
Author’s Note: A quick little funny fic to diffuse the tension after all the drama in chapter 5 this week.  This also incorporates @mrswalkerwrites’s fluffy request for prompt #18 “I think it’s adorable how easily you blush.”  I hope this makes you smile. 😘


“… So then on my way out he gave me recommendations for a few celebrity personal trainers, claiming ‘No pressure!’ but ohhhh yeeeaaaahhh, there was pressure alright.”  Jessica paused her tirade long enough to take a big swig of her beer in front of her.  She picked up her half-eaten slice of pizza and eyed it mischievously before looking back to Seth with a devilish gleam in her eyes.  “So you know what I say to that?!?  Hmmpph!! ” She proceeded to stuff as much pizza as she could possibly fit into her mouth before biting down hard and yanking the excess away.  “Hmmmphhaaa hmmphh!”  She tried to speak her closing argument, but unfortunately the words were inaudible and muffled through the mounds of cheese and crust.  She chewed aggressively, tears springing to the corners of her eyes, while Seth watched in awe.

“You know, you have a really big mouth.” He stated plainly.  Jessica’s eyes narrowed, knowing he was poking fun to lighten the mood, but was unable to retaliate as she continued to chew.  Seth grinned and laughed at her frustrated expression. “I’m sorry, I’m just … wow, you can fit a lot in there.  I’m kinda impressed.  And maybe a little turned on … “ He quirked an eyebrow at her, finally eliciting a tiny stuffed-cheeked crooked smile from her.  A soft crimson flush crept up her cheeks at his flirtatious comment.  “And I think it’s adorable how easily you blush.”  He winked at her and clicked his tongue as she shook her head, trying to shake away her embarrassment.

Jessica eventually finished chewing and swallowed her massive bite of pizza before washing it down with another draw of cold beer.  “I’m sorry Seth, I know you came over here to cheer me up and now all I’ve done so far is complain about Tad Princeton.”  She grasped his hand across the table, tilting her head to the side and giving him an apologetic look.  “I’m sorry I’m not great company tonight.”

“Hey I get it, Iowa, you have every right to be upset.  This is a shitty situation.  And this guy sounds pretty intense.”  He clasped his other hand on top of hers and ducked his head to meet eyes with her. “But he also sounds like he’s really good at his job.  I mean, that is why Montmartre hired him, right?”

“Yes, I’m sure he is … I just don’t want to lose sight of who I am and why I’m doing this along the way.”  She ran her thumb along his hand, dropping her eyes in contemplation.  “I came here with nothing but dreams and a suitcase and my old friend Chazz to help me find my way.  Today I had to say goodbye to one of those. And with the personal shopper, I have a feeling my suitcase is not far behind, so …” she trailed off in thought.

“Hey, look at me Jess.”  Seth gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger, guiding her eyes to meet his.  “You are honestly one of the strongest women, no … strongest people I’ve ever met.  Not to mention insanely talented.  It’s okay to make some adjustments in this new life, that’s part of the game.  But I know that small town girl from Iowa isn’t going anywhere unless you let her.”

“I hope you’re right … “ Jessica nodded and then sighed, pulling away and sitting back in her chair.  “But this whole fake dating shenanigan … are you sure it doesn’t bother you?”

Seth sat up straight in his chair, folding his hands on the table in front of him and furrowing his brow.  “Well, yeah … I’m not exactly thrilled about it … especially not being able to take you out in public and show off my beautiful and extremely talented girlfriend.”  Jessica’s heart fluttered at his flattery and she was unable to fight the small smile from meeting her lips as he continued.  “But I meant what I said … I trust you.  I’m willing to sacrifice a little right now for your career if it means we’re giving this, giving us” he motioned his hands between the two of them across the table, “a real shot.”

Jessica was overwhelmed with emotions after Seth’s little speech.  How the hell did I get so lucky with this guy? She reached back across the table and cupped his hands in hers, beaming into those deep blue eyes.  “I’d like that Seth.  Thank you for being so understanding.”  He didn’t say anything, just stared into her gaze, a heartfelt smirk on his lips.  Jessica loved that sexy little smirk, and she especially loved when it was directed at her.  “You know … “ she slid out of her chair and walked around the table, pressing him back in his chair so she could sit on his lap.  She hooked her arms around his neck while he circled his arms around her waist, stroking her lower back.  “Tonight’s our first official night on house arrest, I think we should do something really special to celebrate.”

“Heh, I like where this is going Iowa.”  He pressed a chaste kiss to her grinning lips.  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”  He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

She had a giddy smile on her face.  “Well, we’re already finished with season one … I think we could get through at least half of the second season tonight, don’t you?  I’m dying for Jim and Pam to get together already!”

“Alright, twist my arm … you know I’m always down to Netflix and chill.  You get the popcorn, I’ll get the beer, meet you at the couch in two.  Those nine seasons of the Office aren’t going to watch themselves.”

“Deal.”  Jessica giggled as she scooted off of Seth’s lap and walked to the kitchen to get the snacks.  She turned around to find him picking up their plates and cleaning off the table, the sweet unsolicited gesture warming her heart.  “Oh, and Seth?” She asked playfully.  He looked up from his task to find her smiling at him.  “You know, it’s best to avoid anyone catching you leaving my place tonight.  You should probably just stay the night.”

A wide grin spread across his face before he put on a faux scowl.  “Hmmm, well that’s another tough sacrifice, but if you insist … “ The corners of his mouth quirked up, despite his best efforts.

“Yes, I’m afraid that’s non-negotiable, Mr. Levine.  As my secret boy toy, you are required to make the most of the time we do have.”  She chuckled under her breath and winked before turning back to the kitchen.


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