“No Should or Should Not” – Drake x MC

Summary: Drake makes a startling confession to MC (Kate) and she finds herself at war with what she should do and what she wants.

The rain pattered against Kate’s bedroom windows. The storm that had been threatening to break all day was finally starting to make good on its promise now that night had fallen. She lay back on her bed and stared up at the canopy above. Her head felt full, her heart conflicted. Kate liked Liam, she really did, but that romantic spark just … wasn’t there. But she felt obligated to continue in this process for the sake of the Beaumonts. Even with Bertrand’s generally grumpy disposition, Kate knew he was just under an enormous amount of stress due to their family’s financial position. If Liam chose her, this could mean so much for Maxwell and Bertrand. It could mean everything for them.

So then why couldn’t she stop thinking about Drake?

Kate closed her eyes. She had to stop thinking like this, had to push him out of her mind. Her presence in Cordonia was about so much more than just her now; people were counting on her. She couldn’t afford the luxury of what she might want. God, she wasn’t even royal and she still didn’t feel free to live her own life, not anymore. Working in the bar back in New York felt so far away, like another lifetime, even though it had only been a couple months. She opened her eyes and propped herself up on her elbows, surveying the room. From taking out the trash to sleeping in a room more luxurious than anything she could’ve ever imagined–a real Cinderella story. Except Kate didn’t remember Cinderella having feelings for Prince Charming’s best friend. She flopped back on the bed. Maybe that was in the extended version of the fairy tale.

There was a sharp knock at her bedroom door. Kate sat up, confused. She hadn’t been expecting anyone this evening. Maybe it was Bertrand, come to insist she keep practicing the Cordonian waltz in an effort to rid her of her two left feet. Kate stood and crossed the room. When she opened the door, her stomach turned over. There stood Drake, soaking wet before her.

“Drake?” Kate asked, shocked. “What are you doing here? And why are you wet?”

Drake pushed past her into the room, running a hand through his soaked hair. Water droplets flew from his fingers as he dropped his arm to his side.

“I tried to leave,” he said, starting to pace across her room. Kate shut her door.

“What are you talking about?” Kate asked. He didn’t look at her, still in motion as he walked back and forth. “Drake, stand still for a second. What are you talking about?”

“I tried to leave,” Drake said again. “I had to get out, I couldn’t stay here.”

“Did something happen?” Kate asked. He didn’t answer. “Drake, for god’s sake, stand still! What are you talking about?” she demanded.

“I’m talking about you!” Drake nearly shouted, stopping and turning to face her head on.

“Me?” Kate asked, backing up a step under his intense stare. “What did I do?”

He ran a hand through his wet hair again.

“Nothing,” he said, quieter this time. “You didn’t do anything, I just … I couldn’t stay here and watch you fall in love with him.”

Blood thrummed in Kate’s ears. She couldn’t believe this was happening and yet there he was, standing in front of her, dripping water onto her bedroom floor.

“What … what do you mean?” she asked when she found her voice again.

“I’m in love with you, Kate,” he said quietly. Kate felt like her breath had been slammed out of her and she said the first thing that came to her mind when words began to form there again.

“You called me Kate.”

Drake looked away towards the dark, rain spattered window, but said nothing.

“You said you had to leave, but you clearly didn’t if you’re standing here,” Kate said. She hesitated. “Why did you come back?”

Still he said nothing, but he turned his eyes to hers. He didn’t have to say anything; Kate had known her answer before she’d asked her question. They regarded each other for what felt like a long time, their eyes hooked on one another. Dozens of thoughts raced through her mind, her obligations, her promises, the Beaumonts, Liam, Cordonia, Cinderella, her wishes, her desires–all of it. Then a single thought overtook everything else: she knew she shouldn’t, but this singular, surreal moment might never happen again and there was only one thing she wanted, truly wanted. Kate crossed the ocean between them and kissed Drake. He met her halfway, wrapping her in his arms. In that moment there was no should or should not, only his wet hair between her fingers and the dampness of his shirt soaking through her own.

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Hey all! I'm just a caffeine addict who loves Choices a little too much. Hit me up on Tumblr or, if you really like my stuff, consider supporting me on Patreon. Have an incredible day! Tumblr: https://lolablackwrites.tumblr.com/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emilyreganwrites

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