Moving Forward

Moving Forward
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is an alternate ending to the Grayson diamond scene in Chapter 13. I’m still irritated by how the Grayson storyline has been handled. This is a response to the prompt “A surprise kiss from the one who never makes the first move”.

Pairing- Grayson/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Grayson surprises Lexi by telling her he knows her secret. 

Words- 451

Grayson paused after we exited The Grand, turning to look at me with a gentle, concerned expression. “Are you feeling better?”

I smiled, “I am, thank you.”

“Good, because while Northbridge might need Starstorm, a lot of people also need Lexi Hart.”

I froze. He couldn’t… No, he just must be continuing our early conversation about Starstorm. Still, I raised my eyes to meet his and I saw the knowledge there. Oh.

“How?” I asked quietly.

“I just put a lot of things together,” he answered, “I’ve had suspicions for a while but it clicked this week.”

When I was “sick” and Starstorm suddenly went missing.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you.” I apologized after a moment. “I…”

Grayson brushed me off. “It’s ok, I know you had your reasons. I just… I guess I wanted you to know I know and I’ll support you however you need me too.”

I nodded, touched by his words. It was complicated because I wasn’t the only one involved. Plus there was what Dax had discovered about Silas and what Rochelle had told me and yet, despite all the complications, I was glad Grayson knew.

It had bothered me to keep that kind of secret from him, especially as our relationship seemed to be changing from friendship to something more, something deeper.

As if he could read my mind, Grayson leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. It was a sweet, light kiss since we were standing on a public street on broad daylight, but it was the first time Grayson had initiated a kiss.

“Are you busy tonight?” He asked when he pulled back.

I paused because I knew I needed to get back into the whole superhero business, but despite that, I answered, “yes. What did you have in mind?”

“Dinner,” Grayson told me, “I’d like to take you on a proper date.”

Oh. I definitely wasn’t imagining things, we did seem to be moving forward and it seemed like Grayson had decided to take some of the initiatives, not that I was complaining. This was what I wanted more than anything.

“I’d like that too,” I told him honestly.

“Tonight then,” Grayson promised, leaning forward to kiss my cheek. He squeezed my hand quickly before we went our separate ways.

I smiled as I headed back towards my apartment, feeling happier and more relaxed than I had in weeks. I still had a lot to process, between what my mother had told me and what we’d learned about Silas, but…

For a little while, I was going to push that aside and focus on the positive. Like the fact that Grayson knew my secret and we were finally moving forward with our relationship.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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