One Last Chance

Summary: As Diego prepares to say goodbye to Varyyn, he decides to make the most of the time they have left.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 35 of #ChoicesCreates: Queer Relationship Appreciation and takes place during Book 2, Chapter 12 of Endless Summer.

Diego lingered by the few remaining embers of the fire. So much was about to change. If their plan worked, they would all be going home tomorrow. Well, almost all of them would be. La Huerta was Varyyn’s home, so of course he would be staying.

Earlier that night, he and Varyyn sat by the waterfall and shared one last private moment. Varyyn had said that he had never left his home, and that he could never leave. Diego knew that Varyyn was right. After all, Varyyn was Elyyshar, and he had to lead the Vaanti. Besides, he wouldn’t fit in anywhere else. Outside of La Huerta, no one knew of the Vaanti. With his blue skin and yellow eyes, Varyyn would seem completely alien, and would stand out immediately. What kind of life would that be for him? Varyyn had said himself that the idea of leaving La Huerta sounded horrible.

As they watched the meteor shower, Varyyn had said “all things that end are always sad and beautiful.” Although they had been talking about meteors, Varyyn’s words applied to their relationship as well. Diego knew that his heart was about to break. But being with Varyyn was worth the pain that losing him would bring. He would always cherish his memories of the time they spent together, and he knew that Varyyn felt the same way.

He thought back to the night that he thought might be their last on earth. He had seen the way that Taylor looked at Jake, and encouraged her to make a move. After all, it might be the last chance she would ever have, and if she didn’t take it, she might regret it. She was glad that she had listened to him, because she and Jake had been together ever since.

Now this might be his last night on La Huerta. He stood up and looked towards the tents. This was it. Now or never. He took a deep breath, then walked over to Varyyn’s tent.

“Varyyn, are you awake?” Diego called out softly.

Varyyn peeked out from the tent. “Yes, I am.”

“Can I…can I stay with you tonight?”

Varyyn smiled. “I would like that.”

Diego climbed into the tent and zipped it up. He lay down beside Varyyn, and soon they were in each other’s arms. They might not have much more time together, but they were going to make the most of it.

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