no freaking way! (3/5)

“I just banged my knee on that table over there and you hissed in pain, dude I think we’re soulmates.”

summary: in which soulmates can feel each other’s pain
a/n: okay so this is soulmate au, high school au and (kind of) enemies to lovers au all in one fic also because lately there was a lot of drama related to jake’s sexuality i decided to use male mc since jake obviously is bisexual, thanks bye!

“What do you mean he asked you to dance with him at the party and you just forgot to tell me?” Diego practically shouted the next day in history class.

“I’ve never said I forgot. I didn’t tell you on purpose because it’s all your fault and I blame you for that!” Ashton answered while rolling his eyes.

“But that’s a good thing! C’mon Ashton! You can’t still refuse to believe that Jake’s your soulmate! Why are you so damn stubborn?” Diego sighed.

“Because he’s not my soulmate!”

“Diego! Ashton! Is there something you wanna share with rest of the class?” Mr Reed asked and all eyes were immediately on them.

“No-” “Yes-” They both said at the same time.

“Please Diego, don’t be shy.” The teacher encouraged him.

“What the hell you think you’re doing?” Ashton whisper-shouted before Diego winked at him and stood up. “I swear to god I’ll kill you if you’ll open your mouth.”

“Today we have pizza for lunch!” Diego stated very proudly then sat back and smirked at his best friend.

“You’re officially cancelled. We’re no longer friends and I hate you.”

And for the rest of history class Ashton has been purposely ignoring Diego to get on his nerves just like Diego, unintentionally, did to him. And it worked one hundred percent. But then Diego started apologizing and that was as annoying as his rumbling about Jake so really Ashton didn’t have much of a choice beside forgiving him so that’s what he did.

Luckily next class was free for Ashton but not free for Diego so Ashton could finally relax and not think about Jake for a little while. It’s not like he was thinking about him non stop but when everyone kept talking about his soulmate it’s hard to not think about him. Also, there were times when Ashton caught himself daydreaming about the possibility of being Jake’s soulmate and in those moments he wanted to slap himself right in the face.

Because to be completely honest, the more he thought about it the more he started to like the idea and it was terrifying in many ways. Like what if he actually would fall for Jake and then it’d turn out that they’re not soulmates? How is he going to live with that? How could he possibly be with someone else when he’d be in love with another person? Ashton just didn’t want to put himself out there and get his heart broken at the end.

With those rather sad thoughts in mind, Ashton headed to the school library to start working on his project for English class or to read a book if he’d have troubles with focusing. When he entered, the whole place was practically empty. There was one couple in the back evidently making out – what made Ashton rolled his eyes and when he walked to his favourite table, Sean was there. They greeted each other and for most of the time, they were both just doing what they needed to do. And Ashton didn’t know if it’s because of how few people there were or because Sean’s presence was making him calmer but he managed to do some solid work on his project.

“So did Diego finally stopped bullying you about McKenzie?” Sean asked suddenly, chuckling a little.

“I wish,” Ashton answered closing the book. “He’s getting more and more persistent every day.”

“And how are you feeling about it? Have you talked to him about it?

“I mean it’s not ideal but I kinda get where he’s coming from? I know he cares about me and since I’m the only one in our group who hasn’t found his soulmate yet- I think he just wants me to be happy and I can appreciate it even if he’s showing it in a very specific way.” Ashton chuckled as well.

“Good. And so you know. We all care about you.” Sean smiled.

“I know. You guys are the best. Thanks-”

“Hey, guys! What’s up?” Michelle appeared out of nowhere and sat beside Sean. She put her backpack on the table and kissed her boyfriend/soulmate on the cheek.

“Gross” Ashton faked a gag reflex.

“Just wait ‘til you find your own soulmate. You’re gonna be even grosser than we are.” Michelle teased. “Speaking of which, I wanted to ask you yesterday but I couldn’t catch you. Do you think Jake is your soulmate?”

“Don’t tell Diego this because he will never let me live if he’ll hear this but yes there is a little part of me that wouldn’t mind if he would be my soulmate,” Ashton confessed.

“Yeah, I can see that. You’d be cute together. So are you gonna test it?”

“I- I don’t know? I’m not sure if I’m actually ready to find out. I don’t know… we’ll see. And I hope that the universe will somehow help me.” He joked.

The three of them spent another twenty minutes just talking and laughing at Ashton’s terrible jokes. And Ashton was grateful for that cause for all that time he didn’t think about Jake for a minute. He was enjoying the time with his friends and that was exactly what he needed after all this ‘drama’ with Jake being his soulmate.

“Okay, we have to go, Sean,” Michelle said about ten minutes before the bell was supposed to ring. “You’re going too or you wanna stay?” She asked Ashton.

“I’m good. Don’t wanna interrupt you two.” Ashton teased. “I’ll stay for a bit.”

After Sean made sure Ashton really wanna stay, Michelle and he exited the library and Ashton was almost all alone. He yawned and closed his eyes for a few seconds. This day really tired him out and he was so ready to go home and just fall asleep. When he opened his eyes he yawned yet again and finally decided to gather his things and meet his friends for lunch. And just as he wanted to walk away from the table, somehow, he managed to bang his knee on the said table and immediately fell to the ground.

When he was getting up – and cursing under his breath – he heard someone hissing in pain and his eyes went wide right away. He didn’t notice when someone came to the library and what mattered more it was his soulmate and he was almost one hundred percent sure about it.

“You clumsy idiot.” Ashton heard someone sighing – almost laughing – and at that moment his heart was beating fast like never before because he knew this voice. And he was dreading this moment since Diego said he supposedly knew who his soulmate is. And worse – for some insane reason Diego was right because the voice belonged to one and only Jake McKenzie.

Suddenly he heard some shuffling and then footsteps so, in a record time, he got up from the floor and sprinted out of the library almost breaking all his limbs while running down the stairs.

And because Ashton ran out so fast and didn’t look back he completely missed Jake and the pleased smile which appeared on his face when he realised that Ashton was this ‘clumsy idiot’ and in other words – his soulmate.

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