no freaking way! (2/5)

“you’re biting your lip and mine’s hurting now.”

summary: in which soulmates can feel each other’s pain
a/n: okay so this is soulmate au, high school au and (kind of) enemies to lovers au all in one fic also because lately there was a lot of drama related to jake’s sexuality i decided to use male mc since jake obviously is bisexual, thanks bye!

At this point, Ashton hated Diego. It’s been a little over a week since he suggested that Jake might be his soulmate and despite the fact that it was completely ridiculous and totally not happening – Ashton could not stop thinking what if…?

He truly didn’t like Jake. It’s not like he hated him but they were just so different in so many ways Ashton was sure there was no way they would like each other let alone be soulmates. Also, Ashton didn’t support most of the things Jake stood for so rationally thinking they just cannot be soulmates.

But because of Diego every time the whole Jake being his one true love thing popped into his head he couldn’t stop doubting everything he was sure up until this moment. And it was so so frustrating that it was making him dislike Jake even more instead of suddenly and completely falling in love with him – as Diego predicted. And in order to piss Diego a little more, he pretended to never even for a second doubt if his best friend’s assumptions might be right after all.

But at the same time, it wasn’t easy to make Diego let go of this. He was so sure Ashton and Jake are soulmates that one time, when Jake was passing by them, he offered to hit Ashton in order to see if that’d have any impact on Jake – to what Ashton, of course, said no and literally take a few steps back from his friend.

And right now he was cursing Diego under his breath like he never did before because Jake was sitting right before him and every few minutes Diego was whispering something about it.

There was a school play and Quinn was in it so it was obvious that the whole gang would be there to watch and support her. But Ashton thought it was pretty strange for Jake to be here since he wasn’t really into this kind of stuff as far as Ashton knew.

Luckily he didn’t have much more time to dwell on Jake because the show started and Quinn appeared on the stage and it was time to focus on her and not on his potential soulmate. And as soon as he did that he realized it was more than worth it. But of course, something had to go ‘wrong’ and just before the break Ashton’s lip started hurting in this very specific biting-your-lip way what meant that his soulmate was probably doing just that. It was so intense Ashton was afraid that finally, they will bite so hard there will be blood. And because of Diego, Ashton’s first move was to check if Jake is doing it but there was no way since he could only see his back.

So he started to look around the place and he found at least seven people who were biting their lip at that exact moment. Ashton mentally slapped himself for letting Diego mess with his head like that and for actually believing this might happen.

When one of the teachers announced a break, Ashton sighed deeply and leaned his head back trying to figure out what he’s feeling exactly but before he had a chance to really get into his own brain he heard Diego doing something only Diego could do in this situation.

“Hi, Jake! What’s up?”

Ashton’s head immediately straightened back and his eyes went wide. What the hell Diego thought he’s doing? But there was no time to ask him that because Jake was there facing them and visibly trying to remember his name.

“You’re Diego, right?” He asked.

“Yeah. And that’s my best friend, Ashton.” Diego pointed to Ashton who just smiled awkwardly.

“Cool. Your friend is in the play, isn’t she?”

“Yup. Quinn scored herself another lead role. How’d you know?” Diego asked obviously intrigued.

“Mike, my best friend is also playing and he’s friends with Craig so y’know…” Jake chuckled and Ashton tried, with all his willpower, to ignore how his heart flattered at this sound.

“Oh, that’s awesome,” Diego stated. “So… you going to that bonfire party this Friday?” He changed the subject.

“Definitely. It’s the best party of the year.” Jake explained. “What about you? You comin’?”

“If you’re saying it’s the best, now for sure we can’t miss it.”

“Great. So I’ll see ya there.” He smiled and Ashton could swear that Jake’s eyes drifted to him for a second before he looked at Diego again. But of course, he chose to ignore it.

After that Jake said he promised Mike he’d met him in the break so he apologized and rushed to the backstage. And Ashton finally could stop holding his breath. He turned to Diego with an angry face but Diego only winked at him and then smiled innocently. Ashton sighed again this evening and decided he’s going to the toilet to avoid Diego for a while. And because life apparently hates him he just had to bump into Jake himself on the way.

“Sorry. My fault.” Ashton admitted. “Also, sorry for my friend back there.”

“No need to be sorry. You both seem pretty cool.” Jake said with a smile. “Save a dance for me on Friday, would you?”

“I don’t think-” Ahaton started but Jake interrupted him.

“I just hope we’ll have a chance to talk. You know without anyone else.”

“Oh… I’ll think about it,” Ashton answered quickly and basically run away with a beating heart before Jake could see the blush creeping on his face.

It was all Diego’s fault. Because now Ashton is possibly falling for Jake.

And because of that he really really hated Diego.

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