Night time is the Best time

It is her favorite part of the night.

Sitting at her vanity set in their shared bedroom, she takes off her earrings and gently places them in her jewelry box.

She smiles to herself when she hears the shower turn off in the bathroom several feet away.

Almost immediately, she turns so that her back is to the mirror, and calmly crosses her legs, and leans back. With her elbows leaning on the vanity table, she hears her husband in the bathroom.

“Damn it”, Liam says with a groan.

Riley chuckles to herself, knowing the reason behind Liam’s swearing.

She knew Liam never bothered to check for a towel nearby before getting into the shower. There was never a reason to as the staff in the palace kept everything in place and ready for use.

Before leaving that morning however, she had purposely taken out all of the clean towels in their bathroom. Just to be safe, she had even instructed the staff as well to not bother leaving any fresh towels in the bathroom.

Except for one small hand towel.

With a self-satisfied grin, Riley waits for Liam to emerge from his shower.

On the other side of the bathroom door, Liam was still looking for something to dry himself off with.

‘King of Cordonia and one would think I’d have access to towels after a shower’, he thought to himself with a small grin.

He finally spots the small hand towel by the sink and gratefully snags it off the counter. He scoffs at the attempts of drying himself with the world’s smallest towel.

Liam places his hand on the doorknob while telling himself he needed to make this fast. He was still dripping wet and it drove Riley crazy when he would leave his wet footprints on the bedroom floor.

While drying his hair, he opens up the bathroom door and makes a run for a clean towel hopefully in the closet…

Only to be met by the seductive smile of his wife.

“Riley!?”, Liam exclaims while trying to quickly cover up parts of his naked body.

An elated Riley looks Liam up and down, slowly.

Water was slowly trickling down from his head to his neck and then shoulders. He was fully exposed to her, minus the towel that was blocking a certain nether region.

Liam tries to maneuver around Riley so she doesn’t see him in all his glory but fails when she quickly stands and approaches him.

“Riley, wait! I’m still wet. I need a towel”, he tells her.

His warning falls on deaf ears as she wraps her hands around his waist and starts to kiss his shoulder.

She notices drops of water coming down his neck and slowly licks one up to his lips, covering his mouth with hers.

“Mmm”, Liam responds and she quickly slides her tongue across his lips.

While Liam’s defenses are down, she quickly grabs the towel covering him and runs to the other side of the room.

“Hey!”, Liam says trying to sound upset but failing.

He runs after her laughing and still trying to cover himself with one hand.

Riley laughs and flaunts the towel in front of him until he finally corners her.

The image of Liam before her eyes thrills her.

‘He looks so good’, she thinks to herself.

It had only been a few months since they were married and while they had made love almost every day, they were still a little reserved with being fully naked in front of each other.

But Riley planned to change that.

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