Mutual Possession


Mutual Possession
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them for a little while.

Author’s Notes- This is a response to two different kiss prompts: “moving around while kissing, stumbling over things, pushing each other back against the wall/onto the bedand “a hoarse whisper “kiss me”” and it’s set sometime after Drake and Amelia are married. It also assumes that Drake has some role in Liam’s security team.

Rating- NSFW

Pairing- Drake/MC

Summary- A bored Amelia decides to dance with anyone who offers which arouses her husband’s possessive side.

Words- 1243

Court functions were a lot more fun when I didn’t have to constantly be on my best behavior. I was no longer vying for the king’s hand or trying to repair my reputation. I was a member of the Queen’s court, but Olivia was much more relaxed about protocol than her predecessor, which meant I was free to dance and drink without worrying that my every action would be judged negatively.

Except I couldn’t get my husband to dance with me.

“I don’t dance,” he reminded me, “besides I’m on duty.”

I knew that, understood now the role he had always played. But I also knew that if he wanted to dance with me, he could.

“Get Maxwell or someone to dance with you,” Drake suggested and then narrowed his eyes as something caught his attention. “I’ll catch up with you later,” he said, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek before moving into the crowd.

I pouted and the contemplated his words, more specifically the or someone part. I did just that. I found someone to dance with. Several someones actually. For the next hour, I accepted every request to dance and I smiled and laughed and did my best to enjoy myself.

At one point I became aware of Drake watching me, his eyes narrowed, but I continued to dance. He was the one who’d told me to find someone to dance with. If he didn’t like it, he could dance with me himself.

I had just started dancing with yet another partner, when I heard a familiar voice say “can I cut in” and I looked up to see my husband. His face was impassive, but there was something very imposing about his expression and the set of his posture.

“Of course,” the nobleman said hastily, quickly moving into the crowd.

“I thought you didn’t want to dance,” I commented as Drake led me through the steps.

“I also don’t want to watch you dance with everyone here,” he replied in a low voice.

“It’s just dancing,” I pointed out, even as I stepped closer to them, “it’s not like I’m going home with any of them.”

“Damn right,” Drake said possessively, pulling me closer.

When the song ended, Drake led me off the dance floor and onto a patio.  As soon as we were alone, he kissed me passionately, pressing me closer to him.

“I want to whisk you out of here, right now, and take you upstairs to our room,” he groaned, “but I can’t leave until Liam does.”

“I know,” I told him, “and I’m sure Olivia will have some need for me.”

“No more dancing,” Drake instructed.

I raised an eyebrow at him. “What did you say?”

He groaned, “I sounded like a possessive ass just now, didn’t I?”


“No more dancing, please?” He asked, “because it’s hard to focus on security threats when all I can think of is you and some strange man touching you.”

The admission made me smile, despite myself.

“Ok,” I agreed because I’d had my fill of dancing anyway and it was kind of nice to see Drake like this.

He kissed me one more time and then headed back inside. I filled the rest of the evening making small talk and socializing.

Finally, the ball ended and Liam and Olivia took their leave, which meant Drake and I were free to go too. I searched the ballroom for my husband, but before I could spot him, I felt a pair of arms slip around my arms.

“Ready to get out of here?” Drake whispered in my ear.

I nodded and he released me to take my hand. We hurried out of the ballroom and up the stairs towards our quarters.

As soon as we were inside our room, Drake had me pushed up the door.

“What do you want?” He asked, his lips inches from mine.

“You,” I told him, leaning towards him. I stared at his face, at his lips. “Kiss me,” I practically begged, my voice hoarse with need.

He didn’t need any further invitation, pressing his lips against mine in a deep, drugging kiss that had me clinging to him, desperate for more. We tugged at each other’s clothing as we continued to kiss, stumbling through the room, towards our bed.

Drake pushed me down onto the bed and I pulled him with me. His hands slipped between my legs as his mouth trailed across my jaw and down my neck.

“Is this what you want,” he asked me, easing his fingers inside of me.

“Yes!” I gasped, arching my hips up into his hand. “Fuck yes.”

Drake covered my mouth with his in a rough kiss. “I love it when you swear,” he groaned against my lips, “my proper lady of the court has a dirty mouth and I love it.”

He worked his fingers expertly, knowing exactly what I liked, what I needed. It wasn’t long before I was coming undone against his hand, my hands digging into the sheets as I sobbed his name, not sure how much more I could take.

“That’s it, baby,” Drake encouraged, “I love watching you like this, knowing that you’re mine. That I’m the one who can make you come like this.”

“Yes,” I whimpered, “only you.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him towards me. “I want you,” I whispered, “I want to be one with you.”

His eyes darkened with desire and he groaned before pushing into me, slowly, giving me time to adjust. “Just like that,” I encouraged. It didn’t matter that we had been married for several months, I knew that if we were lucky enough to be married for decades, I’d still want him just as badly.

Drake began to thrust his body into me as I moved my hips in time with is movements, arching up into him. I ran my hands over his back, taking in the feel of his smooth muscles. He ran his fingers through my hair, his mouth biting down on my collarbone, making me moan and writhe underneath him. At first, it was slow and sensual and then our movements got more hurried and less controlled as we each got closer to the edge.

“I love you,” Drake groaned as he spilled himself inside me in one last hard thrust, which was enough to push me over the edge with him.

“Oh… I… love… you… too,” I cried, clutching to him. He rested against me, his head nestled in the crook of my neck, the weight of his body pressing me into the mattress.

I placed kisses on his shoulder, loving the feel of him against me and knowing that he was mine. I would never get sick of that. After a long moment, he moved off of me onto his side, moving me with him and settling me in his arms.

“No one has ever made me feel the way you do,” he told me, holding me close.

“I just… I want you so much and, you, you make me come completely undone.”

“Good,” I said, nestling my head against his chest, “because you do the same for me. I am yours, completely and utterly.”

I liked the fact that I was able to stir his jealous side a little bit, but at the time there was no reason for him to ever be jealous because I was his and I always would be.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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