NSFW Alphabet – Matt x Samantha

Summary: MC Samantha Evans finds a very interesting questionnaire to complete with her boyfriend Matt Rodriguez


‘Whatcha thinking about beautiful?’ Matt Rodriguez asked, rolling on his side to get a better view of his girlfriend Samantha Evans whose face was currently drawn into a pensive expression.

They had just finished two intense rounds of love making after a full day of promotion for Samantha’s new movie. Matt had been so busy with filming lately that he’d barely been home so they taken full advantage of the free evening together.

‘Nothing much..’ Samantha answered vaguely before turning to face him. ‘I got a funny question from a fan in an interview today.’

‘I thought you’d be used to those. There are some weird people out there,’ Matt smiled wryly. ‘And your fans are no exception. So what was the question?’

She hummed slightly in response before answering. ‘They asked whether we’d done the NSFW Alphabet.’

Matt’s left eyebrow arched upwards. ‘The NSFW Alphabet? I’ve never heard of it.‘

‘Yep its like a sex questionnaire apparently. Hang on I’ll get it up on my phone.’ She reached for the device on the nightstand and tapped out a query into Google before holding it out to him. ‘Here.’

Matt scanned the screen for a moment. ‘Seems interesting enough.’

‘Wanna answer some of it?’ Samantha’s blue eyes sparkled in the dim light.

‘I don’t see why not.’ He grinned, knowing that one way or another it might lead to round three. Samantha returned his wolfish grin before she read the first question.

A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)

Matt smiled at her, pulling her closer to his chest. ‘Cuddling for sure. And usually rubbing your back after you’ve come particularly hard.’
‘Sometimes we have a shower too. But that’s only if we’ve been going all night or are really dirty,’ Samantha remarked, waggling her eyebrows at him as she drew her lower lip between her teeth, knowing what effect it had on her boyfriend.
‘If you keep biting your lip like that, we just might have to take a bath after this,’ he growled, placed a kiss just under her jaw.

B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)

‘You can say the you like your own cock best. It’s fine,’ Samantha put in immediately after she read out the description  for the letter.
‘You didn’t even let me answer that one!’ Matt protested.
She waited, eyebrows arched.
‘Ok fine yes I do.’
‘Knew it.’ She grinned triumphantly.
He rolled his eyes once. ‘Bet I can guess what your favourite part of me is.’
‘Oh yeah?’
He grabbed her hand and slid it slowly down his torso, her fingers brushing his sculpted abs. He kept his eyes on Samantha who squirmed under his gaze until her breath hitched and he finally let up.
‘Mmhm yeah you definitely like those,’ Matt grinned wolfishly. ‘Don’t think I haven’t noticed you staring every time you visit on set and we’re doing the shirtless scenes.’
Her cheeks were still slightly pink when she replied. ‘I could say the same thing when I wear a low cut dress. Your eyes go straight to my boobs and I know you like to hold onto them when I ride you.’
‘What can I say?’ He shrugged cheekily. ‘They fit perfectly in my hands.’

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)

‘I know you like me cumming in you…’ Matt began carefully making Samantha cock her head to the side.
‘You don’t?’
‘No I do,’ he replied hastily. ‘But I really like it on your boobs too.’
‘Pearl necklaces you mean?’
‘Yeah basically.’
She kissed his nose softly. ‘I’ll keep that in mind for later.’

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

‘Come on Mateo,’ Samantha nudged him in the ribs. ‘‘fess up. I mean you’ve gotta have some dark fantasy right?’
His eyes grew rounder. ‘Umm…’
Samantha’s grin grew wider as Matt’s face turned a deeper shade of red. ‘Ok now I gotta know. What is it?’
‘Can we skip this question?’
‘No we absolutely cannot,’ she countered, turning to face him fully before leaning towards his ear and lowering her voice to that ‘oh-so-sexy’ tone she knew he went wild for. ‘Whats on that dirty mind of yours Matt?’
His body rippled with goose bumps as he drew in a deep breath. ‘I’ll tell you only if you promise not to laugh.’
She nodded enthusiastically, curiosity peaking at what fantasy would make Matt Rodriguez, Hollywood’s walking sex god blush. He eventually leaned closer to whisper in her ear and after a couple of seconds Samantha pulled back to look him in the face.
‘Why did you think I would laugh at that?’
He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. ‘I don’t know. I guess I thought you’d freak out a little.’
She brought her lips to his in a passionate kiss. ‘I don’t think its weird at all. Its kinda hot.’
‘Yep in fact I’d be down for it right now.’
Matt stared at her in slight surprise for a moment before recovering and pulling her in for another searing kiss. ‘Have I ever told you that I love you?’
She laughed a bit at that, feeling his hardness grow against her. ‘Many times Mateo, many times. But right now I want you to show me.’

E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)

‘I’ve always wanted to ask this but I never knew how,’ Matt said to his girlfriend, reading from the phone she had tossed across the room in her eagerness for him.
‘You wanna know what my number is?’ Samantha asked, still working on catching her breath.
‘I can’t say I haven’t thought about it,’ he replied, climbing back into bed with her. ‘If you don’t mind then yeah.’
‘Hmm let me see…’ She paused, counting silently on her fingers before wiggling the ones she’d raised. ‘I’d say you are lucky number seven.’
‘Really?! That’s it?’ Matt’s eyes widened as he stared at her incredulously.
Her eyebrows drew together into a frown. ‘Why? Is that.. is it..’
‘No! No its just that… wow…’
‘Matt…’ Samantha’s tone carried a slight warning now.
He turned to her, his eyes softer now. ‘What I mean was, this…’ He gestured to the space between the both of them. ‘Has been incredible. Mind blowing really. So I thought you’d have had more practice I guess.’
‘Oh…’ She seemed to consider this for a moment before the corners of her lips turned up into a smile. ‘I guess I’m just naturally good at it then?’
He drew her in for a long kiss, thumbs caressing her cheek tenderly before releasing her. ‘I guess I owe you my number then?’
Samantha nodded her head. ‘Your reputation and the rumours precede you Mr Rodriguez. I’m very curious if its all what its chalked up to be.’
He took a moment to think about it before telling her the answer.
’That’s actually lower than what I would have guessed,’ she admitted.
‘Not really. But I don’t want to think about you with anyone else now.’

F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)

‘Mmm I know this one,’ Matt ventured, pulling her back against his chest. The two were spooning now and his head was in the crook of her neck so he could read from the phone she was holding. ‘You love it when I take you from behind.’
‘Add in a mirror and you’re spot on baby.’ Samantha wiggled her ass against him cheekily. ‘And I know you go crazy when I ride you.’
‘I guess we know each other pretty well then.’
‘I guess we do.’ She beamed before going on to the next one.

G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)

‘I wouldn’t say we’re goofy.’
‘Yeah me neither,’ Matt replied, his nose wrinkling up a bit. ‘We do make each other laugh sometimes but mostly its pretty serious.’
‘We’re more romantic in the moment I’d say. And I love that about us.’
‘Yep and I love you.’
Samantha rolled her eyes. ‘Now that was corny and you know it.’
‘Are you complaining?’ He asked, eyebrow raised.
‘Absolutely not.’

H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)

‘I’d say we’re both pretty well groomed down there,’ Samantha answered, peeking under the covers to inspect. ‘I mean most of the time its literally in our job description.’
‘Yep agreed.’
‘Though I won’t lie..’
Something in her tone made Matt look up from the lock of her blonde hair he was playing with.
‘I wouldn’t object if you were slightly furrier.’ Samantha winked at him, her fingers drawing tantalising circles on his chest.
‘I could add it into my contract if thats how you feel,’ he teased, intrigued by her insinuation.
She gave him a cheeky grin before moving on.

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)

By this time, they had shifted in bed so that Matt was on his back with Samantha’s head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around her back as their legs tangled together.
‘I think,’ he began thoughtfully and Samantha could hear his chest rumble as he spoke. ‘No matter how crazy we get its always romantic underneath.’
‘Agreed.’ She shimmied up his body to give him a kiss on the cheek before he pulled her in to kiss her properly. ‘I also find it super sexy when you talk to me in Spanish.’ Samantha mumbled between kisses.
¿Tú, mi amor?’ He whispered against her skin, making her tremble slightly. ‘¿Tal vez debería hablar así todo el tiempo?
‘Mmm whatever you’re saying, my answer is yes.’

J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)

Matt stroked his chin in thought. ‘I think I only really jack off when I’m out of town for a shoot or something.’
‘Really? I didn’t know that,’ Samantha admitted.
’Now you do. I’d much prefer being with you.’ Matt dropped a light kiss on her forehead. ‘Besides Anticipation makes the climax better.’
She giggled at his use of her famous line. ‘And if that’s not enough, we definitely make full use of Skype too when we’re apart.’
‘Oh yeah, can’t forget that.’

K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)

‘Ugh I absolutely haaaate the daddy kink!’ Samantha exclaimed, rolling her eyes. ‘I mean you’re not my father and I don’t want to be reminded of him when you and I are together.’
‘No need for the mental image Sam,’ Matt shook his head to get the thought out. ‘Blegh.’
‘But we have done some kinky stuff before though. Like exhibitionism, outdoor stuff, tying each other up in all kinds of positions, ice play, food play-‘
‘I liked the chocolate syrup best,’ he interrupted. ‘And don’t forget the role play too.’
Samantha nodded.’Of course! How could I? It all started through fan fiction remember?’
‘Mmhmm and how we have progressed since then..’
‘I think I liked the pirate fantasy the best,’ she remarked with a smirk. ‘Where I was the captain and you were the first mate who had started a mutiny. Now that was fun.’
‘It was only fun because you got to do all the teasing,’ Matt huffed.
‘You weren’t complaining at the time. It was more like begging.’

L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)

‘We’ve been pretty adventurous together,’ he contemplated. ‘But nothing beats making love to you in the desert under the stars.’
‘Mmm that is definitely up there. But…’ Samantha pursed her lips in thought for a moment. ‘I think my favourite place we’ve done it was on your private jet.’
That made Matt smirk. ‘You liked joining the mile high club did you?’
‘It was definitely on my bucket list.’
‘I’ll have to take a look at that sometime.’
‘Mmm you’ll definitely be interested in what I have on there.’ Samantha smiled slyly.

M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)

‘I don’t know how to define this into one specific thing,’ She began gaining a raised eyebrow from Matt. ‘Its a whole bunch of things. Definitely your steamy shirtless scenes. How concentrated you get when you’re reading a script. But what gets me really going is,’ Samantha paused for dramatic effect. ‘When you’re in the hair and makeup chair getting glammed for a photoshoot or scene on set and I know that I absolutely cannot have you but it just makes me want you even more.’
He was so quiet that she turned around to face him.
‘Nothing,’ Matt replied quickly, though he added that to his mental list of things that would drive Samantha crazy. ‘I find it so sexy when you’re reading something and you nibble on the ends of your glasses and you gotta know how much I love your ass and your boobs because half the time you’re purposely turning me on with those.’
He affectionately caressed these parts of her as he continued. ‘Especially when we’re at events and you’re wearing the most revealing little outfits and it makes me just want to rip it off you and take you right there. Although…’
Samantha’s breath hitched as she waited in anticipation for him to continue.
‘The biggest turn on is seeing doing your thing on set, working hard on your characters and succeeding. It’s moments like those that remind me that you don’t really need me but I’m so fucking grateful that you want me.’
Matt’s voice had dropped to a whisper now and Samantha’s silence made him doubt himself.
Had he just ruined the mood?
He hadn’t meant to come off so vulnerable but before he could say anything, she cupped his face bringing his lips to hers in a tender kiss.
‘I could say the same about you.’

N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)

‘We are pretty experimental in bed.’
‘Agreed though…’ Samantha grabbed Matt’s chin bringing him closer to her face. ‘I. Do. Not. Share.’
‘Me neither,’ He affirmed before closing the gap between them in a deep kiss. ‘
Oh and,’ she added after indulging him for a long moment. ‘I’m not really into the humiliation thing and the more violent stuff.’
’Same here. I love you too much for that.’

O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)

‘You know I could go down on you any day of the week right?’ Matt said with smirk, peeling off the blanket that covered them.
This had been one of the letters he’d seen when he skimmed through earlier and had been waiting to make his move. Samantha felt heat begin to build in her core as they shared a heated gaze.
‘Don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep Rodriguez.’
‘Oh I intend to keep them alright,’ he told her, starting to inch his way down her torso as he caressed her soaking folds. ‘I know you like it when I do this.’ He slid two fingers into her slick sex as she moaned his name suddenly. ‘The callouses on my fingers make you feel real good don’t they baby? Is that why you like it when I play the cello?’
‘Mm god yes,’ she whimpered as he picked up the rhythm. It didn’t take long for Matt’s experienced tongue and fingers to bring her crashing down with a howl in a matter of minutes.
After recovering, Samantha flipped them over so that she was on top. ‘Its your turn now babe. And I know you go crazy for that thing I do with my tongue.’
Matt swore harshly as she began to make her way down his body. ‘You have to tell me where you learnt that.’
‘Practice makes perfect,’ she winked and Matt’s next words were lost in a loud groan.

P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)

‘It really depends what mood we’re in,’ Matt began still out of breath after his orgasm.
‘And if we’re playing around with anything else too.’ Samantha nodded, wiping her mouth as she came back up to lay beside him. ‘Yep sometimes we take it slow but most of the time I prefer you to fuck me like theres no tomorrow.’
He grinned before kissing her, tasting the remnants of himself in her mouth. ‘Just say the word and I’m all yours babe. However you like it.’

Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)

‘Quickies are good.’
‘Yep nothing wrong with them.’
‘Except your damn tendency to do it at the most inconvenient times.’ She reminded him, rolling her eyes.
‘True but I always make up for it later,’ Matt told her. ‘Think of it as a amuse-bouche in preparation for the full course meal to come.’

R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)

‘Hmm I wouldn’t say we take too many risks..’ Matt mused. ‘Maybe slightly more than average because I mean we’ve done a few risky things together.’
Samantha swivelled her head to give him a pointed look. ‘Seriously?’
‘What?’ ‘You don’t remember a very specific awards night?’
Matt’s eyebrows drew together in confusion. ‘Umm..no?’
She continued to stare at him until finally realisation dawned in his eyes. ‘Ohh that awards night… The one where I-‘
Samantha gave him an exaggerated nod. ‘The one where you were so nervous about whether or not you’d win that I had no choice but to let you fuck me during the show because you were so anxious. And we barely made finished in time for you to get your ass onto stage when you actually did win.’
Matt blushed at the memory, thinking about how frantically he’d had to pull himself together before walking up to the podium to accept the trophy. ‘Yea that was the night I discovered your hair pulling kink too.’
Our hair pulling kink.’ She reminded him. ‘My hair was a mess too. We’re just lucky that was the trend for the night.’

S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)

‘I can’t think of a specific number. Have we ever really counted?’
‘Nah I don’t think so… It kinda depends what our schedules are like that day.’ Matt smirked. ‘We usually go all night if we can.’
She returned his gesture. ‘Oh yes I am very well aware of that.’

T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)

Matt stroked her hair lovingly. ‘You have a good collection of toys don’t you mi amor?’
‘Mmm yes,’ she answered snuggling more into his touch. ‘I only ever use them alone when we’re apart ‘cause they’re honestly nothing compared to you. But you like using them on me too right?’
‘Only certain ones though,’ he told her. ‘Call me old fashioned but I am a firm believer in getting you off without any help.’
Samantha gave him a wide grin. ‘Just the way I like it.’

U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)

‘Oh god this question. We can both be merciless in our teasing can’t we?’ She asked him in confirmation.
He nodded enthusiastically. ‘Most of the time it turns into a challenge of who can hold out the longest.’
‘One that I usually win,’ Samantha declared, flipping a lock of hair over her shoulder smugly.
Matt turned to face her. ‘Oh really? Let’s test that at our next event shall we?’
‘Game on Rodriguez.’

V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)

‘Me for sure,’ Samantha admitted. ‘And its usually screaming your name.’
‘Which happens pretty often,’ Matt remarked smugly.
She rolled her eyes at that before tracing a finger seductively up his chest. ‘However on the occasions that I take the lead, its nice to get you moaning my name for a change.’

W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)

‘What do we even say for this one?’ Samantha asked her boyfriend, staring at the device screen deep in thought.
‘Actually I might have something for this…’ Matt began and something in his tone made her put down the phone, her full attention on him.
‘What is it?’ She demanded watching has he grabbed his own phone from the matching nightstand.
Matt gave her a long look before venturing an answer. ‘This may be a little too much but I was scrolling through Amazon and I came across this.’
Samantha’s blue eyes stared at the device screen for a second. ‘Oh my god! You got us a sex swing?!’
‘Maybe…’ Matt replied cheekily but underneath the mischievous tone, he fought against a wash of anxiety. Would she really like it? ‘Would you be up for that sort of stuff?’ He asked tentatively.
‘Are you kidding? I’ve always wanted to try one of those! I just never had someone who I thought would understand.’
’Thats why you have me baby,’ he told her kissing her quickly on the lips. ‘Though you might have to wait about 2 weeks because shipping time.’
Matt could see the cogs in Samantha’s mind turning as she pondered that for a moment. ‘I wonder… if the company will make an exception this time if they know that a certain Hollywood couple is interested using their services…?’
‘Oh you thirsty girl,’ he chuckled, kissing her affectionately on the head. ‘I’ll get in touch with them tomorrow. I’m sure we can arrange something.’

X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)

‘We measured once didn’t we?’
‘Yep. 8 inches baby.’ Matt puffed out his chest, obviously very smug about that.
‘I don’t remember it being that big…’
‘You’ve obviously forgotten then..’ Samantha gave him an amused look. ‘Really? Because I remember it being precisely 7.7?’
‘Well I don’t know about you but I round up.’
‘I guess we’ll have to measure again sometime soon to double check. And that might include a very thorough examination later.’
‘Whatever you say Doc,’ He winked before considering something.
‘Don’t we get to X-ray you too?’
Samantha gave him a look. ‘Why? Theres nothing inside my pants like that.’
‘Oh right… I knew that,’ he replied sheepishly.

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

‘Mine’s about average but yours is definitely higher.’
‘Yep,’ Matt agreed. ‘Though I definitely don’t think yours is average.’
‘Well it was before I met you,’ Samantha told him. ‘I wasn’t exactly having sex 6 times a week back in Iowa.’
A wide grin split his face. ‘I will gladly take the responsibility for that one.’

Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)

After reading the question, as in on cue a large yawn escaped Samantha’s mouth, making Matt chuckle, cuddling her closer. ‘We go to sleep pretty much right after we’re done, don’t we?’
‘Yea because sex with you is usually a damn full body work out.’ She mumbled sleepily.
He laughed a little at that. ‘I’m surprised you managed to hold on for this long.’
‘We have to be up early tomorrow don’t we?’
He nodded, releasing a weary sigh as the thought of another full day of filming weighed on him.
‘We should really be getting to bed then,’ Samantha told him.
Matt nodded again, reach to turn the bedside lamp off before pulling her back into his arms. ‘Goodnight baby I love you.’
She snuggled in closer before replying in kind. ‘I love you too.’

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