Off the Clock

A/N: First thing, I absolutely ADORE Aubrey. Idk I just find him very sweet and I relate to him being a screenwriter since that’s my major in college rn. This is inspired by chapter 7, it will be in my MC Viola Porchia (Poor-shay) perspective. Or a as close of her perspective as I can get. I don’t know if it’s just me but I kinda find this difficult only because MC can read minds so I’ll be weaving through thoughts but it’s mostly her perspective with a bit of omniscient. I may write more with this pairing, only time will tell. Also this is very fluffy. Like marshmellow level, no plot really.

Summary: After talking with Aubrey during the blackout, Viola decides to spend some off the clock time with her office crush.

Side note: Thoughts of all are italicized and to differentiate between the animals, Aubrey from Viola, hers are bold and surrounded by parentheses. Also I can’t find this pairing in the tags but it’s Aubrey x MC.

All Rights to PB for characters, locations, minus my MC Viola Porchia.

Viola stands firm and tall with her chest held high yet she can’t help but fidget as she anxiously waits for Alec to lay into her.

(“Oh God! Please don’t let him demote me!”)

Viola silently prays and murmurs her mantra in her head over and over again as she watches nervously as Alec’s tomato face begin to shift as he opened his mouth to speak. Before he can the shrill ringing of a phone goes off. Alec murmurs expletives and fishes his cellphone out his pocket and answers it.

“What!? Yes, this is Alec Burdock…”

The man turns away from Viola as he’s preoccupied with the phone call. She notices in that moment all the studio’s employees watching their boss’s hissy fit and them whispering to each other. She feels a comforting light pressure on her arm and turns to notice Aubrey who stepped closer. His blue eyes showing concern, asking the question of is she alright.


Viola gives him a small smile and gently squeezes his hand that rests on her arm, allowing her fingers to trace his hand as she pulls away. She quickly turns her head away from Aubrey, her golden locks swishing and blocking her view, however out of her peripheral vision she can catch a glimpse of a blush creeping his skin. She picked up some of his thoughts as she focus back on Alec’s turned figure.

“She did it again! And in plain sight where everyone can see! Oh screw it, after all that’s happen today I do not care. Gosh, every time she touches me it makes me feel like I swallowed a thousand butterflies.”


Despite being publicly scolded by her employer by her coworkers, hearing Aubrey’s thought about her made her smile brightly which unfortunately didn’t go unnoticed by Alec. Aggressively ending his call and shoving his phone on his phone he noticed the lovesick expression smeared on her face.

“Wipe that look off your face Porchia! You thinking about your scam artist electrician boyfriend, James when you’re in deep shit.”

Viola face drops and she composes herself to look Alec in the eyes.

“One, his name is Jaime, second, not that you even care or listen he isn’t boyfriend, and he didn’t have to come as fast as he did. Why am I in trouble?”

“Look, I’ve had enough of your mouth, but lucky for you I don’t have the time nor energy to deal with you right now so Monday morning be in my office 7:00 a.m. on the dot for your reassignment.”

Without an confirmation from Viola, he stalked into his office and shut the door loudly behind him. She lets out a loud sigh in relief as Aubrey comes near again as all the other employees turned away to gossip.

“At least that’s over.”

“Yeah, but now I have to deal with him Monday.”

“You have a point there. But that’s days away. You deserve to detox after a day like this, focus on the weekend. I mean T.G.I.F.”

The frown that graced Viola’s pouty lips flipped onto a smile and she then moves so that her arms wrap around Aubrey’s neck and gives him a tight hug.

“You’re right. Thanks for checking on me and putting a smile back on my face.”

Without trying Viola could hear Aubrey’s thought as clear as the day.

“Hand touching, holding her hips, her falling into my arms, and now a hug?! Man, today is one for the books. I’ll never get over how soft she is or how she smells of a mixture of sweet citrus fruits. Okay enough gushing, don’t want to sound creepy.”

Aubrey wraps his arms around Viola briefly before letting go.

“Ahem, it was nothing. I hate seeing you upset.”

“And you should take a compliment, it was more than nothing.”

The two smile at each other before Aubrey clears his throat and takes a few steps backward.

“I um have to check on the other sections of the studio before everyone heads home. So I guess I’ll catch you later.


She watches him smile and turn to talk to the makeup department. Viola thinks to herself for a moment as she walks to her dressing room to collect her car keys and purse.

(“Hmmm, maybe I should invite Aubrey over? It’s been awhile since we’ve had time together that wasn’t at work.”)

With a smirk crossing her face she grabs her things walks swiftly out the room and turns the corner to knocks right into another person sending them to the ground, she’s unaware it’s the man she’s searching for.

“Oof! Sorry..Aubrey!”

“Hello again, Viola. You seem to find yourself in my arms as of late.”

“You wouldn’t mind if I made it a habit would you?”

“Not in the slightest.”

He smiles up at her and brushes a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear and stares in her hazel-green eyes. Viola feels her face grow hot at his touch. Their breaths grow shallow as they just stare at the other, locked in a trance. In the silence, though his mouth doesn’t move she can hear Aubrey loud and clear.

“Should I kiss her? I want our first one to be romantic and magical, but having her so close right here and right now…I think I’m gonna do it.”

“Aubrey…” her words die at her lips as she feels his face near hers. Their lips almost touch but the sound of footsteps and laughter breaks the spell and forcing the two to get up from the floor. They scramble to their feet and dust themselves off.

“Ahem…I erm um..well I’m sorry about that.”

“Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong literally. I was actually looking for you.”

“Were you?” His eyebrow perks up curiously.

“Yes, actually. Our adventure earlier rummaging in the dark inspired me.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. You mentioned a slumber party and thought I haven’t had one since I was ten, but it’s not a party if it’s just one person. Sooo…I thought maybe you’d like to come over.”

Viola stares at the ground and bites her plump lip nervously awaiting his answer.

(“This was stupid wasn’t it? I know he likes me quite a bit, but maybe this was a little too childish.” )

“Sounds fun. I’d love too! Why don’t you send me your address?

“Really? Okay great! Hand me your phone, I’ll input my number and send you my address.”


“I can’t wait to have some off the clock fun.” she says with a smirk gracing her lips. His thoughts jumped at her once those words left her mouth.

“She couldn’t possibly mean… Well it’s not like I wouldn’t want to. She’s gorgeous and the idea may have popped up once or twice but we’re still getting to know one another, we haven’t even kissed yet, but few minutes ago we were so close, and  yet we’re coworkers…

She noticed how his eyes grew wide at her words and his face turning red by the second as he pulled on his collar. He sputters as he tries to make a complete sentence.

(“I probably should’ve worded that slightly better. But seeing him all fluster is pretty funny and he’s super cute when nervous.”)

“And I mean, alcohol when I said off the clock fun.” she giggles.

Viola sees Aubrey relax and lets out a nervous chuckle

“Oh! That…right. Of course.”

“You seem surprised? What did you think I meant?

Aubrey”s hand instinctively rub behind his neck as he avoids contact with Viola’s eyes.

“Oh…nothing really…erm…”

Feeling bold she walks closer to the man so they’re inches apart and she lets her finger trail down his chest.

“Because I have a theory of what I think you thought I meant, while the idea sounds fun…”

She uses her tiptoes to stand taller so she can place her lips near Aubrey’s ear. She can feel his body tense at her movement but she continues and whispers seductively.

“You have to play your cards right to be dealt that jackpot.”

She takes a step back and winks at Aubrey and turns to walk out the studio.

“See you soon.”

Later that evening Viola strolls into her living room wearing red jogger sweatpants, an old white tank crop top. She runs her hands through her damp, curly blond afro as she pulls it in a messy bun, her normally straighten style long gone from her shower. Once she finishes wrapping her hair she goes into the kitchen and sets a bowl full of popcorn and other snacks on the coffee table and a bottle of white wine. She stands up and places her hands on her hips as she surveys the spread.

“Hmm did I forget anything?”

“Are you sharing any of those goodies with me?” a voice exclaimed followed by insistent paws jumping at her legs.

Laughing Viola picks up her puppy and cuddle him into her arms.

“Hello Underoos! No, but I’m having a new special friend over who I’m sure would love to play with you.”

She sets him back down and watches as the excited puppy runs around the table, his thoughts running rapidly.

“Oh! A new friend!! I can’t wait! I wonder if he’s as nice as the other man who gives me peanut butter!”

The puppy continues to run wildly that through his excitements he barrels into the small kitten, Fauna.

“Oww! I came to be social once and I immediately regret it.”

Viola shakes her at her pets, bemused by their antics. She leans over and untangles the two and picks Fauna up and gently strokes her ears.

“Oh Fauna. You know how excited Underoo gets. He didn’t mean it. Come stay.”

Fauna purrs into Viola’s arms.

“I’ll need more convincing but so far you’re on the right track with the rubs.”

The doorbell rings and Viola turns to open the door. As she reaches her front door her hand lands on the knob and opens the door.

“Hey there! And I see you brought dinner. Do I smell Vietnamese?”

She steps back to let Aubrey into her apartment. He walks in with his hands heavy of bags.

“It was the least I could do since you were gracious enough to invite me over plus I remember you saying it was your favorite. Where can I place it?”

Shutting the door with her hips and still holding Fauna, Viola walks into the living room and sidles next to Aubrey who’s laughing at Underoos who’s vying for his attention.

“You can set it on the coffee table next to the other food. And I see that Underoos here has made his presence known.”

Aubrey sets the food down and then turns to rub the puppy.

“He’s quite adorable. And what about the beauty in your arms?”

“This is Fauna. She may or may not join us in our slumber party, but for now she seems content with hanging with us humans.”

“Exactly sister. How about switching to my belly, you’re eroding my ears at this point.”

Viola shifts Fauna onto her back in her arms and sits down on the couch and begins to rub the kitten’s belly.

“I definitely spoil you too much Fauna.”

Aubrey moves from his knees and sits beside Viola on the couch. Underoos bolts up once he realizes his source of belly rubs are gone and jumps so he’s sitting on Aubrey’s lap.

“Woah! I guess we’re both whipped for these two sweethearts, aren’t we Viola.”

“And it’s gonna stay that way mister. Lady, keep this one right here. He knows who’s in charge and willing to comply.”

“They do seem to have that effect. However, I’m hungry and these two are going to have to wait for more cuddles and rubs.”

Viola presses a small kiss to Fauna and then places one on Underoos head before setting both animals onto the floor.

“Off you two go.”

The two animals bark and meow at the two humans and make their way to the back room to entertain themselves. Viola and Aubrey then begin to dig into the food and talk amongst themselves, teasing and laughing with each other.

Soon Viola gets up to clear away the trash and heads to the kitchen to throw it away and find her way back to her seat.

“So what do you want to watch?”

“I’m game for anything, Viola.”

She grins wide and turns to place her hand on his thigh knowing it will cause him to blush.

“Ohhh that’s really close. Don’t freak out Aubrey, act natural.”

I’m so glad you said that, my dear Watson.”

She grabs the remote from the table and hit a few buttons and the opening theme of BBC Sherlock plays. Leaning back into her seat she relaxes as the show plays.

She can feel Aubrey staring at her and she can’t help but giggle.


“How long were you waiting to say that?

“Awhile. Did you hate it.”

“Not exactly. But it was a god awful pun.”

“Are you saying it’s…elementary, my dear Watson?”

Aubrey shifts in his seat so his body is aligned with Viola’s and wraps his arm over the back of the couch and leans in closer.

“You’re smart, Holmes. I’m sure you’ve deduced it.”

“Oh I have. But the question is, have you…”

Viola perks up and closes the gap between the two to the point of millimeters keep them apart. She looks up at him with desire in her eyes as she places her hand on his chest, toying with the buttons of his shirt.

“Perhaps there was an underlying motive. And if so, have you’ve figured it out?” she whispers. Her heartbeat is erratic from nerves and anticipation.There’s a silence and the air is filled with sexual tension. Surprisingly she can only hear her own thoughts screaming at her.

(“This is okay. You’re fine. Don’t throw up. Maybe he’ll take the hint and go for the fatality. And. Just. Kiss.Me.”)

Not far from hearing herself she also can hear bits of Aubrey’s.

“…Now or never. Just do it man.”

Feeling his hand curve to gently grasp her cheek and caress it adoringly, Viola let her eyes flutter shut as she felt the gap come to a close. She sighed to herself as she responded to the way Aubrey’s lips pressed to her own. It was simple, soft, and sweet. She lets her hands rest on his chest rubbing up and down. She reluctantly pulled apart so they could breath. As they catch their breaths all they can do is stare.



She leans his forehead onto his as a shy smile widens on her face as his hands lower to hold her hips.

“So that was…”

“Amazing.” he finishes her sentence.

They laugh and Viola presses as chaste to his lips before twisting herself to lay in his arms.

“So I’m taking it that you like-like me.”

“Hehehe. So this was your plan all along? Just to get me to reveal my crush.” he teases.

“More along the lines of getting you to kiss me. And it worked.”

“It appears so. Hey Viola?


“I’m gonna do it again.”

“I’d be disappointed if yo-”

Viola is cut off by Aubrey’s lips on her pressing more urgently yet softly. His tongue dancing with hers. He breaks away and shifts to cuddle her into his arms tightly as they sit together in each other’s arms watching television, enjoying each other’s company.

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Hello sunshines! Fellow Choices player for about two years. Fanfic author for a year. I create content whenever inspiration strikes.

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