My Everything

Jake woke up alone, surprised to see that Taylor wasn’t still asleep. As he got up, he noticed the bathroom light was on and the door was open. Rubbing his eyes still half-asleep, he goes to check on her.

“Hey… You okay in there, Princess?”

“Ughh, don’t come in here…”

He walked in, not expecting to see her on the floor throwing up into the toilet. He walks over, and kneels beside her, holding her hair out of the way and rubbing her back. After a few minutes, it started to let up.

“I… I think I’m okay now.” She says, standing up and goes to brush her teeth.

“What was that? Are you okay?”

“Oh I’m fine. Don’t worry, Top Gun, it’s probably just stress or something… C’mon let’s go back to bed.”

After a couple more hours of sleep, Jake got up and decided to get Michelle to check on her.

“This seems really unnecessary…” Taylor complained, while Michelle took her temperature.

Ignoring her protests, Michelle continued checking for signs of whats wrong.

“Okay, I think I know what’s going on… Jake, do you mind if I talk to Taylor alone for a minute?”

“Uh, yeah sure.”

After he leaves Michelle moves to sit next to Taylor on the bed.

“So, what’s up, doc? Do I got a case of the Monday’s?” Taylor joked, but when Michelle didn’t respond she started to get worried.

“Mich, what’s going on…?”

“I need you to wait here while I go grab something, I’ll be right back”

She returns a few minutes later with a small box in her hands.

“I think you should take this.”

Taylor eyes widen as she realizes what it is when Michelle goes to hand it to her.

“Holy shit…” She whispered, as a small little + shows up on the stick.

“I-I’m pregnant…?”

Later on around dinner time, Taylor goes to meet Jake in the hotel’s lobby.

“Hey, you… How was your nap? Are you feeling better?” Jake wraps his arms around her and kisses her forehead.

“Yep! I’m feeling great!” She shouts while dragging him out the door, “Hurry up! I have a surprise for you…”

After a small hike, they arrive at a small clearing by a stream – snow in the distance. There’s a red and white checkered blanket laid out on the grass along with some twinkle lights hanging from one tree to another and a large picnic basket underneath.

“Wow, Princess… What’s all of this for?” Jake asked as they go to sit down.

“You’ll see,” She says with a wink.

She pulls out their dinner out of the basket. Caesar salad, fresh bread, and spaghetti along with a thermos of hot cocoa.

They eat dinner their in comfortable silence. After it starts to cool off a bit, Jake goes to make a small fire by the river. They sit down on a log, sharing the cocoa.

“You probably don’t remember this place, well, more like you can’t, but this is where I first realized I was in love with you…” She then goes on to tell him about the three times they came here during the time loop.

“…And when we were laying in the snow over there after the snowball fight, you had this huge smile on your face. My heart skipped seeing how happy and carefree you were and I just thought to myself, ‘I could see that smile everyday for the rest of my life, and it still wouldn’t be enough…’” She felt her eyes starting to water, “Ahem, and that when I realized how head-over-heels I was for you, Top Gun…”

“Now I have one more surprise for you…” She said as she went to get up, going back to the basket.

She takes a deep breath heading back to him, and hands him the stick with the small + on it.

“I don’t get it, why is there a-” He stops mid-sentence, eyes wide, as he quickly looks up at his wife for confirmation, “A-are you…?”

She nods, hands over her mouth laughing with tears stream freely down her face, “You’re gonna be a dad, Top Gun…”

He wraps her in her arms and spins her around, both of them giddy with prospect of being parents. As he sets her down, he kisses her softly and whispers, “Thank you for being my everything, Princess…

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