Only For You

Only For You
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This is my first attempt at writing Kenji smut and I blame both Kenjikats and violetflipflops. This is a response to two of the kiss prompts: “to make the other shut up from the idiotic nonsense the other is talking about but hey you both enjoy it so the other person is going to say idiotic nonsense more often” and “the super long kiss that wasn’t intended”.

Pairing- Kenji/MC

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Kenji distracts Sarah while she is attempting to get ready for a dinner party.

Words- 774

“Something smells good,” the words were murmured against my skin as my husband pressed his lips to my neck, wrapping his arms around my waist. “And I don’t mean the food. Though that smells great too.”

I rolled my eyes, but I was smiling as I turned around. “Food that you somehow managed to skip out on cooking.”

Kenji grinned, “I didn’t want to show you up, darling.”

I smacked him lightly, “you’re impossible.”

Still, I was smiling as I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his in a quick kiss. Or at least, I’d planned on it being a quick kiss but Kenji quickly deepened it, pulling me tight against him. His tongue urged my lips open, as he ran one hang though my long hair, the other cupping my ass and pulling me tighter against him. I kissed him back eagerly, my arms wrapping around his neck. But after a moment, I pulled back.

“We have company coming in an hour,” I reminded him.

Kenji grinned. “Exactly, that’s plenty of time. The food’s just about done, right?”

I cast a look at the stove. “I still have to…”

Kenji cut me off with another kiss. “Is there anything that has to be done right this moment?” He asked when he finally released me.

“No….” I admitted as he pushed me back against the counter, gripping the sides with my hands. “But…” Before I could get the words out, he kissed me again.

“Are you going to keep interrupting me?” I asked against his lips.

“Maybe,” he said, kissing me again, “do you object?”

I sighed and kissed him again. “No, but given that we’re going to have a house full of people, I’m not sure we should be getting distracted.”

“I can’t help it,” Kenji told me, “you are so incredibly distracting.”

I rolled my eyes again, but lean forward to kiss him again. “We’re in the kitchen,” I pointed out.

“That can be fixed,” Kenji told me before he stepped back and reached for my hand, pulling me out of the kitchen. I cast one more look at the clock and then let him lead me into the living room, where he immediately pinned me up against the wall, kissing me again. “We’re not in the kitchen anymore,” He said with a grin, as he slipped his hands inside my shirt, caressing my breasts through the lacy fabric of my bra.

“We have a perfectly nice bedroom,” I pointed out even as I did the same, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the side.

“Yes, but it’s too far and as you said, we’re in a hurry,” Kenji told me as he pressed kisses to my now-bare chest, while at the same time, easing my jeans down over my hips.

I decided to give up protesting and just go with it. I pulled Kenji back up to me, kissing him hungrily. We quickly discarded the rest of our clothing and Kenji pushed me up against the wall again, slipping his hand between my thighs as he did so.

“You’re so wet,” he commented in satisfaction, teasing me with his fingers, “what do you want, darling?”

“You,” I groaned, pushing my hips towards his hand. “Just you.”

“Your wish is my command,” He promised, before gripping me by the hips and hoisting me up slightly, using the wall to anchor me in place and then a moment later he slammed into me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, to steady myself, arching my hips towards him as he thrust into me, his one hand bracing against the wall for support.

It was fast and frantic, both of us desperate for release and for the feel of one another. It wasn’t long before I was digging my nails into his back, sobbing his name as I came and as I clenched around him, I felt him tense and then give one last hard push into me before he reached his own release, groaning my name as he did so.

Kenji leaned against the wall for support for a moment and then gently helped me to my feet, placing a quick kiss on my lips. “I love you.”

I smiled, “I love you too, even if you are very distracting.”

I gathered my clothes, glancing at the clock as I did so. “I should hit the shower, our guests are going to be here soon.”

Kenji grinned as he lazily gathered his own clothes. “I like that idea. Want some company?”

“You’re insatiable,” I teased as we headed towards the bathroom.

“Only for you, darling, only for you.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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