No Time to Rush

Note: I am by no means an expert on any of the practices in this fic, and pieced together everything from research. It’s a little different, but I could totally see Khaan being into all this based on his love of yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and all things related.

It’s the eve of the gala in which the crew will hopefully save the President’s life and in turn take down Eros. That’s the best case scenario though, and Leila doesn’t even want to think about the alternatives. Everyone else is off doing their own thing. She had looked to Khaan expectantly when the group split for the evening, but he made it clear he was going back to his room to meditate and center himself or whatever it is that he needed to do to prepare the next day. She doesn’t know why she had thought he’d ask her to join him. He was fairly clear at the club that although he wants to be with her, he’s just not ready, and she begrudgingly respects that. However after getting just a taste of what Khaan has to offer, she’ll wait for him, no matter how many lonely nights it takes.

Leila is getting ready ready to draw herself a bubble bath when she hears a knock on the door. It’s probably Nadia coming to say good night, so she doesn’t hesitate to open the door, even though she’s clad only in her short, silk robe. She’s caught off guard when the door swings open and it isn’t Nadia, but Khaan, barefoot in dark gray joggers and a white t-shirt, a reusable shopping bag in hand.

“Khaan! Hi…what are you doing here?” She instinctively crosses her arms in front of her body to try and cover up, but who is she kidding? She’s not shy about Khaan seeing her this way.

“That’s a good question, actually.” Khan fiddles with the handles of the shopping bag. “I, uh… Can, I come in?”

“Oh, yes, of course.” The shock of him appearing at her doorstep still hasn’t worn off. She steps aside and waits for him to speak.

Khaan sets the bag down on the table and faces Leila. The look in his eyes as he scans her body from head to toe tells Leila he’s here for more than just friendly conversation. “I know I shouldn’t be here after telling you I can’t promise anything right now, but it’s almost like I don’t have a say in the matter. I’m used to having so much control over my mind and body, and with you, I have none. I keep doing things I know I shouldn’t because they enable these risky decisions. Even telling myself I just wanted to see you and talk with you tonight – I know I’m lying to myself. I wouldn’t have brought all of that,” Khan gestures to the bag on the table,  “just to be prepared, if that were the truth.”

Leila’s now very curious about what’s inside and what it has to do with doing more than just talking. “So what are you saying, Khaan?”

“I’m saying I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, or any day for that matter. All I know is that if I waited one more day to be with you and never got the opportunity, it would be the biggest regret of my life. Khaan steps towards Leila and wraps her in his arms. “I need you Leila. I want to be with you. That night in the club was amazing, but you deserve more. I want to worship your body and show you how incredible you are – connect with you on a deeper level. I want to give you the night I should have given you the first time.”

Leila’s whole body flushes and she resists the urge to push Khaan back on the bed and jump him instantly. It sounds like he’s got plans and she has no intention of derailing them. “How can I say no to that? Just tell me what you want and I’m yours.”

Khan’s smile broadens and he let’s Leila go. “Go sit on the bed, and I’ll get set up.”

Leila obeys and she watches as he takes each item out of the bag including several candles, matches, incense sticks, massage oil, and a feather teaser. “Wow, you are quite prepared.”

Khaan grins shyly. “I may have gone out to buy most of these things before I came to see you tonight.”

“Did you go out like that? Leila waves a hand down his body to his shoe-less feet.

Khan shakes his head and laughs. “No. I went back to my room to give myself one more chance to do the sensible thing and back out. I got into these clothes because I knew I’d really have to want to do this to come see you looking like this. And, well…here I am.”

He looks so cute and soft in his sweats a t-shirt – something she’s been missing out on seeing since staying at his apartment. “I like this look on you.”

Khaan smiles and then starts placing the candles around the room, lighting them before setting up the incense and lighting it as well. Before long the smell of cinnamon wafts through the air.

“Cinnamon…that’s an interesting choice.” Leila observes.

“Do you not like it?” Khaan asks with concern in his voice.

“No, it smells heavenly, but I’ve noticed you are more of a sandalwood or patchouli type.”

“All scents have their place, Leila. I suppose I should fill you in on what we’re doing here. You obviously know I do yoga daily, and that for me, its not just about the physical aspects but the mind-body connection. It’s about mindfulness and a state of being and it extends into all areas of life. Have you heard of tantra?

“Like tantric sex? Where orgasms can last hours?” Lelia’s intrigued to find out where this is going.

Khaan chuckles. “Not exactly the goal, but that can happen, yes. Tantra in relation to sex is about enhancing intimacy through mindfulness. Increased sexual pleasure is just one of the many benefits.”

Leila can’t say she’s every been propositioned quite like this before, and she’s not into all this stuff like Khaan is, but somehow his enthusiasm for this lifestyle is part of what draws her to him.  And if she’s honest, he had her at increased sexual pleasure. “It sounds great, but are you sure we have time for this tonight?”

Khaan sits next to her on the bed and places her hand in his. “Leila, there’s no time not to do this. I’m done waiting for the perfect time.”

“Alright then.” Leila agrees. “Why don’t you continue on with my lesson?”

“Very well. It’s important to engage all the senses. Going back to the cinnamon incense, it is known as an aphrodisiac of sorts, increasing blood flow for enhanced arousal. For sound, I have this.” Khaan pulls his phone out his phone and turns on some instrumental music that’s both soothing and soulful. “And then the mood lighting.” He gets up and turns off the main overhead light, leaving only the dim desk lamp and candlelight glowing against their skin. Sitting back down on the bed, he takes the belt of her robe in his hand. If you don’t mind me taking this off, we can move onto the massage.

“Please do.” Leila encourages, and Khaan gently tugs at her belt, opening up the robe to expose her breasts. He looks but doesn’t touch. He slides his hands under the silk fabric at her shoulders, leaving a trail of goosebumps down her arms as the garment falls away.

“Now lie down on your stomach,” Khaan commands. He brushes her long brunette locks to the side and warms a generous amount of massage oil in his hands before descending on her back. “Try to push all thoughts out of your head and focus on your senses. Take deep even breaths through your nose.” His hands glide smoothly over her back with just enough pressure. He work neck and upper back and moves downward, replenishing the oil as needed. When he reaches the small of her back, he switches down to her feet and massages upwards, kneading the supple flesh of her backside. It’s difficult to drown out all the thoughts racing through her mind, but Khaan’s calming voice, along with the other sensory input helps center Leila, and she begins to focus only on the feeling.

“Khaan, that feels amazing,” Leila purrs.

“And that’s only one side. Time to flip over.” He repeats the process, starting with her hands and arms and moving to her abdomen. Her breath catches as he closes the distance to her breasts, but his hands stop just short. “Not just yet,” he whispers in her ear.

Khaan grabs the feather teaser and dusts it over Leila’s extremities, sending shivers down her spine. He swipes it across her belly and finally up and over the stiff peaks of her breasts and she writhes at the tickling sensation.

“You’ve experienced firm and soft touch, now its time for hold and cold.” Leila isn’t quite certain what that means until he picks up a candle from the nightstand and drizzles the warm wax across her torso. She flinches as it hits, but then a pleasant tingle washes over her skin as it starts to cool. Khaan then selects a cube from the ice bucket next to the bed and rubs it over her lips, before continuing down the side of her neck and across her nipples. It takes her full concentration not to move, determined to fully experience it all. Like the wax it tingles, but its more of a numbing than burning feeling.

Khaan moves back on the bed and extends a hand to Leila to help her sit up. “So, how was that? Describe what you are feeling,” He instructs.

“It was…” Leila searches for the perfect word to describe it but falls short, “…intense for lack of a better term. It’s like all my nerve endings are awake, and every touch is heightened.”

“Excellent.” Khaan’s lips curve upward. “That means I’ve my job well.” He lifts his t-shirt over his head and then slips of his pants and boxer briefs.  It’s the first time she’s seen all his parts at once. His build is slighter than Damien or Hayden, but he’s fit and perfectly sculpted.

Khan crisscrosses his legs and sits up straight. “Come here.” He motions with his finger. “Sit on my lap and wrap your legs around me.” Khan wraps his arms around her waist and she loops hers around his neck. “This position is called Yab-Yum. It is where compassion meets wisdom and awareness meets energy. Look into my eyes and breath deeply down to your core. Let your breaths match mine.

Minutes pass in silence and their breaths are coming in sync. She feels closer to Khaan in this moment than she ever has with anyone before. Its as if by gazing into his eyes she can see through to his soul. Physically they are close, but not quite close enough. Her walls ache as if they know the proximity of Khaan’s hard length. So close, but just out of reach. Every inch of her skin is alight. A palpable electricity courses between them and it feels, like the slightest physical touch would set her over the edge.

“Can you feel that?” Khaan breaks the silence, and she nods, knowing full well what he means. “Our chakras have aligned, and that’s the energy flowing freely between us – from ourselves and from the earth.” Khaan leans in to kiss Leila, and as their lips connect, it sends a spark throughout her body. He tangles his hands in her hair and she feels like she might explode if he doesn’t take her right now.

Leila breaks away from the kiss. “I hope this doesn’t ruin the vibe we have going here, but I need you inside me now.”

“Fuck yes, Leila. I’ve been waiting for you to say that. A man can only have so much self-control.” Khaan shifts his hips and she feels the head his cock align with slick, wet, entrance. She pushes down onto him and he fills her deeply, hitting her sweet spot, and a throaty moan escapes from her lips. He thrusts up into her and she rocks her hips, an intense pressure building every time her clit rubs against him, and it’s begging for release. He twirls his tongue around one of her pink buds as he grabs her ass to bury himself deeper, and she comes undone. All senses leave her aside from the orgasmic waves and pleasurable tingling throughout every inch of her body. Just as she thinks she about to come down from her high it continues, the pulsing in her core causing her to cry out over and over again until finally it subsides.

Khaan has already picked up his pace, and she knows this means he won’t be far behind. Her legs trembling, she uses every last bit of energy to ride him through until he’s spilling inside her while calling out her name. Khaan rests his forehead on hers and over time their ragged breaths slow and sync up again.

After putting themselves back together, the are lying side by side on the bed, Leila trying to process the whole experience. “You know, I don’t always get your zen yoga practicing, wheatgrass drinking lifestyle, but I think I could get into this.”

Khaan sweeps a thumb across her cheek and leans in for a kiss. “This was just quick and basic lesson. Mastering Tantra requires full understanding of the theory behind it, and many, many hours of practice.”

“So is that an invitation?” Leila replies cheekily.

Khaan laughs. “How could I ever resist such an eager and willing student?”

He can’t and Leila knows it. His attempts to resist her have failed, and there’s no turning back now.

10 thoughts on “No Time to Rush”

  1. I love this! I adore Damien, but Khaan… why do they have to exist in the same universe? I loved this and how Khaan wanted to create that intimate experience for Leila, it felt very much like somehting he would do.

    1. Thanks Misha! It is a shame they exist in the same book but at least it’s one where we get to hook up with everyone

  2. I am so happy you are on the Khaan train with me because I get to benefobfrom these pics. Hot hot hot! I love Damien, but I really need Khaan to have his own book so I can have a good time with him. 😍🔥😏 This really was amazing, thank you for continuing to provide quality Khaan smut.

  3. I love love love this! This is the scene I wanted last week. I can definitely see Khaan being into this. This line is the best: “You know, I don’t always get your zen yoga practicing, wheatgrass drinking lifestyle, but I think I could get into this.”

    1. Haha, thanks. I had to throw that in there because he’s a little out there, but Leila is strangely attracted to the whole package.

  4. Look into my eyes and breath deeply down to your core. Let your breaths match mine.
    aaaaaaah this line got me!! and I legit search for that kind of yoga and I agree that Leila will get used with this kind of yoga lol

    1. Lol, I had to do a bit of research for this one and had to make sure to clear my search history a couple times, haha.

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