
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is not the story I set out to write. I sat down to write one story and my characters decided they didn’t want that, they wanted fluffy smut and so they got fluffy smut. This is set immediately after the end of Chapter 15.

Rating- NSFW

Pairing- Adrian/MC

Words- 1255

Summary- After surviving Vega and the ferals, Isobel and Adrian steal a few minutes to reconnect. 

Before summoning the council, Adrian declared that we all needed to regroup.

“I hope regroup means shower,” Lily quipped, “because Ferals stink.”

“Do you think it’s wise to split up?” I asked warily. I could not handle another fight, not after the last 48 hours. “Or to go back to your building?’

“No one else will make a move until they hear from Vega,” Adrian said confidently. “But we will be quick.” He looked at Jax. “Will you accompany us to the council meeting?”

“I’m not going as bait this time, right?” He joked, but there was an edge to it.

“No, not at all,” Adrian assured him, “it’s time to shake things up.”

“Yes, it is,” Kamilah agreed, “we’ve been complacent in the name of peace for far too long.” There was an edge to her voice and I felt a smidge of sympathy for the other members of the council, but really they deserved it. Honestly, Vega had been the most likable of the bunch and he’d been an evil, manipulative bastard with delusions of godhood.

“Meet up in an hour?” Adrian suggested once we were back in the city.

Everyone agreed, though I still didn’t love the idea of being separated and I didn’t want to go back to the guest apartment by myself but I didn’t know how to say that. However, I tensed when Adrian stopped on that floor. I didn’t want to be away from him. “Your clothes are all here,” he said gently.

Oh, yeah.

“Wait here,” Adrian instructed. I barely had time to nod before he was gone and then a moment later, he’d returned, a pile of clothes in his arms. He pushed the elevator button again and I gave out a little sigh of relief that he wasn’t expecting me to regroup on my own.

When the elevator stopped again, I’d realized that I’d never been in his apartment. But then our relationship had moved very fast,

To my surprise, Adrian scooped me into his arms and carried me across the apartment at an almost dizzying speed. “We only have an hour,” he reminded me when he set me down inside the bathroom.

There was warmth and affection in his gaze, but something deeper and infinitely more tender. I remembered the kiss in the cabin, the things that I’d wanted to say but hadn’t. I’d worried then that would be our goodbye and yet, here we were.

“I love you.” The words slipped out without me intending to say them.

Adrian went still for a moment and I wondered if it was too much, but then a second later I was being pulled against his chest, his lips crashing down on mine as he kissed me hungrily.

“I love you,” he whispered against my lips, “so much.”

The words didn’t exactly surprise me, but they thrilled me. After everything, we were here, we were still standing and we were in love.

We pulled at each other’s clothing desperately and once they were discarded, Adrian lifted me up and carried me to the shower, pausing long enough to turn on the water.

It washed over us as we continued to kiss, our hands exploring each other’s bodies. Adrian shifted us so that I was pressed against the wall, more for ease than because he needed the help.

“Are you hungry?,” I whispered, realizing he hadn’t fed since the night before.

“Yes,” Adrian answered, a rough note to his voice, “in more ways that one. You do have a way of bringing the predator our in me, Isobel.”

I smiled, thinking about the night of the ball and our interlude in the library before everything had gone to Hell in a handbasket.

“Bite me,” I urged him, pressing closer to him, feeling his hardness against my stomach. I knew it was a pleasurable experience and I had a feeling combined with sex, it’d be unforgettable.

“Are you sure?” Adrian asked, but I could hear the need in his voice.

“Yes…” I moaned as his fingers teased my sensitive folds. “I want it. I want you. I want everything you have and I want to give you everything I have. Take me, Adrian, I”m yours.”

Apparently, that was too much for him to resist, because a second later he slammed inside of me making me gasp and then wrap my legs around him. He thrust into me hard, quickly bringing me to the edge and that was when he plunged his fangs into my neck.

It was different than earlier, that electric feeling was back and my whole body felt like it was on fire, but in a good way. Between the intensity of the feed and his thrusts, I couldn’t take it anymore. I came with a scream.


He continued to feed and to thrust, his one hand gripping my thigh as he did so, holding me in place, the other one resting against the wall. I barely had time to come down from the high before it built back up.

I arched into him, meeting him thrust for thrust, eager for everything he could give me, wanting him to share this with me.

Adrian pulled back for a moment, moving his hand long enough to close my wound, though he didn’t pause in his thrusts. His lips covered mine and there was a slightly metallic taste to his kiss and I wondered if it should gross me out, but it just turned me on and press closer to him.

“Adrian,” I sobbed as I felt the orgasm build again.

“Isobel, oh Isobel,” Adrian said in a low voice, more groan than words. His hand tightened around my hip and then a second later, he came inside of me. He kept me pressed to the wall, the water washing over us for a long moment before he pressed a sweet kiss to my lips and then withdrew, gently setting me on my feet.

“We should probably get clean,” he said regretfully, reaching for a loofah.

“Probably,” I agreed, “Kamilah doesn’t strike me as someone who likes to be kept waiting.”

Adrian laughed. “No,” He gently ran the loofah over my skin and I sighed at the contact. He was flirty and affectionate, his touch setting me on fire and making me desperate for round 2, though I knew it would have to wait.

I took my revenge, savoring the feel of Adrian’s hard muscles under my hands, and he made low, guttural sounds that let me know exactly how much he was enjoying it and I knew I wasn’t the only one that wanted to say ‘fuck the council’ and stay where we were.

Instead, we eventually got out of the shower, and Adrian wrapped me in a big, cozy towel, pulling me towards him for a long moment.

“When this is done, I am going to lock us in this apartment until you can’t form coherent speech,” Adrian whispered in my ear, “the only thing you’ll be able to say is my name.”

“Adrian,” I whimpered, my legs turning to jelly at the very idea.

“Yes, just like that,” Adrian agreed before he kissed me again.

After a moment he pulled back with a sigh. “Let’s get this over with.”

I nodded and quickly got dressed. I wasn’t looking forward to the council meeting, but I reminded myself that we’d faced a tribunal, an escape from a torture facility and a truck full of Ferals in a 24-hour span and we were still standing, we could handle a few pompous vampires.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

4 thoughts on “Need”

  1. Fuck, okay, that line about Adrian locking them both in his apartment until she can’t form coherent speech just killed me. And I love how matter of factly Isobel said she loved him — it just felt right, I don’t know. Thanks for this.

    1. I am sorry i never replied to thid! Thank you so much for the review. And yes, it does feel right, they have no doubts about each other. It moved fast but they are both ok.

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