Nobody’s Second Choice

Summary: There’s been unspoken tension between Colt and Logan since the night they almost kissed, and Logan running off with Gabi after they pull off the big job only adds fuel to the fire.


Colt checks his phone and shoves it back in his pants pocket, folding his arms and continuing to pace across the garage floor. Logan and Gabi don’t even have their phones on them, so he’s not sure why he’s checking, as if either of them would even text him if they did. “Where the fuck are they? We’ve all been back over thirty minutes already.”

“Relax, Colt.” Ximena braces his shoulders to stop the pacing. “Logan told me he was going to hang back with Gabi for a bit. They’ll be here soon.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? Letting those two kids cruise around LA in 2.5 million dollar stolen cars? You’re lucky my dad’s knocked out from his painkillers, or we’d all be dead.” Colt sits on a nearby stool and puts his head in his hands.

Colt wants to think he’s just mad about them risking getting caught or damaging the cars. It has nothing to do with him being jealous of of Logan spending time with Gabi, or the fact that he and Logan haven’t talked at all since the night they almost kissed. Logan has been downright insufferable since then, not even talking to Gabi either which is somewhat of a consolation. He has no idea what happened between them, but she has still been hanging around, and now that she helped them pull this off, Logan is probably out there making up with her and God knows what else.

Another half hour passes and there is still no sign of them. Colt is further annoyed at the fact that nobody else seems bothered as they all leave Colt to wait for them himself so they can go home and go to bed. He can barely keep his eyes open, so he lies down on the dingy, old couch in the shop, just to rest. He doesn’t even realize he had fallen asleep until he’s startled by a sudden loud noise and opens his eyes just in time to see Gabi’s car pulling out of the shop and Logan standing over him.

“Worried we wouldn’t make it back, weren’t you?” Logan smirks down at him.

Colt shoots upright and smooths his hair. “I was almost certain you two idiots were going to fuck this up for us somehow. What the hell were you thinking? And here I was starting to believe you actually did have some brains. Guess that doesn’t matter when you are letting your dick think for you instead.”

Logan lowers himself on the couch next to Colt, looking over him appraisingly. “I see what this is about. You’re Jealous.”

“What, I’m not-”

“I know you took Gabi for her driver’s license test. Thought you’d get a chance to swoop in when I wasn’t there for her?” Logan probes with an accusatory tone.

Colt laughs under his breath. “God, you really are obtuse. You think I’m jealous because I like Gabi? Are we just going to pretend nothing happened between us in the loft that night? It’s not her, I want, it’s you.” He cringes at his own unplanned admission.

Logan chuckles. “No, I knew you were into me. I just wanted to hear you say it.”

“Oh fuck off, asshole.” Colt still doesn’t understand how he can want someone that irritates him this much.

“If you want me to go, I will…” Logan’s brilliant blue-eyed gaze never wavers as he rests a hand on on Colt’s knee and drops his voice. “…but I don’t think you want that…and neither do I.”

Colt’s unaware as his breaths become heavy, this look and this touch sending a jolt of electricity through him reminiscent of when Logan caught him as he stumbled on the car carrier earlier in the night. He could chalk his body’s response up to to adrenaline then, but there’s no excuse now. Colt shakes his head no, and Logan leans in closer. Colt follows suit as if they are being drawn together by magnetic forces, until he suddenly snaps back. “Wait, what are we doing here? Weren’t you just out with your girlfriend? I’m not into playing games.”

Logan sighs. “I told you she’s not my girlfriend.”

“So what were you doing out with her for…” Colt looks at his phone, surprised at how much time has passed. “…three hours?”

“We took a drive to somewhere we could sit and talk things out. I needed to clear the air with Gabi.”

“And did you kiss her?” Colt’s afraid to ask if they did anything more than that. None of this is even his business anyway, but he also needs to know where he stands.

Logan winces and Colt’s heart sinks. “She kissed me. Said it was something to remember her by.”

“So what does that mean?“

“Look, Colt. I told you before that Gabi and I just aren’t right together, and I meant it. I think she thought if she showed me she could do this, I’d see that she belonged in my world, but deep down, she knows she was meant for something better than this.”

“Great, so does that make me your consolation prize?” Colt spits.  “I’m not looking to be anyone’s second choice.”

Logan scoots closer to lessen the distance Colt has put between them. “Not at all, Colt.” Logan runs a hand through his hair. “I’m not explaining this well, but we’ve  through this already. You are my first choice. Yeah, I met Gabi first, but ever since I got over hating you for coming in here and acting like I was trying to take your place, you are the only person I’ve been able think about. I was a dumbass for ignoring you, but I needed Gabi to know things were over between us first. But then when I saw how the two of you flirted, and you went to her test with her…I guess I wondered if something was going on between you two. To be honest, you are a better match for each other than I am for either of you.”

“Seriously?” Maybe they’d flirted a little in the way you would with a third grade crush, but the only thing Colts’s been thinking when he looks at her is that she’s standing in between him and Logan. “Why would you even think that?”

“You’re both super smart and will be getting college degrees and respectable jobs, and I’ll be lucky to not end up in prison…or worse.” Logan emits a bitter laugh. “I don’t want to be talking you out of liking me right now, but I don’t deserve you either.”

Colt shakes his head and thinks better of telling Logan that he might not go back to school at all. “You are a fucking genius Logan. That plan you came up with for tonight was brilliant. In case my half-assed complement earlier wasn’t clear, I am in awe of you. You can do anything you want.”

A wistful look flashes across Logan face but then his lips quirk into a smile. “I knew you wanted me, but I had no idea how much you worshipped me. Please go on.”

“Oh shut up, asshole.” Colt pushes Logan playfully, but a bit too forcefully, and Logan topples back on the couch. He grabs onto Colt’s shirt, bringing him down on top of him. Colt hovers over him as they stare unblinking at one another. There’s an unspoken inevitability of what’s been building and what is to come, so Colt stops fighting it. He sinks down onto him, threads his fingers through Logan’s brunette locks, kissing him slowly, deeply. Logan doesn’t hesitate to reciprocate wrapping his arms around Colt and fisting his hands in Colt’s shirt, kissing him back harder and with added desperation.

Logan begins to pull Colt’s shirt off when the noise of a garage door opening shocks them both upright again. Colt looks at Logan sheepishly. “We always have shitty timing, don’t we?”

Logan chuckles. “Yeah, we need to work on that. To be continued?”

“Definitely.” Colt nods to Logan as Logan scurries up to his loft.  Colt has no idea how or if they can make this work, but Logan is worth the risk to find out.

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