Not Yours, Part 4

Summary: Facing a reality in which he might never get to be with MC (Emma), Zig attempts to lose himself in a distraction. However, he finds he can’t fully push Emma from his mind, especially when she comes home with news of her own. (NSFW)

Zig tried to fit his key into the front door but he missed twice. He sighed and leaned closer to the lock, examining it closely and taking extreme care to successfully insert the key in the lock. Zig supposed it might be time to admit he was drunk.

“I rather like this view of you,” the blond man behind Zig said, gently pulling Zig’s hips back towards his before running a hand up the back of Zig’s white t-shirt. Zig smiled and stood up straight again.

“Let’s go inside and I’ll show you a better one, Alex,” Zig said, pulling him in for a kiss.

“Adam,” the guy said, reluctantly pulling his lips away from Zig to correct him.

“Whatever,” Zig said, turning the doorknob and nearly falling through the entryway, tugging Alex in by his shirt behind him.

After Zig had dropped Emma off on campus, he hadn’t wanted to go home. He’d felt depressed by the realization that he would never be able to give Emma what James could, so Zig had decided to get drunk. When he was about three beers in, a hot blond (apparently named Adam) had invited him to play pool. They’d been flirting so heavily that they’d only made it about halfway through the game before Adam had pulled Zig into the back hallway by the bathrooms and kissed him. Zig had liked the distraction that kissing Adam afforded him, so he’d asked him back to his apartment. It seemed easier to lose himself in someone else’s body than to have to suffer the thoughts in his own head.

Zig tossed his keys on the coffee table, too hard, and he heard them slide across the wood before falling with a clatter onto the floor. He kicked the door shut and pulled Adam close, kissing him. Adam tugged at Zig’s shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it aside before he ran his hands over Zig’s abs. Zig led him towards his bedroom. Once inside, he shoved Adam against the door and kissed him, their tongues melting into one another as Zig yanked at Adam’s belt, his jeans, his shirt. Adam slid a hand down the back of Zig’s jeans, fingers digging into his skin. He maneuvered Zig closer to the bed and pushed him down lightly. Zig fell back with a laugh, which was abruptly cut off when he realized the room was moving a little on its own. He focused on the moon outside his window and the room stilled the way it was supposed to. Adam knelt in front of Zig and slowly ran his hands up Zig’s thighs. Zig propped himself up on his elbows, bit his lip, and grinned. Adam unbuttoned Zig’s jeans and pulled down the zipper before tugging at his pants. Zig lifted his hips slightly in compliance and Adam discarded the pants, tossing them away into the darkness of Zig’s bedroom. Zig’s boxers followed and then he felt Adam’s hands on him, his tongue. Zig moaned and ran a hand through Adam’s hair before dropping back flat on his bed. He didn’t want to, but he found himself thinking of Emma, imagining it was her tongue, her mouth. He pictured himself pushing her hair aside, watching her glide up and down, imagined the curve of her body as she knelt in front of him. Then, an intrusive memory from the night before crowded his mind, of the sounds of Emma with James in the hallway. Reality slammed into Zig’s fantasies, and then … he went soft.

“Oh, fuck,” Zig muttered, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before the alcohol in his system forced him to open them again before the room began to spin too quickly.

“Is … everything okay?” Adam asked, sitting back.

“Yeah,” Zig said. He could feel his cheeks burning. “Too much whiskey, I guess.”

Adam sat on the bed beside him.

“It’s okay,” Adam said. “It happens.”

Zig didn’t say anything, but he sat up and rested his hand on the back of Adam’s neck. Adam turned to him and kissed him, softly at first, but then with increasing intensity. Zig gently pushed Adam down until his head was on the pillows and Zig stretched out alongside him. As they kissed, Zig let his hands wander across Adam’s body, exploring his exposed skin until Zig finally reached down between them and grazed his fingers along Adam’s cock, hard and swollen. Adam moaned under Zig’s touch as it slowly increased in intensity, Zig grasping Adam firmly in his grip. Soon, Zig’s lost hardness returned and there were no more intrusive thoughts of Emma in his mind to interrupt them.

It wasn’t until much later, after Adam had left and Zig was lying naked and alone in his bed, that he wondered if she had come home yet. Too tired to fight off the thoughts anymore, Zig allowed himself to imagine Emma curled in his arms, her skin warm and soft under his fingers. He drifted off to sleep with Emma on his mind and Adam’s phone number scrawled on his arm.


Zig awoke early the next morning with a hangover hammering away at his head. He immediately regretted not forcing himself to drink water the night before, almost as much as he regretted forgetting to close his bedroom curtains against the rising sun. Zig sat up slowly, wincing at the pain of moving. He stumbled over to the window and yanked the curtains shut against the offensive sunlight. He was about to collapse back into bed when he remembered the water. Zig knew it would be better to force himself to drink some now and start re-hydrating than to wait, so he pulled on a pair of boxers and left his bedroom. He was running a glass under the kitchen faucet when he suddenly heard a key in the front door. Zig glanced over and was surprised to see Emma come through the front door.

“Oh!” she exclaimed when she saw him. “Sorry, I just didn’t expect to see you so early. Are you working today?”

Zig shook his head and immediately regretted it, his headache thumping back and forth with each movement.

“No, I’m just up getting some water and regretting every drink I had last night,” Zig replied.

“Ouch,” Emma said, lowering her voice a little. “I’m not gonna lie, you kind of look like you got hit by a truck.”

“Why thank you, I like to think I’m at my best first thing in the morning.”

“No, I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant,” she apologized quickly. “I’m just saying … oh, dammit, I don’t know what I’m saying. Can I get anything for you?”

Zig saw her eyes flick over his boxer-clad body and he couldn’t be sure, but it looked like she blushed a little. No, that couldn’t be right. She was clearly getting in from a night at James’s apartment, what did she care what he wore or didn’t wear?

“I’m fine, but thanks,” he said, holding up his water glass as proof. “What are you doing up so early? Or late? I’m not sure which one it is at this time of day.”

“Both?” she said with a shrug. “I don’t know at this point. I haven’t gone to bed yet.”

“Is everything okay?”

Emma sighed.

“I don’t know. I went over to James’s apartment last night and now we’re on a break to try and figure things out. After I left James’s, I went over to Kaitlyn’s and we stayed up all night talking about it. Finally, when the sun started to come up, I realized I should probably come home and try to get some sleep before my first class today, which luckily isn’t until 2. Kaitlyn’s going to bed now too, which I guess makes us both vampires,” Emma joked.

“Well, you make a very cute vampire,” Zig said without thinking. Oh my god, what are you thinking? Shut up! “You and Kaitlyn both do,” he added quickly.

“Thanks,” Emma said with a smile as she joined Zig in the kitchen and retrieved her own water glass. “Anyway, enough about me. How was your night?” she asked, eyeing Zig’s forearm.

“Fine,” Zig said with a shrug.

“It looks more than fine,” Emma said, taking his arm in her hand and tapping the phone number with a polished fingernail. “Is someone still here?” she suddenly asked in a whisper. “I don’t want to wake them up.”

“No, he went home,” Zig said, feeling disappointed when Emma released his arm.

“Think you’ll call him again?” she asked, letting her voice return to its previous volume. Zig shrugged.

“Maybe,” Zig said noncommittally. He’d had fun with Adam–or was it Alex?–but Zig knew realistically that it wouldn’t be fair to anyone if he tried to pursue anything more than a one night stand. Much as he didn’t want to admit it, his heart wasn’t free. He realized that all the while he’d been thinking, silence had somewhat awkwardly fallen over their conversation.

“Well, I should get some sleep,” Emma said, setting her empty glass in the sink. “I hope your hangover feels better. Let me know if you want to go get food in a few hours. Tacos, my treat.”

“Thanks, I will,” Zig said. He watched as she crossed the room to her bedroom door and despite the massive headache threatening to crack his skull, he couldn’t help but wish he could follow her. He glanced down at the phone number on his arm again. Zig then took a paper towel, wetted it with a drop of dish soap, and began to scrub the ink from his arm. When he was done, he returned to his bedroom and closed the door.


As Emma lay in her bed, James’s words echoed in her head:

“He’s had a thing for you since he met you. I was here that day when he punched Sebastian for grabbing your arm. I see the way he looks at you …”

In spite of her exhaustion, Emma found it hard to sleep.


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Hey all! I'm just a caffeine addict who loves Choices a little too much. Hit me up on Tumblr or, if you really like my stuff, consider supporting me on Patreon. Have an incredible day! Tumblr: Patreon:

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