Next Steps

Next Steps
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Pairing- Flynn x MC
Rating- Pg-13
Summary- Ashley has news for Flynn.


He rolled over onto his side so he could gaze into her eyes. “Yeah?”

“How would you feel about moving?” Ashley asked hesitantly.

Flynn frowned, “I thought you liked the boat?”

She could understand his confusion, she had lived there since she had made the decision to stay with him two years before.

“I did, I do,” Ashley assured him, “but…” She passed, trying to find the words to tell him her news, news she hoped he would be happy about, and instead blurted out, “if doesn’t have a chimney.”

Flynn frowned, obviously confused, “and we suddenly need a chimney becuase…”

“For Santa! Because I am having a baby and children need visits from Santa,” Ashley told him, the words coming out in a confused jumble. She was sure she was making no sense. She didn’t know why she couldn’t say it in a normal way.

Flynn froze, his eyes widening, and then his hand moved towards her bare stomach. “We’re having a baby?”

“Yeah.” Ashley told him, “I know we haven’t really talked about it, but this is something I want.”

Flynn was quiet for a moment. “I am terrified by how much I want this,” he admitted, “every day since you told me you were staying has been amazing and I didn’t want to jeopardize it or push. But I want this, Ash. I want a life with you, with our baby.” He grinned as he said the last word. “We’re having a baby.”

“We are,” Ashley confirmed, all her nervousness gone, soothed by Flynn’s obvious joy, “I know you love the houseboat, but…”

“The baby deserves a real house,” Flynn finished for herm and then he grinned, “one with a chimney.”

Ashley laughed, “that would be nice.”

“I never imagined myself in a real house, with a yard and evettthing,” Flynn mused, “I mean there was a time when owning the boat was a dream. And now… The idea of a house, a home, with you and our baby, it sounds pretty amazing.”

“It really does,” Ashley said, snuggling closer to him, “but anything sounds amazing if I’m with you, O’Malley.”

He smirked. “Even having a baby on a houseboat?”

She scowled and he laughed, before covering her lips with his, kissing away her scowl until she forgot everything but him.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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