operation: make that sexy bastard sneeze

a/n: soulmate au in which soulmate always sneeze at the same time
summary: diego can’t be sure but he and this new kid in his french class just sneezed at the same time and he doesn’t know if that means they’re soulmates or if that was just a coincidence so he does everything he can to sneeze and see if the kid will sneeze as well
disclaimer: in this fic, there are people who were trapped on la huerta but it wasn’t our gang (beside varyyn) – basically es but with other characters +varyyn bc i wanted to be a little crazy with this fic lmao

“We have a problem.” Diego whispered to Ashton which made him jump because Diego appeared out of nowhere.

“We do?” Ashton raised his brow.

“Yes. C’mon!” Diego ushered and tried to drag Ashton with him but since Ashton was sitting on Sean’s lap there was no way.

“I’ll be right back.” Ashton murmured to his boyfriend and got up to follow his best friend wherever he wanted to go. They stopped near Diego’s locker and after Diego stopped looking around he finally explained what’s going on.

“Remember this new kid from History classes?” He started.

“Varyyn? Of course, I do! It’s kinda hard to forget someone with blue skin.” Ashton answered.

“There are literally superhumans in Northbridge who can fly or slow time and stuff like that and you’re surprised by a guy with blue skin? Really? Also, I’ve heard he was one of the people from that island.” Diego scowled at his best friend. “Okay, whatever. So he and I have French together and I don’t know if this means anything or if that was just a coincidence but we sneezed at the same time and now I kinda think he might be my soulmate?” He scratched the back of his neck.


“Don’t ‘oh’ me! I don’t want your pity! The guy is super hot!” Diego pointed out.

“Right, so why do you want from me exactly?”

“Remember how you thought Jake was your soulmate?” Diego teased and in exchange Ashton glared at him. “I take that as a ‘yes’. And remember how you tried to make yourself sneeze to see if you’re right? We’re gonna do the same thing right now. So go and give Sean a goodbye kiss because we’re going to the library right now.” Diego looked at Ashton expectantly.

Ashton rolled his eyes but decided not to say anything and just do as Diego said to avoid more arguments. He said a quick goodbye to Sean and after he made sure he’s still up for the date today he came back to Diego who without saying anything more started heading out to the library.

“Quick question. Why the library?” Ashton asked when they were almost there.

“Because Varyyn is there, obviously.”

“Yeah, obviously…” Ashton chuckled silently.

After they entered the library Diego led them straight to the table next to the one Varryn was sitting at. For a moment they were just sitting there in silence. Ashton was tapping his fingers against the wood and looking around the place while Diego just stared at Varryn biting his lips until Varyyn looked up at him. At first, he was a little confused but then he recognized Diego and smile at him before coming back to the book he was reading.

“So? What’s the plan, boss?” Ashton asked finally bored with sitting around and doing nothing.

“Go on Google and search how can I make myself sneeze,” Diego ordered.

“’Kay… Let me see…” Ashton mumbled. “The first one is to wiggle a tissue in your nose but that would be super unattractive so we’re skipping this one.” He said. “Wait aren’t you like allergic to almost everything? Can’t you like rub something on your face?”

“Oh believe me if I just rub something on my face it’d end up being more unattractive than wiggling a tissue in my nose.” Diego asserted. “Gimme something else.”

“It says here that some people sneeze uncontrollably when suddenly exposed to bright light. So maybe look at the sun?” Ashton proposed.

Diego got up and went to the window. He even took his glasses off hoping it’d help. But unfortunately it didn’t work and he only spent a good minute standing there and staring at the sun.

“Nope.” He sighed and plopped down back in his chair. “Next one.”

“Since you can’t sniff a spice since we don’t have any… You want me to tweeze your brows or pluck a nose hair?” Ashton asked and then looked at Diego putting his phone down to take the tweezers from his backpack.

“Do I even wanna know why you have that? Y’know nevermind, let’s go with the first one.” Diego shrugged and positioned himself. “And how’s that supposed to make me sneeze?” He furrowed his brows.

“Supposedly this irritates the nerve endings in the face and stimulates the nasal nerve. Also, you may sneeze immediately, or it could take a few tries.” Ashton said and before Diego could react started tweezing his brows. And as they’ve found out later it didn’t work either.

“Is there anything else?”

“Yeah but I don’t think any of this will work.” Ashton hinted. “Gum?” He offered Diego who only nodded and then went back to googling ways to make someone sneeze. “I think this one-” Ashton started again but was cut off but Diego actually sneezing.

His eyes immediately went wide and he looked at Varyyn to see if he sneezed as well which he did.

“Dude!” Ashton grinned. “You’re totally soulmates.”

“Really?” Diego looked at him and he looked almost scared. “You sure?”

“Positive. He sneezed as soon as you did!” Ashton assured him and patter his shoulder. “And just so you know he’s heading towards us.” He quickly added and quickly went right back to his book pretending he had no idea what was happening.

“Hi,” Varryn said standing by their table. “Can we talk?” He asked Diego smiling sheepishly.

Diego looked at Ashton but he still was pretending he’s not interested in the situation so Diego took a deep breath and agreed. He got up and followed Varyyn to the sofa in the back of the room.

“What’s up?” Diego asked casually like he didn’t just make himself sneeze to see if they were soulmates.

“I think you’re my soulmate? I mean I’m sure you are since we sneezed at the same time twice today.” Varyyn chuckled. “And I think you were suspecting it too… unless you tried to make yourself sneeze just for fun.” He added after second.

“Wait, you saw that?!” Diego turned red immediately and covered his face with his hands. “Ohmygod this is so embarrassing.”

“I think that’s cute.” Varyyn shrugged. “So considering we’re on the same page… Wanna show me the town later?” He smiled encouragingly.

“Yes, I’d love to.” Diego smiled as well and after they exchanged numbers Diego came back to Ashton. “Ashton… I’m in love.” He bit his lip and sighed happily.

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