New Friend

Summary: Kenna and Raydan adopt a kitten.

Kenna and Raydan had gone to one of the nearby villages in Stormholt. Kenna thought they should introduce themselves to more of their subjects and see how things were going for the villagers. Raydan was still adjusting to the idea of being a public figure. He was used to being in the shadows, only seen when he allowed others to see him. But now he was co-ruler of Stormholt, and he could no longer hide. Being with Kenna meant more to him than his former work as a spymaster, but it was a big change.

As the day went on, Raydan began to feel overwhelmed. He stood by Kenna as she chatted with some of the village residents. Meeting people seemed to come so naturally to her. He quietly observed his surroundings. He was used to silently watching, and although the people treated him respectfully, he doubted that they saw him as Kenna’s equal.

He turned his head as he detected a rustle coming from the bushes. What was there? He stepped closer and eyed the branches of the shrubbery. He could see something white. He grasped a branch and moved it aside, then peered into the bush and saw a kitten, white with black markings.

“Hey there! It’s all right, I won’t hurt you.” As he spoke, the kitten darted out of the bush, then stood nearby and looked at him. He slowly approached, then crouched down and held out his hand. The kitten took a step closer and nuzzled his fingers. Raydan petted the kitten, who began to purr.

Raydan had always been fond of cats. He had seen many cats on the street when he was growing up in Lykos. Not all of them were friendly, but there were some that were used to being around people, and the very young ones were more receptive to human contact. He had befriended some of them as a young boy. He was all alone except for his sister, who wasn’t exactly the affectionate type, and cuddling with a cat was a great source of comfort to him.

He picked up the kitten, then walked back over to Kenna’s side. She turned to him, and looked at what he was holding in his arms. “I see you made a new friend.”

“Yes, I found him…her?” He quickly examined the cat. “Her. I found her over by the bushes.”

“Does this kitten belong to you?” Kenna asked one of the villagers.

“Yes, one of our cats had a litter of kittens. You may keep her if you like.”

Raydan’s eyes met Kenna’s. She nodded, then looked back at the villager. “Thank you very much. We’ll take good care of her.”

When they returned to the castle, they were greeted by Shadow. “You brought me a little dog!”

“She’s a kitten,” Kenna told the wolf pup. “She’s very small, so you have to be gentle with her.” She turned to Raydan. “We need to think of a name for her.”

“How about Misty?”

Kenna nodded. “That’s a good name for a little girl.”

A little while later, Misty fell asleep in Raydan’s lap. He gently stroked her soft fur. He was already growing attached to the newest member of their family.

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