Need You By My Side

Need You By My Side
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine, I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I wasn’t thrilled with this week’s chapter of TRR. I hated that Liam just disappeared and let Eleanor deal with everything on her own, so I had her confront about it and somehow it turned smutty. This is a response to two of my NSFW prompts: sex against a wall and having to be quiet. This is basically a missing scene in Chapter 3 and fits perfectly between the end of the party and Madeleine waking Eleanor up at the end of the chapter.

Pairing- Liam/MC

Rating- NSFW

Summary- After recruiting Madeleine, Eleanor confronts Liam.

Words- 1102

I paced my bedroom long after the party ended, too keyed up to sleep. I had a million thoughts running through my head, none of them pleasant. Finally, I decided to give up on sleep, and instead, I slipped out of the room and down the hallway.

As I did, I thought briefly of that night a few months ago when Liam and I’d reunited and I’d had to do some daring exploits to make it work. Thankfully, that wasn’t needed this time, if I was discovered, I’m sure whoever it was would look the other way. However, there was no one in the hallways as I made my way to Liam’s room and knocked on the door.

It took a moment for him to answer, looking delightfully sleep rumbled when he did. The sight of him like that, clad in nothing but a pair of black sleep pants momentarily made me forget my annoyance and I couldn’t resist smiling at the sight of him.

“Eleanor,” he said with a smile, stepping aside. “What are you doing here so late?”

“We need to talk,” I told him, stepping inside and closing the door behind me.

“What’s wrong?” Liam asked instantly, placing his hand on my cheek.

“Everything,” I admitted, “where were you tonight Liam?”

He paused. “I was there, I was trying to win over the nobles, one by one.”

“And you left me to deal with the most difficult ones,” I countered, “and to deal with people like Neville who point out low lowly I am.”

Liam winced and dropped his hand, “Eleanor, I’m sorry.”

“Is it always going to be like this, Liam?” I asked quietly, hugging myself. “Am I always going to be the commoner that you married?”


“I don’t know if I can do this,” I said softly.

Liam froze. “Do you regret saying yes to my proposal?”

I paused. Did I? “I want to marry you,” I said finally, “I want a life with you. I just don’t know if I can handle this life.”

Liam stepped forward, wrapping his arms around me. “It will get better,” he promised, “and Neville is a pompous ass.”

I laughed despite myself, “yes, he is.” I sighed, “it’s not just him. He’s just the one willing to say it out loud, but I’m sure others are thinking it.”

“Does it matter what they think?” Liam asked me softly.

I laughed humorously. “Of course it does. I’m only human, Liam. I can’t spend a lifetime with people snickering and thinking I’m not good enough.”

I think you’re good enough,” Liam assured me, looking deep into my eyes, “doesn’t that matter? You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Ellie, and every day I wonder what I did to deserve you.” His hands ran down my sides. Despite my irritation, I shivered at his touch. “If you’ll let me, I’ll spend every day showing you,” Liam continued, lowering his mouth to my neck.

“Liam…” I whispered, pressing myself closer.

“I love you, Eleanor,” Liam assured me, maneuvering across the room and pushing me up against the wall. “More than anything.”

“I love you too,” I admitted as he dropped to his knees before me. Ok, I liked where this was going… Liam pushed my robe off my shoulder, letting it pool on the floor and then he reached under my nightgown, easing my underwear off of me. It pooled at my feet and I kicked it off.

“Liam…” I whispered as he raised my leg over his shoulder and then leaned in, kissing the inside of my thigh before moving higher. I threw my head back, his touch felt so good. “Ohhhh,” I sighed as he moved his mouth again me, his tongue hitting just the right spot. I fought to stay quiet, unsure how much sound traveled and as much as I hated Madeleine, having loud obnoxious sex with her ex-fiance probably wasn’t a way to win her as an ally. Of course I didn’t really want her as an ally but apparently, my wants were irrelevant.

Except right at that moment. Right then at least, my wants seemed top priority and it wasn’t long before I was coming undone, slumping against the wall. Liam set my leg down on the floor and then stood up, his hands resting on my waist. I reached over and slipped my hands inside his pajama pants.

“Ellie…” He groaned.

“I want you,” I told him as I massaged him with my palm. “Please?”

“How can I say no to that?” Liam asked, quickly discarding his pants. He tugged my nightgown up, bunching it around my hips, and then lined up against me. He entered me quickly, causing me to gasp and then wrap my legs around him as he started to move into me, his hand bracing the wall to support us both.

It occurred to me that there was a bed five feet away, but I didn’t care. I loved this, the feel of Liam pinning me to the wall as he made love to me. We moved together, his mouth covering mine in an urgent kiss.

If the first act had been about me, and him showing me just how much he valued me, this part was about us and that undeniable connection. We were magic together. I wanted to scream his name at the top of my lungs, but I refrained, instead I sighed it into his mouth as we continued to kiss urgently, my hands digging into his shoulders. He returned the favor, moaning my name against my lips as he spilled himself into me.

Liam kept me pressed against the wall for a long moment, his forehead resting against mine. “I love you,” he said again, gazing into my eyes.

“I love you too,” I assured him and it was the truth. I did love him.

Liam stepped back, gently steadying me. He reached for his pajama pants and dressed quickly and then wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight. “I’m sorry about tonight,” he apologized, “I should have been by your side.”

“Yes, you should have,” I told him. “I need to know that we’re in this together, Liam.”

“We are,” He promised, “I’m sorry I made you feel otherwise.”

I nodded, the words were nice, but what I needed were actions. However, he couldn’t do anything tonight and there was no use beating a dead horse, I just had to hope that he kept his promise moving forward. If I was going to do this, I needed him by my side.

  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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