One Door Closes

One Door Closes
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I don’t own any of the characters of “The Crown and the Flame”. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- So the first time I played Book 3, I chose sexy times with both Raydan and Diavolos because I was still really invested in Kenna and Raydan but tempted by Diavolos and then I had Kenna choose Diavolos in the end. So this is based on that idea, that Kenna and Raydan had a casual relationship, with no promises, and then she got involved with Diavolos and everything changed very quickly. 

Pairing- Kenna/Raydan, Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Kenna tells Raydan about her relationship with Diavolos.  

Words- 998

Kenna surveyed the preparations for that night’s victory banquet. The castle wasn’t in any shape to for a banquet so they would be holding the feast on the grounds instead. Kenna knew no one would really care where the celebration was. What mattered was that they were all alive to celebrate. Well, most of them.

Kenna gave a fleeting thought to Luther, wondering if Jackson and Raydan had gotten around to disposing of his body yet. She was kicking herself over the fact that he had caught her by surprise because she knew that she should have expected his betrayal, but apparently there was still part of her that wanted to see the best in everyone.

Though, as much as she hated to admit it, his death made thing easier for her. Not just because it removed the biggest threat to the peace of the Five Kingdoms, but in terms of her relationship with Diavolos. With Luther dead, there was nothing standing in the way of them being together…

Well, almost nothing, Kenna corrected. There was someone she needed to talk to first.

As if summoned by magic, she caught sight of Raydan walked towards her.

“My Queen,” he said with a warm smile, “are you ready to celebrate?”

“I am,” Kenna said with a smile, “we have a lot to celebrate.”

“We do,” Raydan agreed, his eyes narrowed as he looked at her bandaged shoulder, “how is your shoulder?”

“It’s fine,” Kenna dismissed, “it could have been much worse.”

“Yes, it was a good thing Prince Diavolos was there,” Raydan told her quietly. “Or it will be King Diavolos now?”

The question was loaded with hidden meaning and as their eyes met, Kenna realized that Raydan knew about her and Diavolos.

“Can we take a walk?” She asked quietly.

Raydan nodded, “of course, my queen.”

He offered his arm and she took it. They walked in silence for a while, until the castle was out of sight.

“Raydan…” Kenna said, knowing she owed him some sort of explanation. While their relationship had always been casual, with no commitment or promises, there had still been an understanding and he deserved to know that things had changed and not because of Azura.

“I don’t… I don’t know how to say this,” Kenna began.

“You don’t have to,” Raydan told her quietly, “I already know, you’re going to marry Diavolos Nevrakis.”

“Yes,” Kenna told him, or at least she hoped she was. She and Diavolos hadn’t had a chance to talk yet, but she was pretty sure that she knew where they stood. “I know you and I…”

“What we had was always temporary,” he interrupted, “I’ve always known that Kenna, just like I knew that one day you would choose someone who could rule beside you and Diavolos will make an excellent king.”

“I love him,” Kenna said softly.

She didn’t want to hurt Raydan, but at the same time, it was important to her that he knew that this wasn’t a political decision, that she hadn’t suddenly decided that he was right and she needed to pick a suitable husband. She needed him to know that it had never been about that.

If Raydan was surprised by her revelation, it didn’t show. He just watched her carefully, his face it’s usual impassive mask.

“At first, I thought it was just sexual attraction,” Kenna continued, “and I told myself I’d get it out of my system and that would be it, but…”

But being with Diavolos had been about so much than sating a physical need and she’d known that just once would never be enough. Then that morning when she thought he might betray her, she’d felt like her heart would break and she’d realized that she loved him.

“I understand,” Raydan told her quietly, but she could see the pain in his eyes. “I want you to be happy, Kenna, it’s what you deserve.” He cupped her face in his hands. “You did nothing wrong,” he assured her, “There were no promises between us and I was the one who insisted on that. You were free to invite whoever you want into your bed and certainly free to give your heart to whoever you choose.”

“I’ll never regret what we had,” Kenna told him quietly.

“Neither will I,” he assured her, placing a kiss on her forehead, “and I will continue to treasure our friendship.”

Kenna wondered if it would be that easy to go from lovers to friends. Though, she and Dom had managed it. Had managed to put their brief attempt at a romantic relationship behind them and continue on with their deep friendship, so why should she and Raydan be any different?

After a long moment, the two of them began to head back towards the castle. Kenna knew it might take time for things to be truly normal between them, but this was a good start. She cared about Raydan too much to lose him and while she couldn’t regret falling in love with Diavolos, she hated the idea of hurting Raydan in the process.

Still, she reminded herself as they returned to the castle, he was the one who had insisted that this was the way things had to be between them. If he’d let her in… If he’d trusted that they could have a future together, then maybe things would have been different.

But they weren’t.

Raydan had been convinced that they were only meant to be a temporary thing and he was right because she’d found forever with someone else. Obviously, Kenna reflected, it had all worked out the way it was meant to. One part of her life had now ended, but another stretched out before her filled with beautiful possibilities and the idea of happily ever after.

–          End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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