He asked, gently moving her to lean on one side of his chest while he rested the cello on the other, his arms coming around her to position themselves at the instrument. Samantha was thrilled to be so close to him in such an sensual way and took a second to breathe in his scent before answering the question.

‘Anything you like.’

Kissing her once again, Matt immediately launched into a sweet, soulful piece that tugged at her heartstrings. His eyes remained fixed on hers, as his hands working at the instrument, letting the music communicate for him. Her breath hitched as she felt the music ripple through her, connecting the two of them in the most unique and intimate way.

Trapped between the cello and his body, Samantha realised that there was nowhere else she’d rather be.

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