Not Yours, Part 1

Summary: With nowhere to live, MC (Emma) moves in with her friend, Zig. Her boyfriend, James, isn’t thrilled by the idea, especially with their relationship still on shaky ground from LA. With one love on the rocks and another hidden away, things are quickly getting complicated between three friends.

Zig couldn’t help but smile when Emma pushed open the door to the cafe. The brisk fall air had turned her cheeks pink and Zig felt an overwhelming urge to sweep her into his arms and kiss the blush on her face.

Stop it Zig scolded himself. She’s not yours. You have to stop thinking like that.

“Hey there,” Zig said as Emma approached the counter. It was then that he noticed the worry furrowed between her brows. “What’s wrong?”

“God, what isn’t wrong?” she said with a heavy sigh that seemed to start at her toes. “I’m really stressed out about starting on the paper, I’m basically homeless, and I have a massive headache because I haven’t had any caffeine yet today.”

“Well, I can at least take care of that last one, what do you want?” Zig asked.

“Umm …” Emma said, pulling out a couple crumpled dollars from her pocket. “How much is a small coffee again?”

Without a word, Zig turned to the espresso machine and began to assemble Emma’s favorite mocha with an extra chocolate drizzle.

“Zig, wait,” Emma protested. “Seriously, I’m too broke for fancy coffee, I’ll just take whatever you have for drip coffee.”

He ignored her and finished the drink, sliding over her mocha. As an added flair, he sprinkled some cinnamon on the whipped cream.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ve got you,” he said.


“Seriously, Emma, don’t worry about it. It’s the least I can do.”

“Thank you,” Emma said gratefully, dropping her last two dollars into the tip jar. Zig barely noticed the tip, he was too preoccupied with the way the corners of her mouth had finally lifted into a small smile.

“Alright, that’s one problem fixed,” Zig said. “What do you mean you’re homeless? I thought you just moved into your dorm yesterday.”

“I did, but I had to move out already,” Emma explained as she took a sip of her coffee. When she pulled the cup away, a little bit of whipped cream stayed on her top lip. Zig found himself having to resist the overwhelming urge to lick it away. Stop it he scolded himself. People who are just friends don’t fixate on each other’s lips. Emma quickly cleared her own lip and took another drink.

“Bad roommate?” Zig asked, trying to refocus his attention on their conversation.

“Oh my god, the worst!” Emma exclaimed. “She’s a literal trash goblin and our room is infested with roaches and God only knows what else. The residence hall kicked us out so they could fumigate our room, and I don’t know what to do. They said we can come back in a few days, but I can’t live with someone that gross. I just can’t. I had no idea where to go last night so I packed all my stuff in my car and slept on a couch in the library.”

“The library?” Zig asked. “Why didn’t you call someone? I mean, we all have floors and couches you couldn’t slept on.” Zig thought for a moment of what it would have been like to walk out of his bedroom this morning and see Emma stretched out on his couch. He imagined her wearing a tank top and panties, the blanket having fallen slightly askew to expose her upper thighs. He thought of her waking, gesturing for him to come closer …

Zig was suddenly glad he was standing behind the counter.

“This all happened kind of late last night and I didn’t want to bother anyone,” Emma explained. “Today is the first day of classes and I didn’t want anyone losing sleep on my account.”

“Okay, what about James then?” Zig asked. “He’s your boyfriend, isn’t that what he’s there for? To help you out in a situation like this?”

“Well …” Emma said, looking hesitant. “Things have been … I don’t know, not great.”

“Oh,” Zig said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. Everything seemed so good between you guys on the road trip, I just thought …”

“No, it’s okay,” Emma said. “The road trip was good, things are still just kind of weird after last spring. I don’t know, we still have a lot to work out from the California thing. I was going to call him, but I just … the library seemed like the easiest option.”

Zig had a flash of an idea and before he lost his nerve, he blurted it out.

“You could come live at my apartment.”

Emma stared at him in shock.


“Well, my roommate moved out a couple weeks ago and I haven’t found anyone to replace him yet so I have a spare bedroom at the moment. As you know, my apartment is right behind campus and is completely roach-free.”

“I don’t know …” Emma said. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, absolutely,” Zig said. “You’re one of my best friends, you need a place to live, and I need a roommate. It’s kind of a perfect situation.”

“Well … okay,” Emma agreed, smiling. “That’s so amazing of you. Seriously, you totally saved me.”

“Twice,” Zig said, pointing to the cup of coffee. Emma laughed.

“Yes, twice,” Emma said.

“I don’t know if I can do anything about the school paper, but if it’ll help, I’ll buy pizza tonight for a room dinner and you can tell me about it,” Zig offered.

“That’s so sweet of you,” Emma said. “But I’m actually supposed to have dinner with James tonight.”

“Oh, of course,” Zig said, feeling his face grow hot. “Well, hey,” he said, digging in his pocket for his keys before handing them to her. “Go ahead and take my keys so you can move your stuff into the apartment. Just drop them off when you’re done and I’ll make you a key once I’m done with my shift.”

Emma runs around to the other side of the counter and wrapped Zig into a tight hug.

“You are amazing, thank you so much,” she gushed, her eyes shining as she grinned at him. “I’ll see you later, roomie,” she said as she took the keys from him.

Zig watched her leave, practically skipping out of the cafe with her coffee in one hand and his keys in the other.

What did I just do?


“I’m really glad we’re able to have dinner together,” James said as he pulled out Emma’s chair for her.

“Thanks,” she said. “And me, too.”

“How was your first day of classes?” James asked as he sat down in his own chair and picked up his menu.”

“Classes were okay. Living situation isn’t. Well, wasn’t,” Emma corrected herself. “It’s fixed now.”

“What do you mean fixed? Did you change rooms or something?” James asked.

“In a manner of speaking,” Emma said. “I had to move out of the dorms.”

“What?” James asked, shocked. He set down his menu. “What happened?”

“My delightful new roommate brought roaches and our room has to be bug bombed, so we were kicked out.”

“How long do you have to be out of there?” James asked, concerned.

“They said only a few days, but I can’t go back there. Rachel is such a slob that I’m sure this is only the first of many infestations to come,” Emma said. “As it turns out, Zig’s roommate moved out a couple weeks ago and he had a spare room so he offered it to me. Since I’m moving out within the first two weeks, I’ll get my room and board payment back in full, which is awesome.”

“That’s great!” James said. “I’m glad you were able to get that all sorted out so quickly. You’re so resourceful,” he added with a grin as he leaned across the table to kiss Emma. She loved the feel of his lips against hers, so firm and confident, and yet soft at the same time. Her fingertips brushed his cheek and she could feel the faintest bit of stubble on his skin. When James pulled away, he was smiling at her, although there was something off about the smile. Something strained. They returned their attention to their menus, scanning their dinner options.

“I have to ask,” James said suddenly. Emma looked up from her menu but James didn’t raise his eyes. “Why didn’t you call me? You could’ve …” he trailed off, still not raising his eyes.

“What, moved in with you?” Emma asked. “I … I don’t know, I really don’t think we’re ready for that.”

“We’ve been dating for a year,” James said. “You need a place to live, I have more than enough space. Besides, I … I’d like to move in together.” James finally lifted his eyes to meet Emma’s.

“James,” she said gently. “If we were to move in together, I’d want it to be because we want to, not because we have to. And after everything last spring … I just feel like we still have a lot to work on before we’re ready for that step.”

James set down his menu calmly, but Emma could see the frustration in his face.

“Are you ever going to forgive me for that?” James demanded. “I made a mistake, I’m sorry. I don’t know how many times I have to say I’m sorry to get you to believe me. Yasmin is the one who came on to me, not the other way around. And if you remember, I pushed her off when she kissed me.”

“Yes, I know,” Emma said. “But I told you she was planning something and you didn’t believe me. And I’m sorry, but it’s hard to get the image of you kissing someone else in front of me out of my head.”

“She kissed me!” James exclaimed. He realized he was raising his voice and he stopped, taking a breath. “I can’t believe we’re having this fight again.”

“Look, I don’t want to fight,” Emma said, reaching for James’s hand. He didn’t pull it away, but he didn’t return the pressure either. “I think we just need some time before we take such a big step. We really need to rebuild some trust.”

James stared at her hand for a moment before he sighed and laced his fingers in hers.

“You’re right. I’m sorry,” James said. “I love you and I want to make this work.”

“I do, too,” Emma said. “And it’s not like I won’t ever go over to your apartment again. In fact, I’m going to insist on it. My new apartment is great and all, but the view outside my window is a brick wall. You have a view of the whole city.”

“Oh, I see how it is,” James said with a teasing grin. “You’re just using me for my view.”

“And your espresso machine.”

James laughed.

“Well,” he said, lifting her hand to kiss her knuckles. “If you won’t move in, will you at least take a drawer?”

Emma grinned.

“I’d love it.”

“I love you.”

This time, it was Emma’s turn to lean across the table and kiss James.

“So,” James said when they finally broke apart. “When do I get to see this fancy new apartment of yours?”

“You’ve seen Zig’s apartment before.”

“Yes, but I haven’t seen your room there yet,” James said. “Do you even have a bed?”

“Actually, yes,” Emma said. “When Zig’s old roommate moved out, he conveniently left behind a bed and a bookcase.” She grinned mischievously. “Why do you ask?”

James grinned. He didn’t have to answer.


As Emma fumbled for her keys in her purse outside the front door of her new apartment, she felt James step up behind her, pressing his body against hers. He kissed her neck, trailing his lips across her skin.

“Mmm,” Emma moaned quietly. “That feels nice.”

“Oh yeah?” James murmured, sliding his hands down to her hips. One of his hands slid lower, finding the hem of her skirt before his hand slid back up her skin, tracing a line up her inner thigh. “What about this?” His fingers found the lace hidden beneath her skirt and he traced his fingertips across the thin fabric. Emma’s breath quickened as James tugged the elastic aside, slipping his fingers against her skin.

“Yes,” she whispered, the word coming out as a gasp.

James took his free hand and slid it up under her shirt, pulling the cup of her bra aside to find her nipple. Emma could feel the hardness through James’s jeans and pressed her hips back against his. He ground against her, his exploring hands holding her in place, and she braced herself against the wall beside her front door. James slipped one finger inside her, then two. She was so wet and she groaned, thrusting against his hand as his thumb began to move in slow circles around her clit.

“Do you want me?” he whispered in her ear, his breath hot. She whimpered with desire, groping behind her with her friend hand for his belt. James momentarily took his hands away from her to undo his jeans. Emma reached behind him and grasped him firmly in her hand, moving up and down his shaft with rhythmic strokes.

“But what if your new neighbors see you?” James teased, glancing around the empty hallway as he eased down her panties.

“I don’t care,” she said desperately, pressing the tip of him against her.

Emma waited for what felt like an agonizingly long moment before she felt him suddenly push into her. She moaned, trying to stay quiet, but she had to bury her face in her arm to keep down the sound. James moved in and out, slowly at first, then picking up speed, his fingertips digging into her hips. Emma arched her back and reached down with a hand to touch herself, pulling herself closer to orgasm each time James pounded into her. Then she was coming, biting down on her arm to keep from screaming out, her muscles tightening around James. She heard him groan, felt his fingers clench, and then he was hot and spurting inside of her, wrapping an arm around her waist as he came.

They separated after a moment, breathing hard. James swept Emma’s hair to one side and kissed the back of her neck before he pulled up his pants, the buckle of his belt clinking.

“I wanted to show you the inside of my apartment, not just the hallway,” Emma joked as she pulled up her panties and straightened her skirt.

“Who says I’m done with you tonight?” James asked. He spun her around and pushed her against the wall, his tongue finding hers in an intense kiss. Emma returned the kiss and then playfully pushed him back.

“Well, if you want to see my bedroom, you have to let me unlock the front door,” she said, reaching back into her bag, this time successfully retrieving her keys. James smirked and slid a hand around her waist as she unlocked the door. Inside, the apartment was dark except for a single lamp on the end table.

“Zig must have left that on for me,” Emma said, glancing towards his bedroom door. Underneath, she could see a thin band of light.

“That was nice of him,” James said, reaching over to click off the light. The two of them fumbled their way in the darkness towards Emma’s room. She quickly found the door handle and let them inside. James gently closed the door behind them and reached for Emma, pulling her to him.

“Kiss me,” she whispered.

“Yes, ma’am,” James said. Emma could hear the grin in his voice as he knelt in front of her, pushing her skirt up and pulling down her panties until they dropped to the floor in a forgotten crumple of lace. He pushed her legs apart and began to kiss her slowly, teasingly.


Zig lay on his bed, his book in his hand although he wasn’t really looking at the words on the page. He had been reading in the living room when Emma and James had arrived at the apartment. He’d prepared himself to greet them when they came inside, but then they didn’t open the door. Instead, Zig had been expecting to hear the jingle of keys, but instead he’d heard something very different. He’d felt his chest tighten, disappointment pulling at his stomach. Stupid he told himself. You know she has a boyfriend. What did you think was going to happen? Zig had quietly gotten up from the couch and turned off the apartment lights, save for the lamp on the end table, and gone into his room. He’d tried to keep reading, but instead he found himself waiting for the sound of the front door.

Don’t be so fucking creepy he’d scolded himself. The door had opened and Zig had heard two voices in the living room. Then the door to Emma’s room had opened and closed soon after. Now, then noises from the hallway were starting again. Zig sighed and reached for his headphones, turning up the music until it was loud enough to drown out the sounds in the next bedroom. Unfortunately, it wasn’t loud enough to drown out his thoughts and he lay there for a long time, staring at the ceiling as the music looped in his ears again and again.


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Hey all! I'm just a caffeine addict who loves Choices a little too much. Hit me up on Tumblr or, if you really like my stuff, consider supporting me on Patreon. Have an incredible day! Tumblr: Patreon:

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