New World Order: Awakening

New World Order
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is the first proper chapter of “New World Order” and where the action begins. When I sat down to start writing this, I realized that there were things the audience needs to know that Lilith can’t tell them, so this will be told from Lilith’s PoV (1st person) and Adam’s (3rd person). This story is going to be dark and it’s going to be mature/NSFW pretty much the whole way through.
Rating- NSFW
Pairing- Adam Vega/MC
Summary- Lilith awakens.
Word Count- 2368

Chapter One: Awakening


There was a weird burst of light and I opened my eyes, trying to adjust. Where was I?

The last thing I’d remembered was being in the field with Adam and he…

Realization crashed over me as I took in my circumstances. I was in a coffin. Oh god. He’d done it. He’d turned me into a vampire.

As reality sunk in, I suddenly became aware I wasn’t alone as a voice interrupted my thoughts.

“You’re awake,” Adam said in satisfaction, “how do you feel?”

I paused, trying to find the answer to that. I knew what must have happened to me. There was no other answer and yet I didn’t feel like I’d expected to. I felt like me… Yet, I didn’t. The sensations crashed over me. The world was brighter, sounds were louder, I just… I felt different.

I lept out of the coffin, Adam easily catching me and holding me against him. His expression was almost one of awe as he drank in my face.

“You were beautiful as a human, but now you are stunning. I knew you would be. I knew this was what you were meant to be.” He told me, smug satisfaction radiating from him.

I waited for the anger, the outrage, the disgust to wash over me. He’d done this to me against my will. He was the monster who’d lied and betrayed me. I could still feel that human emotion, but I couldn’t quite access it.

Instead, I was almost intoxicated by his nearness. The sexual pull I’d always felt seemed magnified. I wanted him. It made no sense.  After everything, that was my first response? Yet, almost against my will, my lips sought his. Adam responded to my kiss eagerly, hungrily, with a passion that would have scared me a few days ago, but felt so right now.


The voice interrupted us, pulling us out of the moment. My eyes fell on the nervous intern and it occurred to me he was human. I could smell his blood… Oh god it smelled good. I wanted it. The sexual need I’d felt a minute ago dimmed, replaced with a different, more intense hunger.

Adam stepped back from me. “We’ll pick that back up once you’ve fed,” he told me and then turned to the intern. “Perfect timing Jimmy, step forward and let Miss St. Germain feed.”

Oh. Of course, that was why he was there. I swallowed, waiting for disgust to hit me, but all I could feel was hunger.

I lunged for the intern, letting instinct take over as I sunk my teeth into his neck. The taste of the blood hit me. It was the most… Intoxicating thing. I needed this. I drank until the aching need went away., the burning sensation easing.

“That’s enough.” I heard Adam say behind me and I could process what he was saying, letting the young man go, a little disappointed that the experience was over.

“Most young vampires need more than one warning,” Adam told me, pricking his finger and using his blood to seal the intern’s wound. I would need to remember to do that next time. “You can go now,” he told the intern, dismissing him.

He quickly ran away, leaving Adam and I alone in the basement, I wondered why we were alone. When Lily had risen, Adrian had wanted back-up on hand, in case she’d gone feral. But then, Adam was a lot more arrogant than Adrian.

Adrian… I suddenly remembered how I had last seen him, unconscious in a field.

“Adrian?” I asked out loud, though I knew the answer.

“Dead,” Adam said carelessly, “the serum has been extracted and is being analyzed.”

A wave of grief washed over me and then came the anger.

“You monster!” I spat out, lashing out and striking Adam. He caught my hand easily, pulling me tight against him.

“I’ve never pretended otherwise,” He reminded me, his arms pinning me against his chest. “Not with you. I showed you the monster, the darkness, and you wanted it. You responded to it.”

He was right. I’d craved his power and strength. But I’d hated his methods, I knew that. Yet as I tried to summon that hatred and disgust, I couldn’t. It was like it was locked away. A very human emotion.

I couldn’t understand it. It hadn’t been like this for Lily. She’d been the same, just more. She’d said everything had felt stronger and more intense, why wasn’t it like that for me?

As I looked up at Adam, taking in his smug expression, I noticed a difference in the way he watched me. It wasn’t like a hunter watching his prey, anymore. It was still primal, still possessive, but… It was deeper.

And it hit me that some emotions were definitely intensified because lust coursed through me again, making me very aware of his body and a hunger that had nothing to do with blood. I wanted him.

Fuck did I want him.

Fuck. Ooh, fucking sounded great.

Just like with the intern, I let instinct take over and crashed my lips against Adam’s again. Like before he responded eagerly, taking control of the situation and it was a desperate rush of hands and lips as we tore at each other’s clothes.

“This is why I waited,” he growled as he pressed me against the wall of wherever we were, basement maybe, “I could have taken you when you were human, but I knew it would be so much better like this.”

There was no foreplay, no seduction, and I was fine with that. I didn’t need them. Wouldn’t want them, not from him. Because seduction from Adam would just be pretty little lies and I didn’t need those. Not anymore. This wasn’t about romance or feelings. This was about raw need.

He slammed inside of me, hard and fast and I expected it to hurt, but it just felt good. Sooo good and I responded equally, bucking my hips into his, meeting his every thrust.

“Adam!” I screamed, digging my hands into his back as he fucked me hard.

“That’s it,” he encouraged, “scream my name, let me make sure you know who is inside you, who’s making you feel like this.” His thrusts were fast and powerful, his hands digging into my thighs with enough force that I know if I was still human it would leave bruises. Instead, it just felt so damn good.

“Adam! Adam! Adam!” I screamed, taking everything he had to give me and wanting more.

HIs mouth was against mine, his tongue forcing its way into my mouth and I welcomed that too. As a mortal, I’d wanted to be possessed to him and now… Now it felt like the natural thing in the world, but it didn’t feel so much like possession, it felt like a claiming. A joining.

A mating in every sense of the word.

Adam spilled himself inside me as I clenched around him, my own orgasm over-taking me. And suddenly I knew what Lily had meant about increased senses because nothing had ever felt like that.

After a moment, Adam pulled out of me, reaching for his discarded clothes as I did the same.

“Normally, I like to take my time and savor the experience,” he told me, “but I feel like you are the exception to every rule.” His expression was possessive and yet, strangely fond.

He’d played me before, making me think he cared, and yet, as he looked at me now, I could see it so clearly, that he really did care. Did that mean some of it was real? Or was it just because now I was worthy? Did it really matter?.

I waited to come down for the high, for the regret to hit. After all, I had just fucked the man who had turned me into a monster and killed my friend. But… It didn’t come. I knew what I should be feeling, but I couldn’t quite access those feelings. What was going on? Why was I like this?

Instead of asking that out loud, I took the hand Adam offered, taking in his triumphant grin and the way he pulled me against his side.

“There’s a lot to catch you up on,” he told me as he led me upstairs, “the first few days of a vampire’s existence are confusing. But I have every confidence that you will adapt easily.”

I nodded, just going with it. Because the only thing I understood right now was how I felt about Adam. That intense attraction that had only intensified with Turning, that inexplicable bond. So I would go with it. Because at least I understood it.


~3rd Person POV~

Adam watched Lilith carefully as they made their way into the main part of his house, watching the way she took in every detail, seeing the world with new eyes. This was going better than he’d expected.

He’d expected anger and defiance, after that scene in the field, but this was even better. It was as if that had all been for show and deep down, she’d understood that this was meant to be.

He’d known the moment he set eyes on her that Lilith was different. He hadn’t wanted to feel like that about a human, but… He’d understood that she was meant to be more. He’d known from that first day he would give her the gift of eternal life and that she’d rule at his side.

Jason, one of the senior members of Adam’s clan, captured his attention. He let go of Lilith’s hand and stepped to the side to hear what Jason had to say.

“Mr. Castellanos has called a few times,” he said in a low voice, “he is getting quite agitated.”

Adam sighed. Of the surviving council members, Lester was the biggest pain in the ass, but he could be dealt with. Just not right yet.

It was all about timing. He’d have to go before the council, present a good story of what had happened in the field, including his own actions, but he needed the serum first. “Any word from Dr. Pierce?”

“Not yet,” Jason told him.

Adam scowled. He knew it had been less than a day, but time was the one thing he didn’t have. Not with this. Everything else was falling into place, but he needed that serum.

Things had actually worked out even better than he’d intended, because not only was Adrian dead and the serum, in some form, in his hands, but large numbers of the Clanless had been wiped out. Not all, but enough.

That second wave of ferals that he’d had delivered when he’d met up with his contact had been more effective than the first. Adam wasn’t exactly sure who all had perished or survived, but he was confident that the Clanless had been dealt a serious blow.

The mystery was Kamilah. Had she perished? He didn’t know. He knew she wasn’t here breathing down his neck, but she also wasn’t easy to kill so… They’d just have to wait and see. But all in all, it had been a major victory.

He had the serum and he had Lilith, which had been his major goals. Everything else was simply a bonus.


Speaking of Lilith… She sought his attention then, ignoring Jason. “Do you think you can show me to where I’ll be sleeping?” She asked him, biting her lip. “I’d like to get… settled.” The look in her eyes told him that she had no interest in sleep.

“Of course,” Adam answered, taking her hand once more. There was this compulsion to touch her that he didn’t quite understand. Probably just part of the thrill of the victory, he decided. He nodded at Jason. “Come get me if Dr. Pierce calls, otherwise keep putting Lester off. I’m hoping to buy another day.”

He knew it was unlikely, after all, Adrian and Kamilah both going missing left a power vacuum, but the longer he could defer things, the better. He needed to be as strong as possible when he presented his plan. And that meant he needed the serum.

“Of course, sir,” Jason said with a nod, accepting the dismissal.

Adam turned his attention back to Lilith. She was still wearing the clothes she’d been Turned in, something they should rectify immediately. He’d had Isabella pick up a complete wardrobe while he was waiting for Lilith to awaken, so she’d easily be able to find something suitable.

Isabella had had plenty to say about that, of course, and Adam knew she was eager to meet Lilith and to make her own judgments. But that could wait. For now, he wasn’t ready to share Lilith with anyone.

He led her up the staircase to his own private suite. He had considered giving her her own set of rooms, because he had never shared his space easily, but had decided against it. It made sense to keep her close, after all, she was still adjusting to the change. Besides, there were other benefits as well.

“This is your room,” Lilith commented as the door closed behind them.

Our room,” Adam corrected, taking her into his arms. “I didn’t just want you as a bedmate, Lilith. I want you to rule beside me, to share my life and my victories. Together we will be unstoppable.”

She was quiet for a moment and he saw the turmoil in her dark eyes, but not horror. Whatever anger and dismay there had been as a human, it had vanished quickly, which was… unusual. But then so was Lilith.

Instead of answering him with words, she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him again. He immediately deepened the kiss, understanding it was a gesture of agreement even if she wasn’t ready to put that into words.

His instincts had been right. She had put up a good fight, but in the end, this was what she had wanted all along and he’d been the one to understand that, to know what she needed and to give it to her.

And he would always be the one to do that.


Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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